2012年3月26日 星期一

diablo 3 gold picking - DOT

129756711537031250_701The abstracts from the history Department of shame, author: Nie Zuoping, Publisher: Xinjiang people's Publishing House first to determine a standard, that is, what is the petty bourgeoisie. The petty bourgeoisie the meaning of the word is not the last movement in an age of "petty-bourgeois", although in the press every day fly dance, but even the most recent of the dictionary is not income. We cannot have a single authoritative definition。 According to my understanding, petty is a way of life and State of mind, in this State, who is a petty little wealth, not to worry about tomorrow's breakfast; a famous, to meet the lovely vanity; leisure time activities full of innocence. So, the so-called petty bourgeoisie occupations, should should have an element is: 1, above the Community averageIncome, but not rich; 2, this occupation is not popular, it is some distance from the popular work, belongs to the person of the same age were those curious alternative; 3, this job is not only to meet the material survival, can also bring spiritual pleasure; that is, it contains a certain amount of romantic, factor. The three conditions may not exist,But at least you should have more than one or two, positioned just as the petty bourgeoisie. Second, the ancient in this context diablo 3 gold, does not include Western, but simply limits to our China. Third, select nine occupations, there may not be a professional, but for narrative convenience, let us say. IV, in the evaluation of the nine career, I usedPetty and quantitative indicators of risk index in two. Where petty grades up to five stars, the minimum for a star. Star, the higher the stronger shows that the romantic nature of this occupation, with the petty bourgeoisie. At the same time, taking into account the many petty occupational risk, so set the risk index. Risk index from 0 to 10, and represents a risk from low to high. V, nine vocationalArrangement is random, that is, in no particular order. A poem, picking: bees flying in civil petty rating ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ risk index of 0 represents the characters face blurred, who did not know what last name in all culture-related professions, mining poetry is the oldest among them, but also the most cultural taste. Far out in the Zhou dynasty, they are already happening in the Central PlainsAbove the Earth. This is the name of a poem worth gold, poem collection officer walked among the people is always just as bees fly in flowers is most welcome. Sufferings of the folk were often directly through the form of these folk songs were Zhou Wang and other leaders know. Poem collection is part of his age, in fact played records in national opinion polls, journalists and national poetryEither. Unfortunately, we are unable to know the name of these poems mining, they have concentrated in the deep in the history of a term. We could not see their faces, those from the spring faces, from rustic faces and face from the eyes deep ancient well clear, how they have a lovely shine. I do not know of these poems mining salary is huge, but he must be held by intellectuals。 His faithful record of apparently welcomed by the people of. Poem collection officers came to the village day was always a special day. Villagers may wine, Chinese new left half dried leg of lamb to welcome him. He even women, and many villages have a love for the first time, or even N close contact. Back to Wang Cheng, of ancient primitive Wang Cheng, mining-poem in a torchBeans under the fire finish those poems and songs that seemed to be giving off smells in the country. He did not know, he weighed down under night characterizations of hieroglyphics, will become a source of the ancient literature of the Kingdom, as when the bees are gathering flowers never imagined, they will bring a powerful spring in the world. 12,345 «» Others:

