2012年3月14日 星期三

wot power leveling the magazine Roundup" - LMZ

129756355329218750_32"Caijing Roundup" according to the China Securities Journal reported, the CPPCC National Committee, Yan Bing bamboo wot power leveling, Chairman of Bank of Beijing a few days ago, said in an interview, the current market liquidity remained tight wot power leveling, for the release of commercial bank lending space, lowered reserve requirements entails greater intensity and frequency. In addition, he said, no more than 11.8 billion refinancing of Bank of BeijingDirectional add-issuance programme, is expected in the first quarter when the time is right to complete the release. Yan Bing bamboo believes that monetary policy will continue to maintain a robust tone, combined with the realities of this year and may make adjustments in the following areas: one is based on macro-economic changes and especially CPI inflation, continued timely appropriate fine tuning. Currently, inflation has nowInflection point, but because of economic downturn is increased, it is necessary to moderate increase in their lending to support the real economy and the current situation of market liquidity remained tight, for the release of commercial bank lending space world of tanks power leveling, lowered reserve requirements entails greater intensity and frequency. Second moderate change dynamic adjustment policy of differentiated reserve ratios. In accordance with economic macro-adjustment of heat and you wantYes, dynamic difference reserve coefficient, keeping of total bank lending. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (editors: I am Su NA)

