2012年3月14日 星期三

world of tanks power leveling EFSF - ORI

129742939247343750_415Market review: dollar rebound down gold vulnerable downside, gold up to 1735.8, minimum 1717.1, 1723 ended. News Analysis: the United States Chamber of Commerce on Friday (February 17) reported, United States Chamber of Commerce January consultation leading indicator increased month rate by 0.4%, slightly lower than the pre-Increases in the 0.5%, but the 4th consecutive month of gains imply the world's largest economy is continued expansion in the first half of 2012 campaign. European financial stability facility (EFSF) on Friday (February 17), will launch an initiative to provide special protection mechanisms for European sovereign debt. EFSF said in a statement, where a programme is, EFSF will provide partial risk guarantees for government bonds, with-20% in the principal protection, at the same time to promote the new issuance requirements.   Another scenario is that EFSF will set up a joint investment fund, the Fund will allow both the public and private sector cooperation and financing. Technical analysis: from kxiantu world of tanks power leveling, gold weak turbulence upstream,Concern around 1738 pressure above, concerns around 1700 support below, gold is the rangebound; from the MACD, long line is above the 0 axis slightly turbulence kinetic energy upward, Bulls advantage of kinetic energy from RSI, gold is up near 50 shocks world of tanks power leveling, gold bulls take advantage of kinetic energy, gold, or will be in the range narrow shocks wot power leveling!Actions recommended: 1722-1732 group-long goal 1738-1745, stop-loss $ 3-5, under strictly set stop loss orders, control the risks! Pressure: 1738 1745 support: 1722 1715

