2012年3月23日 星期五

diablo 3 gold around February 6 - OHY

129731361952979227_56Lantern is the reunion of the day, around February 6, Lakes District, 4/f, one of more than 70 years of age, packed the room in silence alone, falling from the window and jumped on the 4 floor sth  Original is a little body was stricken for the elderly, family dragged down. Old man falling from the 4/f, all of a sudden around February 6, LakesUnder the residential building, an old man lying on the ground, next to a pool of blood in the head.  When journalists arrived at the scene, according to a witnesses said, the old man just falls to seven or eight minutes, 120 ambulance officers arrived on the scene checking that the elderly have died. Dial 120 ambulance call's ox told reporters diablo 3 power leveling, "I heard pop sound when the car parked by the roadside, get off the tennis racketTokimi to a man lying on the ground, see the flow of blood around, I know someone falls. No one would find him around, I hastened to call 110 and 120. "" 4 floor, the Windows network have been destroyed, may is the elderly from jumped on the 4 floor. Today is the Lantern Festival, is the reunion of the day, this walking for the elderly, family this is not. "Fear of dragTired family jumped to about a dozen minutes later, three units of the stairs go down in an old man asked as she walked her boss to what. 120 ambulance may be civilian police told her, when she met reporters also asked reporters ambulance where, is she his wife to the hospital. Reporters told her, ambulances go, old man on the ground floor. Old man turn to see his wifeLying on the floor, quickly ran down the past, suddenly the whole somewhat at a loss.  She took his wife cried, "you doing this is, Ah, Ah, today is the Lantern, the children had to come back for dinner, how can you be go sth" Old daughter back soon, she lay at the feet of an elderly person, and screamed loudly. Lakes District NewsA cry, after residents see the scenes on the roadside, and some can't help but shed a tear. Two security guards and the police in the community from a home for the elderly, a security guard told reporters, "is the suicide death of the elderly, we have allocated his wife doesn't even know the old man jumping thing, his wife was busy in the kitchen preparing lunch for a family reunion at noon。 "" A little body was stricken for the elderly, in poor health, before he jumped to the room very clean. Don't want to drag your family may feel of poor health, his jumping. "The security words, people after several onlookers can't help put on a little moist in the eyes. "Old man is too selfish, he felt his death was helping children reduce stress,But no children live more uncomfortable for the elderly. "Survey: attitude changes for the elderly man is more than 70 years old Chen during the Festival, he said his daily exercise, children worried about his health. "I had intended to commit suicide before tera gold, the baby to pull back, son, kneeling on the ground and begged me not to do stupid things. He said took care of me better than losing my, I would like to thinkThat the exercise in good health do not send money to hospitals, is for the children to make money. "Security, told reporters inside the community, August and new year's in each of the past few years, communities are occurring often emotionally unstable phenomena of the elderly, elderly people usually compare of loneliness, particularly looking forward to the Festival, and sometimes even see Festival, more than anything else, as soon as the children of unpleasant reactions, oldPeople feel old no longer valued, emotions often would be more exciting.  Attitude change, can't think of opening appears suicidal thoughts. Why the elderly frequently commit suicide? On the analysis of the mental health center, Qingdao, Director of the Department of Psychology jiangguilan, "sick old people usually think of themselves in General inadequate capacity, older, a lot of things need to rely on someone else to do, Appears useless and helpless state of mind. Spending proposals and children will go home with the elderly, enlighten the elderly in a timely manner, told how important he had for the elderly diablo 3 gold, reduce elderly ' guilt '. "Reporter Li Wei Others:

