2012年3月23日 星期五

diablo 3 gold President of the Association of microfinance institutions - ZEJ

129756711586562500_821On March 7 in Asia of the National Committee held two sessions, news theme "CPPCC members on the construction of social housing and management," Press Conference, invited the national CPPCC Member Liu Kegu, Yang Chao, Li, Zhang Hongming and Tian Zaiwei around the construction of low-income housing and management questions answered Chinese and foreign journalists ' questions. [Moderator] ladies and gentlemen, weGood afternoon. 11th five meetings of the National Committee Press Conference now. This is the topic of a press conference, "CPPCC members on the construction of social housing and management". Started construction of 10 million affordable housing units last year, 2012 proposed affordable housing construction target of over 7 million units, building scale levels reached historical maximum. What to build affordable housing? How to assign? Who's going to fund? How do you manage? Especially to ensure project quality, improving the access distribution mechanisms, increased use of exit management issues, is related to the interests of the masses and the sustainability of affordable housing policy, particularly social concerns. Today we have invited five CPPCC members, discuss the issue with you. First of all diablo 3 gold, I introduce the scene of guests of members. Member of the economic andDevelopment Bank, former Vice President, Vice Chairman of the academic Committee of the China International Center for economic exchanges, China, President of the Association of microfinance institutions, Liu Kegu, members of the financial sector, China life insurance (Group) company Chairman Mr Yang Chao, and public figures without party affiliation, Member, school of Economics and management of Tsinghua University Li daokui, Director of the Department of finance, Shanghai Academy of social sciences, Member of the social science community of urban and housingReal estate Research Center Director, members of the experts Committee of housing section, housing, Zhang Hongming, Member of the economic and human resources Deputy Director of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, Vice Chairman of China Association of property management, Shun Tian Tian Zaiwei Group General Manager. This time a press conference about an hour and a quarter of an hour, not available in English translation, please inform your media before you a reporter name. In a formalBefore asking questions, we first call Liu Kegu members to introduce you to the overall situation. [Liu Ke Gu] housing is the whole of society tera power leveling, especially the problem of great concern to the people. This year's Government work report, Premier in 2012 when the task of summarizing the work and arrangements, two more word refers to the construction of housing, the progress of the work and tasks for next year and you wantTo resolve some of the outstanding problems. Committee's role is to understand public opinion and reflect the situation, set of folk wisdom and advice and suggestions. I on behalf of us all in the mood, is particularly willing to tell you you are concerned about security of housing construction and management issues for democratic communication, discussion, we can set the whole people, the wisdom of the whole society, better to interested parties, to the GovernmentSuggestions, we work together to be able to see this clearly, understanding more clearly, what needs to be done to be more consistent, making our measures more effective, to let people houses faster, better has been significantly improved. Thank you very much. [China national radio and China radio network journalist] Thank you, moderator. May I ask theYang Chao members, has users so appeal, must sets protection room must to protection, this which contains has has number Shang of requirements zhiwai, more of I think is for housing quality of concern, while also was think, currently protection room of construction and management links, all links exposed out of problem, reflect out of is Government role of absence, will you diablo 3 gold, Government in protection room construction and managementWhat should play a role in the process? In addition, top design of the housing support system for our country and what kind of system you have recommended? Thank you. [Yang Chao] Thank you for your question, this question very well, you represent the aspirations of millions of people. I followed the CPPCC delegation last year to go for construction of affordable housing research at the basic level, there are many similar problems. BecauseProject for the building of affordable housing is a people's livelihood, Huimin works, works are very large, very wide, strong policy involved, related to money, cycle is very long, so it comes to the interests of millions of people, we are very concerned. Because of this, the Government plays a particularly prominent role in the construction of affordable housing, how good the good, practical, and civiliansReally enjoy the sunshine and rain to the party, so we the people can really Others:

