2012年3月22日 星期四

diablo 3 power leveling production - PKM

129756711690937500_1073Plain truth survey consumer China edible harmonic oil recently, Shanghai to complete a "year of the Dragon people looked forward to" survey. 600 Shanghai residents involved over 20 years old. Results show that in the new year, food security is the concern of the people "next hot". Security topics such as security, raise the standard of edible oil, is mentioned a number of times. Now, the domesticEdible oil market, concept-rich. "From a soya bean oil, peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil diablo 3 power leveling, sunflower oil, olive oil, to a wide variety of blend oil, there is some additional nutrients have been added, too much variety, sometimes don't know how selected. "On February 29, an interview with journalists in many supermarkets in Shanghai. Aunt Lee public in addition to happy, also a little confusing. Currently on the marketBlend oil quality of sound, made, or even "lies buried the truth". "In General tera gold, consumers should purchase their own nutritional needs to listen to more authoritative recommendations, reference to an authoritative Department of nutrition recommendations diablo 3 power leveling, choose to stand up to scientific proof, big brand products have patent protection. "Edible oil for years experts responded to the study. The truthA: Harmonic oil class, do you think? Reporters found in Shanghai some supermarkets, stores, kind of cooking oil on the market, to blend oil up. It is understood that blend oil first rise is based on people of the need for balanced nutrition, two or more refined oils (fragrance oils), processed according to the scientific Proportioning. Now, according to the people's demand for flavor developmentTo include a harmonic flavour and reconcile the two types of nutrition. Flavor blend oil, such as olive harmonic blend oil, peanut oil, hope is to cater to the market with a relatively affordable price, to enjoy the products like olive oil, peanut oil flavor. Nutritional blend oil, blend oil, second Golden Dragon fish first national patent formula, in line with the Chinese doing business guide to dietary fatty acidsRecommended values, achievement of the Chinese nutrition society advocate of dietary fatty acid balance ratio, the balance of nutrition concepts in the minds of consumers, acceptance is high. Expert advice selecting nutritional blend oil, health, eating oil should "adulterous", species diversity than a long stare at a eat, can better help balancing dietary fatty acids can help human health. SelectAnother big advantage of blend oil, is that without the consumers themselves links of conciliation, to change the oil, better solve a single ingestion of certain fatty acids deficiency. In addition, oil blend oil relative to the price of a single species, such as corn oil, peanut oil, price concessions for ordinary people, spend a relatively affordable price, buy a bucket of a variety of nutrition and cooking oil are edible harmonic oilMain reason for the popular. The truth of the second: adding nutrient blend oil, you choose? Reporters found in the supermarket, now add nutrient blend oil and edible oil category there are so many, some add deep sea fish oil, some containing oryzanol, phytosterol, the same variety. According to nutrition experts: some of the nutrients from the diet is hard to obtain. Investigation has found thatAdults average intake of DHA EPA in China only for 37.6mg/day, FAO and the United Nations Committee of experts on the latest recommended adult daily intake should be 250 mg-2000 mg, very different. DHA EPA is an integral part of people's health and vital nutrients. DHA is an important component of brain and retinal.EPA guidance, cleaning the blood vessels of the heart plays an irreplaceable role. All healthy people, sufficient intake of DHA EPA can reduce anxiety, relieve depression, on prevention of Parkinson's syndrome, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease, has excellent preventive effects. For infants and young children, pregnant women, the elderly, students need to promote brainHigh fertility, prevent Alzheimer 's, three for special groups, improve memory, DHA EPA's role should not be ignored. But DHA EPA synthesis of human body cannot itself, must be added from the outside world. Because of the deep sea fish is a good source of DHA EPA, therefore added to food at the international deep sea fish oil supplement DHA EPA's approach is quite common, and inChina has just started. Nutrition experts have pointed out that: the Chinese people's daily diet, less access to deep sea fishing or deep sea fish oil. Taking into account the Chinese eat eating habits cannot be separated from the oil, so in the oil, add the deep sea fish oil, is an innovative idea, complement is the most simple, convenient and practical way. Laboratory studies have shown, on the basis of a normal diet, take 30 grams a day addMeet United States Pharmacopeia USP standards of imported Golden Dragon fish add the deep deep sea fish oil fish oil blend oil, will be able to reach United States of medicine IOM recommended values, intake of DHA EPA is 160 mg a day. This product because of its innovative application in March of last year in the United States State of California Food Expo, was organized by the global authority of DHA/EPA fatty acidGOED awarded "best innovation" award and the world's largest oil suppliers Canada Ocean nutrition foods limited (ONC), "outstanding contribution in human health" of honor. Expert Tip: select Add nutrient blend oil consumers according to their State of health and nutrition, reference to the dietary guidelines of the Chinese nutrition society, according to its own consumption, targetedSelect the blend oil for your family to eat. Fact three: edible harmonic oil consumption, what should I do? Nutrition experts emphasized that, from the consumer's point of view, select the right oil, focuses on two aspects, which brands are more reliable, cost-effective and ensure the health and safety, and second, what kind of oil higher nutrition value, eat healthily. According to the national cost of living in most of the City lineRising, oil prices remain high. Consumer reporter jingjizhang, compared to using harmonic oil class, consumer purchase and the cost of replacing a single variety of oil on a regular basis spends will increase of about 40%, and single, unbalanced nutrition structure. Are spending big money, small profits. Consumers tend to blend oil category. Select blend oil, one must learn toSee label. In General, corporate brand credibility are higher, and their label will indicate the type of oil directly, quantitative identification, production, rating, consumers can be clearly informed that what they buy is. Such as edible oil level is divided into one or two, three or four levels, four levels to the lowest level. Select national professional certification, obtained national patent product. Gold DragonFish by the second generation of edible harmonic oil obtained the national patent office issued "a reasonable proportion of fatty acids in plant blend oil" national invention patents, ensuring balance of fatty acids, comply with the authority of the Chinese nutrition society recommended ratio. Consumers may choose to pursue international health standards by Chinese nutrition society to participate in the joint development of Dragon fish adds a deep sea fish oil blend oil, combined with dietHelp families three meals convenient to add DHA EPA. Finally, the date of purchase to focus on production. Edible oil shelf life shorter, where not stored for too long, be careful to avoid sunlight, at room temperature is too high or the oil barrel opening long after no, oxidative rancidity of edible oil is easy. When you buy, not a one-time purchase, in order to ensure the shelf life of food. (AccountabilityEdit: Fu Hao) Others:

