2012年3月31日 星期六

diablo 3 power leveling action is even more simple - OCF

129770871344687500_112United Kingdom referred to a report by the financial times survey, a major demand of the wealthy in China was to transfer wealth abroad. So far, is unlikely to achieve wealth transfer within the domestic financial system. 2011 Bank of embezzlement of State-owned enterprise's Fund survey, nearly 10 years with more than $ 120 billion of transfer of funds from the State-owned enterprisesOverseas.  Which, of course, there is also some money involved.  Foreign private banks to transfer wealth "helpers"? In recent years, the Bank's private banking business, China's rich to be chasing the target. China Construction Bank, and the Boston Consulting Group published on December 22, 2011 according to reports the wealth management market in China is expected to 2011 high net worth families in China at the end (investable assets of more than $ 6 million households) will reach the total of 1.21 million households. Recent Governor of the local branch of a bank to bring hundreds of millions of capital flight industry is once again raised concern about the flight path of capital.  The process of transfer of funds overseas, foreign capital advantage with overseas resources is much larger than the domestic banks? Multi-Respondents said China chose the rich foreign lines, rich overseas Chinese and foreign rows platform.  In this case, Jiangyin City Public Security Bureau suspect, has a background of foreign employees in foreign countries may become help wealthy Chinese towards the end of "helper". One of the respondents also made a point of reference, head of private banking: "is very important to guarantee private bank customersPrivacy. "According to the China business newspaper reporters learned that has mature foreign private banking experience is pay more attention to this point.  Almost every foreign bank are rarely announced its private banking performance, which perhaps makes the domestic "flight" think rich people have a protective layer. "Bank branch President of the above flight tenure branch for more than 10 years, his financial provisionsA clear concept, once adopted, banking operations tera power leveling, will leave marks, "a stock reporter, head of private banking said," very strict domestic banking regulation, whether they are foreign or Chinese, customer access within the scope of normal business, risk, compliance, a certain amount of capital outflow will be subject to strict monitoring. "" Due to anti-money laundering Bank monitorSystems, remittances through remittances out micro-segmentation is also possible. Possible approaches are, producing complex of trade documents, through business channels to achieve capital outflow. But on a personal basis, it is difficult to achieve. Unless by underground operations.  "Standard Chartered Bank (micro-blogging) said. Grey money laundering channels underground Dongguan undergroundMoney traders to this newspaper reporters, although underground banks of the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta operation mode is slightly different, but more or less the same. Regular use of the underground "money laundering" means very simple, that is, "backers" money in the banks, Bank and private banks in accordance with the agreed exchange rate, into the "managers" overseas to the specified account. Loan not normallyCash Manager, but in designated banks, also facilitate the auditing of contribution, particularly large-value funds, for example over millions of dollars of funds buy swtor, deposited in a bank account name will be funded after party. Financial backers or right of use to the account's password manager.  Governor of the suspects is a branch of the case, is likely to fund him under the control of the Bank. ShangThe underground trader also said, there is also a method of operation also allows for transfers, but this method is more trouble, unless you have a specific request, underground in General will not be used. From underground banks to set up a trading company wishes to transfer money people put money into the empty shell of the company. Outside and false trading, imports far exceed the actualValue of the goods, and then used the money to pay out, in this way, money would really achieve the exit. "By means of a false trade costs are high, and the need for particular channels for customs diablo 3 power leveling, under special conditions, fees, and even as high as 20%. If the ' backers ' own the channel, action is even more simple, underground banks do not have to take risks, just helpBusy setting up shell companies operate. This Bank is hard to monitor. "The foregoing trader said. Others:

