2012年3月18日 星期日

diablo 3 gold sluggish loan growth. According to Bank insiders - ZHT

129756967262656250_38"Zhuangao financial network" trainee Li Chang banking internal report, February bills interest rates continue downward this year, now 6 months into the discount interest rate has come down to below 7%, back to the level of the first half of last year. More than market data raised concerns about weak domestic corporate demand. And today announced four new loans in early March negative growth of about30 billion messages, further exacerbated concerns. With central banks cut deposit reserve rates, interbank funds available to pick up. Qiu Zhicheng guosen securities analyst believes that bills interest rates continue downward for two main reasons: first, after more deposit back, the second is a General lending slow, Bank stepped up its bills to buy. But in fact,After the deposit return is the regularity of behavior can occur every year, banking market continued to improve this year mainly because of insufficient domestic demand for credit, sluggish loan growth. According to Bank insiders, early March, four main credit demand is not caused by negative growth in loans. United Kingdom financial times LEX column also predicted in 2012, China's GDP growth in the firstLess than 8% indicates that this year will slow down the growth rate of bank loans, interest rates drop further in this paper. For bills interest rates downward, slower loans growth, does that mean that the domestic corporate demand remained low in tone diablo 3 gold, have different voices on the market. Milky way securities analysts, while in January this year discounted interest rates downward, but Bill financing onlyIncreased by $ 8 billion, indicating that banks for general loan preference has not changed, no need to enlarge market worried about.   In fact, compared to reflect the demand for loans tera gold, bills posted interest rates reflect more the posted interest rates based on interbank liquidity instruments. Galaxy securities that view has been recognized by the Chinese Academy of social sciences, Dr Wei Gan when. Shi Weigan that despite recent HSBC pMI index has been low, has not been a sharp rebound in the domestic market demand, enterprise is in a wait-and-see period of investment, thus reducing the investment.   But the factors did not lead to a February bills key of falling interest rates, is still far from being lightly when declining demand led to the credit. Bills interest rates may trend of late diablo 3 gold, "under the present money supply and demand,Bills interest rates down to near the benchmark lending rate is a more sustainable level. "Qiu Zhicheng said. (Securities market weekly Syndication) "author:" zhuangao financial network "trainee Li Chang" (editors: I am Su NA)

