2012年3月10日 星期六

wot power leveling jidong cement - KLF

129742938908750000_237See: non-metallic such building materials industry sector underperform cement stocks last week trend in real time 0.7% cement stocks fell last week, runs to lose the CSI 300 index 0.9%. Stocks were mixed last week does not align. Zhou Shan on shares (000877) (7.1%), the West shares (600,291) (6.6%)ST-lion head (600,539) (3.4%), Ningxia building materials (600,449) (2.4%), pine constructs (600,425) (1.6%), Fujian province cement (600,802) (1.1%), Yatai Group (600,881) (1%) gains more obvious, such as wot power leveling, beat CSI 300. Declines in Eastern Hebei waterMud (000401) (-4.7%), conch cement (600,585), (-2.6%), Jiangxi cement (000789) (-2.1%), Chao Tung shares (600,318), (-1.6%), huaxin cement (600,801), (-1.5%) and bbmg (601,992), (-1.1%).Cement prices were mixed do not align wot power leveling, cement prices were mixed around the national average price cut last week, national cement decreased by $ 1.83 per cent from the average price last week/ton (-0.34%), downstream demand remained thin market suffered a free city. Area is mainly Shandong and Shaanxi rose this week, or 10-30 Yuan/ton; fell area of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, HunanAnd Hainan provinces and part of the market, down $ 10-30/ton. Regional demand, North-East, due to climatic conditions not suitable for construction in the Northwest region, demand very little cement in the East, South, Southwest and North China demand recovery is only 30% per cent in the same period in previous years. Stocks last week than the average capacity of 76.2% per cent increase; clinkerPrices have risen, slight growth in capacity. North China: overall stabilisation of the market. ����Under the influence of the weather, downstream projects start small, incremental demand limited, market turnover thin, high in stock. Northeast: dynamic stability of small markets. Under the influence of the weather, at the market of the three project has not started in the lower East "hibernating". Nenjiang, Heilongjiang province, HarbinQuotes were slightly higher, mainstream market prices stable; part of Jilin area prices edged higher, would not affect mainstream price; together again to stop kiln in Dalian. East China: market were mixed were mixed. Shandong enterprises to raise prices, without the right to demand support, Outlook stable; the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces between the effects of Anhui clinker price, different regions decreased by $ 10-30/ton;Stabilisation, currently operating rate is low, demand has not warmed up is still the main problem. Central South region: shock the market down. Markets have not returned to Guangdong and Guangxi, conch clinker dropped price rise of Guangxi and Guangdong, mainstream price stabilisation; Hunan to stimulate, and mainstream price reduced; Hainan, Guangxi, affected by weak demand and price effects downward pressures, prices fell 30 dollars/ton; other market stabilisation,Need not respond. Southwest region: regional small dynamic stability. ����Poor sales in Sichuan and Chongqing, to boost shipments in some areas cut price Yunnan downstream market starts to improve, some slightly raised cement prices; stabilisation in Guizhou region, shipping has improved in some areas. Northwest region: region free. Prices overall increase in Shaanxi, but regional demandExtremely light, high inventory, suffered no city; other prices stabilise, weak demand, inventories high. ����Poor cement prices down, down from level February 17 national average $ 270.95/tons over the same period last year, down slightly compared with last week, below the level in the same period last year ($ 314/ton). Compared toAnd profitability levels were substantially higher than a year earlier in the Northeast, Southwest, South and North China in less than a year earlier, Northwest, East China region substantially lower than a year earlier. Maintain industries "neutral" rating from the industry on the fundamentals of it, needs no good reply this week, in the East, South, Southwest and North China cement demand only for the same period in previous years 30-50% wot power leveling, although prices were mixed in different areas, but there is a free city. Relax on the policy expected enhancements, expected low January CPI higher drop, drop out this Saturday, reflect the tension of current funding is expected in February credit will improve, or boost confidence in the developer and construction, cement demand will therefore speed up the reply is still required for observation. Maintaining early viewsThat fundamental risk, valuation of partial positive and maintain neutral temporarily. Recommended title: jidong cement (Shaanxi, Hebei was a positive price, performance exceeded expectations), conch cement body source: Changjiang securities

