2012年4月16日 星期一

tera power leveling so you'd better prepare to meet any thing to meet any opponent. Question - YIM

129788454302343750_2Experts: heat playoff against Sloan ruolai emperors do not necessarily welcome Yeah sporting April 13: heat team beaten by the bull today, cause them to compete in the East lost an important opportunity in the battle of the 1th. However, for the heat, 1th, is it really important? The Sun Sentinel expert IRA-Undeman updated his fans interactive question-and-answer tera gold, which also touched on this topic--asking: you want the heat to the East1th, and potential opportunities to confront Nick and the Celts in the playoffs, is also more prefer took 2nd place in the East, 76, on the opportunities for walkers in the playoffs? Undeman: ranking now is uncertain, what playoffs against opponent difficult to reach a conclusion. And the heat is lost to the bulls today, chance is very small. Of course, if you are asking a hotFire is not even expect it to 76 people and the Pacers beat Knicks and Celts, then absolutely Yes. But now there are several games, ranking may eventually want to wait until the last several games can be finalised. So, there may still be heat things they cannot control. Heat meant in stability on the Lotto draw of the 2008 Conference champion tera power leveling, ultimateThey selected more than the benefit. 2010 heat would like to articles on the rankings, also without success, Celtic was eliminated in the playoffs first round encounter. If you see yourself as a championship contender, so you'd better prepare to meet any thing to meet any opponent. Question: in my opinion, heat opponents are shooting opportunities in space is because of the large amounts of heatPlayers are always like to give up defending a player and often to defend another cause, what do you think? Undeman: this is a problem which I have often mentioned. But we must also recognize that, Pat-Riley's defensive system in the past few years has had a lot of success. Basically, the heat is the extension in the hoard of people, and then focus on ball defense. But success success todayHeat on defense issues is still not an excuse. Q: I think that the Pos is more like a small forward instead of a power forward, and when Le Blanc when playing power forward, heat is a better team, do you think smart should attempt to use Pos to play small forward over time? Undeman: Oh, no. First of all, is very much on the heat in the flank players selected, theyReal should be maximized to use when the Pos at the center of distribution, like heat adjustment to the lineup today. Le Blanc was the responsibility of being a good heat's best player for each location. Question: If siboersitela can't integrate heat tera power leveling, heat retire Sloan mountains right? Undeman: for sishuai, this is something that would die for a righteous cause of unsuccessfulFeeling. Win a Championship, and wage increases, renewal. Teaching package or go elsewhere next season. But I'm not sure if Sloan will be welcomed by the Le Blanc, because he's that tough military style. Others:

