2012年3月30日 星期五

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129765260874531250_20Rare-earth special invoices for national franchise June pilot or Inner Mongolia, Sichuan After salt and tobacco State franchise, emerging as China and Europe, the United States, and Japan dispute of rare earth industry also focus will be included in the "State monopoly" within the scope of. Now as a "franchise system" technology of rare earth based invoices, of rare earth in China in June 2012 may be the main producing areas in Inner Mongolia and Sichuan took the lead in the pilot. As of now, the administration of taxationFrom rare-earth special invoice-related enterprises, name of the investigation has been concluded. On March 13, the United States President Barack Obama announced the United States, and Japan and the European Union have in the WTO proceedings for all rare earth control. Response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce show that China will actively defend the suit, and the reinforced international competitiveness as the "rare-earth franchise system" most powerful justification. However, in rareSpecial invoice for applicable stage, coverage of rare earth franchise system is still controversial, worried if the franchise system contains the entire downstream industry within the industry will lead to confusion. Special invoice for pilot "now the industry is State of flux in the US and Europe, our export policy may also be affected. "On March 15, a rare earth industry punditsThe China business newspaper reporters, external pressure might stimulate integration to accelerate domestic rare earth industry in China, which initially established franchise system of rare earth in 2012 year will start in advance. Starting from the last quarter of 2011, China rare earth enterprises have been calling for enabling special invoices for rare earth, its real purpose is to use special invoices of suppression, "without a vote" Re,Rare earth prices stable. However, the management departments of special invoices for the bond franchise systems orientation is not the role of rare earth prices so simple. From the understanding of informed people understand that progress in this matter, special invoices for rare earth continues to follow the implementation of the "integration" principle, is the completion of the first pilot re in an area of rare-earth industry consolidation special invoices, and then more or less toState. These authorities told reporters, has identified the first batch of pilot areas are regions of Inner Mongolia, Sichuan in the assessment. For pilots of the time, he said swtor gold, will start in the first half, the party started before the end of June. As early as at the beginning of February, Secretary of State administration of taxation of goods and services tax has been issued to the Division of the goods and services tax on rare earth productsInto the security control system for Chinese characters of the security notice of project management ready to work, which referred to the proposed tax on rare earth enterprise into the security control system security project management of Chinese characters. In Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian, and other rare earth and rare earth industry tax departments of the provinces were found to have received such notice to reporters. In May 2011, published by the State Council on promoting leanSustained and healthy development of the industry has clearly put forward some opinions, we must establish separation of rare-earth mining, smelting, product circulation account and invoice management systems. "Establishment of rare earth franchise system, the greatest significance of rare earth mining and digging is to put an end to irregular overdraft phenomena, conservation of rare earth resources and natural environment, at the same time it also helps enterprises accelerate the pace of implementation of merger and reorganization. "Investment adviser metallurgical industries yuanzhibin, a researcher says. Controversial "franchise period" as originally envisaged, rare earth franchise system covering China rare earth mining, smelting, processing and sale of industry-wide chain. More specific system design by rare earth reserves, mining, smelting, consumption of four parts, mining, smelting and check consumer companies to implement authentication and network systems, mining a year of leanSoil into two areas of reserves and consumption, way to completely block the illegal rare earth production companies. It is closely related to business of retroactive punishment system under the franchise system, that once found outside the system of rare earth products, were punished according to law, the most serious to direct confiscation of products, and covers the range from the ore of rare earth products, down to applications, containing rare earth productsWithin the system. However, now that industry-wide chain of franchise system is under question. "Rare earth although it is a small industry, but it covers a wide range, and the down tour involves more and more great value. "Members of the Chinese society of rare earths preparatory group Wang caifeng, told reporters, which links are the most rational of the surviving franchises to controversy, a lot of people (Association of ChinaMember of the preparatory group) objected to the downstream industries using invoices. Wang caifeng, say, invoices can be good legitimate business enterprises, but prior to the external environment is not cleaned can cause some confusion. These authorities told reporters that now are large enterprises want to full monopoly, to this with the help of national policies to extend their own industrial chain. Last year the State CouncilNot clear what monopoly to phase, integration of this now have left a fuzzy space. "The game will be decided in the upper reaches of the franchise system's coverage, cover easy in the middle on the whole, the more harder down, if a strong push, may create new confusion. "These people. Against outside pressure on the deeper layers of the State monopoly of rare earth intent is to fight toSince the international community pressure to export. Was informed that the United States, Japan and Europe in the World Trade Organization (WTO) after the appeal the actions of, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce on this response indicates that the Chinese side will be under the WTO dispute settlement procedures, properly handle the relevant request. WTO appellate body announced in late January this year to maintain nine kinds of raw material export policy of the ruling, sayingChina's "unfair" limits are widely used nine kinds of iron and steel, aluminium and chemical industry raw material exports. Since then, the United States, Japan and Europe threatened to knife under the framework of WTO on Chinese rare earth exports policy. "In rare-earth on the issue, we do not have any wrong, rare earths and other raw materials are different, before the not equal to 9 kinds of raw materials. "Wang caifeng, told reporters,In rare-earth attitude, China is an active litigation, rare earths are not unique to China, United States as the supply of rare earth powers should also be increased. International rare earth industry accepted data showed that United States has reserves of 13 million tonnes of rare earth industry, ranking second in the world, but in the late 90 's, the United States will stop rare earth mining and production of China from this monopoly world 95% To 97% in the market. "The United States does not lack light rare earths, but it lacks for leading-edge technology field of heavy rare-earth and heavy rare earth is unique to China. "Experts of the Chinese society of rare earths who asked not to be named told reporters, the United States, Japan and Europe are not in fact fear that the reduction in light rare earth supply, but does not want to see control of rare earth exports. On the management of China's Commerce Ministry to export thisYears for heavy rare earths are categorized for the first time, although the total export index compared to no significant change in the past two years, but the decline in the proportion of heavy rare earths, which is also caused by foreign companies critical of important factors. 2012 year of the Commerce Department to be in total export quota of 30707.5 tonnes, heavy rare earth intends to 3582.5 tons, about 11.7% per cent of the total.Journalists observing monopoly to enhance the competitiveness of the industry chain? In the United States, Japan and Europe to 4 days before the WTO proceedings tera gold, on March 9, the United States largest rare earth miner molycorp company (Molycorp) announced a $ 1.3 billion acquisition of Canada NeoMaterialTechnologies rare earth producers (hereinafter referred to as NeoDivision). This acquisition is a strong international rare earth, rare in recent years, both combined will form the whole industry chain covering, and over a period of time to form monopolies of resources and technology. It is clear that international rare earth industry consolidation is in the direction of the whole industry chain, bigger is better, and the integration of domestic rare earth orientation contrasts of many disputes. Integration: a case study of rare earth to the South, due to fundingSource is very dispersed, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi, 5 are rare earth as the focus of their economic development, on the premise of mining rights are held by local government, small and medium enterprises have plenty of living space. In downstream areas diablo 3 power leveling, whether the controversy within the greater, 2012 is about franchise system of rare earth application can override link is enabled, there is no conclusion�� Downstream businesses many of which are in private enterprises, and small and medium enterprises a lot, are included in the franchise is not reality, but bearing in mind that the industry, enterprise consolidation is inevitable. Minister of Ministry of Miao Wei said, re integration goal is 2 to 3 companies, but there is no timetable. In the last century 90 's, led by awarded at that time had organization China North-South two setsMission, but did not succeed, then re consolidation once the lock resource links. But beginning in 2009, including baotou steel rare earth, MINMETALS rare earth companies reach tens of large downstream applications, doing the whole industry chain has become big business development goals. In May 2011, issued by the State Council on promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the industry wasMade the top rare earth companies market share targets. Reporters learned that management vigorously promoting the integration of domestic rare earth one of the aims is to enhance the international competitiveness of domestic enterprises, and over the past 20 years, China rare earth enterprises in the industrial chain upstream basically no competitor, application link is lagging behind foreign companies in the lower lot. "Now research and development investmentInto a large, development of rare earth application technology, is the only way for bigger and stronger, gradually grow rather than small enterprises than for big companies to go directly to. "An official at the Ministry said full monopoly rare earth industry chain of State-owned enterprises it is for changing the raw material supply situation to consider. Others:

