2012年4月6日 星期五

tera gold and to guarantee its authenticity - OJN

129773868986093750_2Harvest CSI 300 transactions open index fund Trusteeship Agreement mobile phone free www.cnfol.com March 27, 2012, China Securities News view comments fund managers: Harvest Fund management, Fund custodians: Bank of China limited in 2012March catalog, managed 12, managed an agreement by the parties pursuant to the agreement, the objectives, principles and explain the 33, funds managed by fund managers business oversight and verification of 34, fund management to the custodian of the Fund business asset custody 86, 75, of verification, validation and implementation of 107 instructions are sent, trading and clearingA settlement arrangement 128, 149, the Fund's net asset value calculation and accounting Fund receipts allocated 170, 171, 192 Fund costs, fund information disclosure of the Fund share holders register keeping for file save 214 213, Fund, fund trustees and fund managers to replace 21LAU 226, the Trusteeship Agreement prohibited behavior modification, termination and liquidation of the assets of the Fund of 227, breach of contract and responsibility divided 238, applicable law and dispute resolution 249, custodian agreement 2,420, the Trusteeship Agreement signed 25 in view of the effect of harvest Fund Management Ltd is a company in accordance with Chinese lawAcquired limited liability company legally established and effective, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations as the qualifications and ability of fund managers view of Bank of China Limited is a company in accordance with Chinese law acquired Bank of legally established and effective, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations has served as trustee of the Fund's qualifications and abilities; as harvest fund management company intendsAs the harvest of CSI 300 transactions open index securities investment fund of funds Manager, Bank of China limited-taking up the proposed harvest CSI 300 transactions open index fund custodians of securities investment fund; clear harvest CSI 300 transactions open index Securities Investment Fund and Fund Administrator and custodian of rights and obligations between the Fund, special developmentThis agreement. , Managed Protocol Parties (a) the Fund Manager (or short titleLegal representative: An Kui established: March 25, 1999 approved the establishment of organs: the China Securities Regulatory Commission on approving the establishment number: China Securities Regulatory Commission Fund "1999", 5th form: limited liability company (joint venture) registered capital: RMB 150 million business scope: fund raising, fund distributionSales, asset management and other business of the China Securities Regulatory Commission license duration: continuing operations (ii) Fund custodians (or short title3, October 31 Fund custody business approval number: China securities regulatory base word "1998" Organization, 24th joint stock limited company registered capital: RMB II Wan Qi Qi Bai Bai connection XXXI million establishments suspects II XXXII Wan Sanqian Yi Bai connection NG the entire operating range Picker: absorbing the Renminbi deposit, allocation of short-, medium-and long-term loans through the settlement;Discount; issuing financial bonds agent distribution, proxy cashing and underwriting Government bonds; sale of government bonds inter; providing letters of credit services and guarantees; agents received payments and agency insurance business; providing safe services foreign exchange deposits in foreign exchange loans foreign exchange remittances; currency exchange international settlement; interbank foreign exchange interbank foreign exchange acceptance and discount of bills;Foreign Exchange borrowings from foreign exchange guarantees; in foreign exchange, foreign exchange published materials and agents offering of shares other than securities denominated in; and outside agent to buy and sell stocks for sale securities denominated; proprietary foreign exchange trading, and for clients buying and selling foreign exchange exchange credit card issuance and agent for foreign credit card issuing and payments; credit investigation, consultancy, witnessed operations, organizing or participating in the syndicated loan; international bullion to buySelling overseas subsidiaries and local law permits all banking business; branch of the Hong Kong and Macao regions based on local decrees may be issued or in the proxy issue local currency; other businesses approved by the people's Bank of China. Duration: continuing operations, managed the second basis, purpose, and explain the principles of the agreement (a) in pursuance of this agreement pursuant to the People's Republic of ChinaThe same Act, the People's Republic of China Securities Investment Fund Law (hereinafterMeasures forAnd harvest the CSI 300 transactions between open-ended index securities investment fund managers operating in the custody of the Fund's assets, investment, net, income distribution, information disclosure and supervision in related issues such as the rights, obligations and duties, ensure the safety of the assets of the Fund, protection of the legitimate interests of the Fund share holders. (C) the principles of fund managers and fund supportPeople in line with the principles of equality, free will and good faith, by consensus, to enter into this agreement. (Iv) interpretation unless the context otherwise indicates, all the terms of this agreement and of the Fund contract terms have the same meaning. Third, fund trustees to fund management business oversight and verification of (a) the trustee in accordance with the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations of the Fund and the Fund contractAgreement, establish technical systems, monitoring the investment operations of the Fund Manager. Includes the following main areas: 1, monitoring the range of investment funds, investment object. Investment in this Fund mainly as index shares and options of shares, subject-index shares and invest in alternative components percentage of shares not less than 90% of the Fund's net asset value.Also, for better to implementation investment target, this Fund can small investment Yu part non-ingredients unit (contains junior, and venture board and the other by China SFC approved issued of stock), and level market shares or additional of stock, and derived tools (warrants, and index futures,), and bond assets (bonds, and financial debt, and Enterprise debt, and company debt, and secondary debt, and can conversion bond, and separation tradingConvertible bonds, bills, medium-term notes, short-term financing bonds, and so on), asset-backed securities, repurchase of the bonds, bank deposits and other fixed income assets, cash assets, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission allows funds of other instruments (subject to the relevant provisions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission). Such as law or regulators later allowed other fund investment, fund managers in the shoeAfter due process, can be included in the investment area. Participation in the financing and the transfer of the Fund facility following the enactment of the relevant provisions of the business, fund managers can not change the investment strategy of the Fund and under the premise of risk-return characteristics and control risk, involved in margin trading business, as well as through transfer of securities finance companies merging business, to improve the efficiency of investment and risk management�� Will participate in the financing of the Fund, transfer facilities such as business risk control principles and specific participation limit information disclosure, valuation methods, expense accounts, and other related matters in accordance with the provisions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other relevant laws and regulations require, without having to fund share holders general meeting decisions. Fund managers should be investment in stocks, bonds and other investmentsSpecific range of varieties available to fund custodians. Fund managers can change according to the actual situation, to be updated and adjusted the scope of the specific investments, and notify the custodian of the Fund. According to the investment fund managed to oversee the investments of the Fund, 2, to supervise funds financing. (1) this subject-index funds invested in shares,Selected ingredients unit of ratio does not below Fund assets net of 90%; (2) Fund assets participation stock issued purchase, this Fund by declared of amount does not over Fund total assets, this Fund by declared of stock number does not over intended issued stock company this times issued stock of total; (3) this fund investment warrants, in any day buy of total amount, does not over Shang a day0.5% net assets of the Fund, fund the full market value of the warrants does not exceed 3% of the net asset value of the Fund, fund managers manage all hold the same e ratio does not exceed 10% of the warrants. Otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or the China Securities Regulatory Commission, to comply with its provisions, and (4) when the Fund engaged in stock index futures, follow the relevant laws and regulations of the BoardFixed: the Fund on any trading day day, buying futures contracts held by value shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund's 10%; the Fund on any trading day day, value and portfolio by buying futures contracts held by market value and shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund's 100%, where the portfolio of stocks, bonds (without maturity government debt in less than a yearCoupons), and warrants, and assets support securities, and buy returned to sales financial assets (does not with pledge type repo),; this Fund in any day day end, holds of sold futures contract value shall not over this Fund holds of stock total market of 20%; this Fund by holding some stock market and buy, and sold index futures contract value, total (rolling difference calculation) should meet Fund contract on unitInvestment proportion of relevant conventions; in any trading day in transactions of the Fund (excluding positions) of stock index futures contract shall not exceed the amount of the last trading day of the Fund's net asset value 20%; each trading day after the deduction of the stock index futures contracts required to pay margin, should remain below the margin of 1 time cash, and (5) the Fund into the national silverInterbank market bond repurchase fund balances between lines shall not exceed 40% of the net asset value, and (6) of the Fund invested in the same proportion of original interests people for all types of asset-backed securities, shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund 10%; of all asset-backed securities held, its market value shall not be more than the net asset value of the Fund's 20%; held same (refer to the same levels of credit) Of asset-backed securities, shall not exceed the scale of asset-backed securities 10%; management of fund managers of all funds invested in all types of asset-backed securities of the same original people of interest shall not exceed its asset-backed securities the aggregate size of all kinds 10% and (7) above level of funds should be invested in credit rating to BBB (BBB) of asset-backed securities.Held during the asset-backed securities, if the decline in its credit rating, no longer meet the investment criteria, should be rated within 3 months from the date of publication of the report be sold, (8) other restrictions stipulated by laws and regulations and the Fund contract; 3, to oversee Fund investments prohibited acts. (1) underwriting of securities, and (2) loans or provide security to others, (3) Engaged in the investment of unlimited liability, (4) sale of other shares of the Fund, except as otherwise provided by law or the State Council, and (5) to the Fund Manager, the Fund managed or sale of investment fund managers, Fund custodians of stocks or bonds issued, (6) trading and fund management, Fund custodians has a controlling shareholder or fund managementPerson, custodian of the Fund with other securities issued by the company or the underwriting of major interest during the underwriting of securities, (7) engaged in insider trading, manipulating securities prices and other improper securities transactions and (8) in accordance with the laws, administrative rules and regulations stipulated by relevant legal regulations, by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the securities regulatory body under the State Council prohibit other activities. OnIn these (5), (6) causes no subject index shares of an investment, fund managers should be under the strict control of the premise of the tracking error, combined with proper alternatives using other reasonable means. If future legal statutes or regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission has been modified or changed, resulting in the aforementioned conventions limit the proportion of investment portfolio of prohibited acts andChange or cancel, the law in the performance of fund managers after the program, these funds may be the appropriate adjustment of prohibited acts and investment restrictions. Ban on funds to engage in related transaction monitoring, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund should provide each other with shareholders or of the bodies holding relationships with other major institutions interested list; 4, Fund Manager to fund child carePeople, in such transactions in the inter-bank bond market counterparty, counterparty by the bank financial situation better, trading between Member strength, composed of counterparties with high credit rating. Fund managers can change it as needed, counterparty database be updated and adjusted in a timely manner and notify the Fund custodians. Fund managers involved in transactions in the inter-bank bond marketOpponents should be consistent with the range of counterparties. Fund trustee for fund managers to participate in transactions in the inter-bank bond market counterparties to supervise the compliance with counterparty; 5, Fund custodians on transactions in the interbank market trading oversight controls according to the following conventions. Fund managers should be in accordance with the principle of prudent risk management, on interbank counterparty creditTo assess the status, control of counterparty credit risk, determine the transactions with the counterparty for clearing, in specific transactions, should make every effort to strive for in the interests of the Fund transactions. Losses due to counterparty credit risk, trustee of the Fund is not liable. 6, deposit funds such as investment banks, fund managers should be based on the provisions of laws and regulations and the baseGold agreed terms of the contract, determine in advance lists of all eligible deposits of banks, and provided in a timely manner to the Fund trustee, custodian of the Fund according to fund investment bank counterparties is in line with the above list of oversight; 7, the legal regulations of the Fund and the Fund contracts agreed to monitor other aspects of investment. (B) the custodian of the Fund should be based on the relevantProvisions of the laws and regulations of the Fund contract and agreement, funds net asset value calculation, calculation of net value of the fund shares, funds to accounts receivable, expenses and income of the Fund to identify, disclose information about the distribution of the income of the Fund, published fund performance, Fund promotion material such as data for a review. (C) the Fund Trustees in sub-paragraph (a), (b) monitoring andVerification found in violation of the provisions of the laws and regulations of fund managers, the Fund contract and this agreement agree, correcting the periods shall promptly notify the fund managers, fund managers should be checked to confirm and promptly after receipt of the notification in writing to the Fund Trustees give a reply and correction. Within the deadline, Fund custodians have the right to review the notices at any time. Fund Manager to the Fund managedTold the irregularities are not corrected within the deadline, Fund custodians should promptly report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission. (Iv) Discovery Fund managed investment fund managers directive breaches of laws and regulations, the Fund contract and the provisions of the present agreement, should refuse to perform, immediately notify the Fund Manager, and report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission in a timely manner in accordance with laws and regulations. Fund custodianFind fund managers based on trading procedures had entered into force directive breaches of laws and regulations and other relevant provisions, or breach of the Fund contract, this Agreement shall immediately notify the Fund Manager, and report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission in a timely manner in accordance with laws and regulations. (E) Fund managers should actively cooperate with and assist the monitoring and verification of the custodian of the Fund, including, but not limited to: A reply within the prescribed time the Fund custodian and corrections, questions for explanation or proof of Fund custodians, Fund custodians in accordance with regulatory requirements require submission to the China Securities Regulatory Commission oversight report of the Fund, fund managers should actively cooperate with related data and systems. Four, fund management to the custodian of the Fund business verification 1, during the term of this agreement,Without violating the principle of equitable and reasonable, and without prejudice to the custodian of the Fund to comply with the relevant laws and regulations on the basis of regulatory and industry requirements, Fund Manager is authorized to fund trustees make the necessary verification of the performance of this agreement, verification matters including, but not limited to the safe custody of the assets of the Fund, fund managed to open capital accounts and securities accounts, review of Fund assets calculation of fund managersFund net asset value and the net value of the fund shares, according to the order of fund managers and oversight of clearing and settlement, information disclosure acts such as investment operations of the Fund. 2, fund managers found that unauthorized diversion of funds Fund managed fenzhang management, assets, the assets of the Fund were not implemented without due cause no failure or delay in performing fund managers fund transfer instruction, disclosure of fund investment informationViolations of laws and regulations, such as when the Fund contract and the relevant provisions of this agreement, shall notify the Fund custodian deadlines in writing promptly corrected, custodian of the Fund should be checked in a timely manner after receipt of the notice and the reply has been issued in written form to the Fund management. Within the time limit, the fund managers have the right to at any time to review the notices, urge the Fund custodian to correct. Trustee of the Fund to the Fund managementTold the irregularities are not corrected within the deadline, fund managers should be reported in accordance with the laws and regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. 3, Fund custodians should actively cooperate with the verification of fund managers tera gold, including but not limited to: submit the relevant information for the Fund Manager to verify the integrity and authenticity of a managed property, reply and correction of fund managers within the specified time. Five,Custody of the assets of the Fund (a) principle 1 of the custody of the assets of the Fund, the assets of the Fund should be independent of the Fund Manager, inherent property of the Trustees of the Fund. 2, safe keeping Fund managed fund assets, without the legal compliance of the Fund Manager directive or laws and regulations, the Fund contract and as provided in this agreement, shall not use, disposition, distribution of funds on their own any property�� 3, opened in accordance with the provisions of the Fund's assets funds Fund managed accounts and securities accounts. 4, on different fund assets managed by Fund managed accounts are set, ensure that the integrity and independence of the assets of the Fund. 5, except pursuant to the Act, the law on measures for the operation of the Fund, the Fund contract and other relevant laws and regulations provided, fund trustees shall not entrust the third person carePipe the assets of the Fund. (Ii) funds to raise money before the entry into force of the contract expiration of verification and accounting of funds raised, or when you stop raising of fund managers, raise funds, fund raise the total share of amounts, the number of holders of shares of the Fund in accordance with the law, the law on measures for the operation of the Fund and other relevant requirements, fund managers should raise all funds belonging to the assets of the Fund into the basePayment custodian to fund the assets managed accounts opened in the network share in the raising of stock should be classified as a trustee of the Fund and the Fund under the joint opening of securities accounts, custodian of the Fund at the date of the receipt of funds and the stock issued confirmation file. Meanwhile, within the statutory time limit by fund managers in hiring qualified accounting firm has engaged in related business capital to the Fund,And capital verification report issued, capital verification report issued by 2 or more of the should participate by testimonial (2) China registered accountant's signature as valid. If fund raising period, failed to meet the conditions for entry into force of the contract Fund, cash refunds, stock thawed according to regulations of fund managers, Fund Trustees should provide assistance. (C) Fund the opening of bank accounts and tube1, Fund custodian shall be responsible for bank account opening and management of the Fund. 2, opened in the name of the custodian of the Fund to the Fund's bank account of the Fund. This Bank reserve seal kept by the custodian of the Fund of funds and use. All monetary income and expenditure activities of the Fund, including, but not limited to, investment, redemption amount, the payment of the income of the Fund, receive purchase, payment, orCash balances, or take a cash alternative, or take a cash alternative annealing effect, shall be made through the bank account of the Fund. 3, opening of bank accounts of the Fund and use, limited to meet the needs of the operations of the Fund. Fund Trustees and fund managers shall not be the guise of any other bank account opened in the name of the Fund also may not use the funds of the BankActivities other than the account of the Fund business. 4, the management of funds in bank accounts should be consistent with the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations. (D) funds for deposit account opening and management of investment funds managed under name directive to fund the management of the Fund approved by the trustee of the Fund deposit specified branches of a bank deposit account, and is responsible for the account of the daily tubeAnd custody of the seal of the Bank reserved and used. Fund managers should be sent to assist the processing account. In the account opening and account-related information in the change process, fund managers should be made available in advance to fund custodians related information required to open an account or accounts change and to fund custodians to actively cooperate with and assist. (E) of the Fund's securities account and funds account openingAnd management 1, should fund managed on behalf of the Fund, as a trustee of the Fund and the Fund signed by China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation open a securities account. 2, the opening of securities accounts and use of the Fund, limited to meet the needs of the operations of the Fund. Fund Trustees and fund managers may not lend or transfer the Fund's securities account, or useOutside of the Fund's securities account for the operations of the Fund's activities. 3, Fund custodians in their corporate name in China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation open clearing excess reserves account, used to go through the Fund custodian of all funds, including the Fund, managed by the investment involved in settlement of securities on the stock exchange business. Settlement charge of excess reserves in accordance withProvisions of the State securities registration and clearing limited liability company. 4 after the effective date, in the Trusteeship Agreement, the Fund is allowed to engage in other investments of the investment business, related accounts of the creation, use, if there are no relevant provisions, the Fund Trustees should follow and comply with the regulations for account opening, using the above. (Vi) when investors purchase or redemption of cash for theGeneration of check, cash balances and huafu custodian of the Fund should be based on registration and clearing institutions settlement notice or order of the administrator of the Fund of funds arising from the purchase, redemption for cash alternative, and settlement of cash balance. (VII) bonds of managed accounts opening and management of the Fund after the entry into force of the contract, is responsible for Fund of funds managers apply and gain access to the National Bank on behalf of the sameInterbank market trading qualification and trades on behalf of the Fund; Fund custodian is responsible for registration of funds on behalf of the central government debt settlement company opened its bank bonds in the bond market managed account, and on behalf of the Fund for bonds and interbank bond market fund liquidation. After the conclusion of the above procedures, the Fund Trustees are responsible for the people's Bank of China. (Eight) investment fund assets relating to custody of valuable documents of physical securities of the investment fund assets, Bank fixed deposit receipt, certificate of value the Fund Trustees are responsible for safekeeping. Fund trustee for its effective control of bodies other than those of the actual price of vouchers is not responsible. (I) major contracts with respect to the assets of the Fund and the relevant vouchers of the custody of the custodian of the Fund in accordance with the lawGauges keep signed by the representative Fund of fund managers and fund important contracts and related to the voucher. Fund managers on behalf of the Fund after the signing of major contracts should be received within 30th of the originals of the contract to submit one original copy of to fund custodians. Except as provided in this agreement, signed on behalf of the Fund of fund managers and fund when major contracts relating to the guarantee fundHold more than two copies of the original, so that the Fund Manager and fund trustee holds at least one original copy. Important contract by the trustee in accordance with the regulations of the Fund Manager and fund their custody for at least 15 years. Six, orders sent, validation and implementation of (a) written authorization to send the command staff of fund managers 1, fund managers should be issued prior to the trustee of the FundWritten notice (hereinafter2, the Fund Manager to the Fund trustee give notice of authorization should be stamped and signed by the legal representative or its authorized signatory, if signed by authorized signatories, should also be accompanied by the authorization of the legal representative. Funds received by the trustee after notification of the authority to call to confirm. 3, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund on the authority notice of change have the duty to maintain secrecy, its content is notHave to send personnel to the directive and the related disclosure of any disclosure, other than the operator. (B) instruction is the Fund Manager in the operation of the directive when the assets of the Fund, to fund transfers and investment instructions issued by the custodian. Securities settlement systems to the settlement fund custodians send notifications as a trustee to the Fund of fund managers give effect to the directive. (Iii) instructionsTransmission, recognition and enforcement 1, directiveSend personnel authorization, and the custodian of the Fund has received the notification, since the instruction send personnel are not authorized to send commands, or Super privilege to send orders, Fund Manager is not liable. 2, Fund Administrator shall, in accordance with the law, the law on measures for the operation of the Fund, the Fund contract and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, trading in its legitimate rights and permissions, And send instructions according to business rules. When the command is issued, Fund Administrator shall promptly call the Fund Trustees. 3, Fund custodians in accepting orders, dealing with elements of the directive are complete, whether the signature and authorization check of authenticity of notifications, consistent surface, instructions on legal compliance, custodian of the Fund shall be implemented within the prescribed period had to be reasonableThe delay. 4, fund managers should be after the closing interbank transactions market bond trading by officers of the right to sign and fax to the custodian of the Fund in a timely manner after the seal. 5, fund managers when sending instructions, shall be custodian of the Fund executes instructions setting aside the time needed to when the instruction is executed. Instruction transmission delay failed to set aside enough time, directiveFailed to perform as a result of the losses borne by the Fund Manager. (D) Fund Management sends false instructions and processing procedures in the case of fund management of the person who sent the wrong instruction includes: instruction element error, instructions, with no investment reserve seal error situations. Fund custodians when a Fund Manager's instruction is found has the right to refuse to carry out, and timelyNotify the Fund management to correct. For fund managers to correct and resend the command after the matching fund managed to confirm could not do. (E) funds managed in accordance with the laws and regulations to suspend, refuse to execute instructions and processing procedures in the case of Discovery Fund managed by fund managers directive violates the provisions of laws and regulations or conventions of the Fund contract, shall not be executed immediately andFund managers by notice in writing require the amendment or cancellation of the relevant directive, if the custodian of the Fund of fund managers still did not change after such notice or revocation of related instruction, Fund custodians should refuse to implement, and report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission. When the trustee issued a directive to the Fund of fund managers, should ensure that the Fund balance of the bank account has sufficient funds, ensure that funds cardVoucher account has enough stock balances. Super position instructions, and exceeds the balance of the securities account securities directive, Fund custodians may refuse to perform, but should immediately notify the Fund Manager, the resulting loss, borne by the Fund Manager. (Vi) is not in accordance with the directions of fund managers Fund managed fund custodians without the correct execution of fund managersLaw compliance directive, resulting in damage to the Fund's interests, Fund custodians should bear corresponding responsibility. In addition, the Fund managed to perform legal compliance directive to the Fund of fund managers caused the loss does not bear any responsibility. (G) change of permission by authorized personnel and authorized Fund Manager authorized to modify the content of the notice (including but not limited to, instructionsSent lists of personnel changes, modify and/or permissions), should be at least 1 business day advance notice funds trustee; files that modify the authorization notification by fund managers should be stamped and signed by the legal representative or its authorized signatory, if signed by authorized signatories, should also be accompanied by the authorization of the legal representative. Modifications to the authorization notification of fund managers should be encryptedReally sent to the custodian of the Fund, and call notification Fund custodians tera power leveling, fund trustees upon receipt of the notification of a change to telephone confirmation of fund managers. Contents of the notification of the authorized fund management after modifying the Fund managed call to confirm the notice set forth the time with effect from the entry into force. Fund Manager within the next 3 working days to modify the authorization notification send original documents of the basePayment custodian. Seven, trading and clearing settlement arrangements (a) Fund managers are responsible for selecting an agent trading of securities of the fund securities institutions 1, select securities for securities trading, Business Agency standards (1) well-funded and in good standing. (2) a healthy financial position, business code of conduct, the most recent year not because of major irregularities are being affected by the management authorityPunishment. (3) internal management standards, strict, has a sound system of internal control, and can meet the requirements of the Fund operating highly classified. (4) funds required for efficient, secure communication, trading facilities meet the needs of agency funds for securities trading, and provides comprehensive information services for the Fund. (5) study on strong, fixedResearch institutes and specialized researchers, timely, regular and comprehensive to provide the Fund with macro-economic, industry, market trends, stock analyst research reports and thoughtful information services, and understand the specific requirements of Fund investments, providing case studies. 2, select securities for securities trading, Business Agency program managers on the basis of the above criteria for reviewAfter the selection of securities institutions. Fund managers and selected securities institutions signed a trust agreement, and reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, in accordance with laws and regulations. Fund managers should trust agreement (rental agreements or transactions unit) sent in a timely manner the original Fund custodians. Related information notice 3, Fund Administrator shall promptly inform in writing funds managedHuman fund special trading unit number, a brokerage fund basic information such as name, Commission rates and changes, trading unit to rent in trading for the first time should be at least 10 working days ' notice of Fund Trustees, trading unit for surrender of tenancy shall be notified within the next day to the custodian of the Fund. (B) the Fund liquidation settlement 1, as a result of the Fund investment in securities in all fields,OTC clearing settlement, by the custodian of the Fund under the relevant registration rules of settlement settlement company for. 2, due to lead the Fund Manager or custodian of the Fund funds funds, such as overdrafts, overbought or oversold situation, borne by the party responsible for the corresponding responsibilities. Fund managers agree that in the event the above situations, should fund managed by China Securities Depository and clearing limited responsibilityAny relevant company regulations. 3, as a Fund Manager or custodian of the Fund is the cause could not be paid when the settlement accounts of the Fund, party responsible for damages thus caused to the assets of the Fund for compensation. 4, fund managers should ensure that settlement date (t-1st) before 10:00 Fund Bank account has sufficient funds to Exchange securities tradingFunds settlement, such as insufficient funds position is custodian of the Fund should be in accordance with the relevant regulations of the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation handling. 5 custodian, fund managers should ensure that funds in the implementation of fund managers send transfer instructions, funds in bank accounts or funds on settlement account has sufficient funds. The financial position of the Fund is insufficient, Fund custodians have the right to refuseFunds transfer instructions sent by the administrator, the resulting loss, the Fund Manager is responsible for compensation. Fund managers send transfer instructions should be fully taken into account in the Fund custodian transfer processing time. Requests the same day to the accounting directives, should be sent before 15:00 in the day; requires a point on the day to the account, the instructions required to send 2 working hours in advance, and relatedPayment conditions have been fulfilled. For the purchase of new shares under the net public offering business, fund managers should be under the net purchase price today (t) before work one day before new share purchase orders sent to fund trustees, instructions sent not later than t-at the latest when 10:00. Warrants trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, fund managers should exercise 15:00The rows need to be delivered before the right amount and fee by notice in writing Fund custodians, fund managed by 16:00 payments to securities settlement systems designated account. In the financial position of the Fund the amount of cases, custodian of the Fund of fund managers in line with laws and regulations, the Fund instruction contract, this Agreement shall not be delayed or refused to perform. (C) funds, securities accounts and transactionsRecords check fund managers and Trustees of this Fund and Fund of funds, securities account and check transactions. (D) the purchase, redemption of securities clearing, financial clearing and data transfer time and program 1, purchase, withdrawal of the Fund pursuant to the Fund contract and/or the relevant disclosure document and determine time starts to go through, the Fund Manager shall promptly passKnow the business start-up fund managed. 2, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund should be agreed upon in the contract of the Fund, Fund to purchase, redeem the time, place, manner, procedures, prices, costs, billing or payment in areas such as complementary, actively fulfil their obligations to ensure the smooth conduct of purchase, redemption of Fund. 3, t-day purchaseRedemption of securities settlement from securities registration and settlement organizations in t-1st after the close finish, custodian of the Fund should be checked before t-2nd in the securities registration and settlement organizations send balance. Cash alternative and the liquidation of cash balances in t-1st, and fund custodian under a registered clearing agency notice of settlement instructions or Fund Manager, pursuant to the registration and clearing institution of new rulesThe 2nd t handle cash substitution, cash balances and cash instead of back fill settlement, clearing and settlement business rules related to the registration and clearing institution changes, according to the latest rules for processing. Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund can also be after consensus, provisions in the laws and regulations of the Fund contract and within the scope of the Convention, take other possible mode of settlement. Eight, baseGold net asset value calculation and accounting (a) of the Fund's net asset value calculation and review 1, funds refers to the net asset value of the Fund's total assets minus liabilities. Net value of the fund shares today refers to the calculation of the net asset value of the fund divided by the total number of shares of the Fund after the date calculation of value. 2, fund managers should be open days on the valuations of the assets of the Fund. Valuation principle should be consistent with the Fund andWith, securities investment fund accounting business guidelines and provisions of other laws and regulations. Net asset value of the Fund is used to fund information disclosure and the net value of the Fund share calculated by the fund managers who are responsible for, Fund custodians for review. Fund Administrator shall after the end of each open day on the net value of the Fund share calculated and sent to fund custodians. Fund managed to net meterCalculation results for review, and then released by foreign fund managers. In the month, year and year end valuation of fund accounting and review check at the same time. 3, when the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations or the Fund contract when the valuation method does not objectively reflect the fair value of the assets of the Fund, fund managers depending on the situation, and after the agreed upon with the trustee of the Fund, best reflects the fair value ofPrice valuation. 4, custodian, Fund of fund managers found that Fund valuations under the prescribed method of valuation, the Fund contract procedures and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations or when did not adequately safeguard the interests of the holders of shares of the Fund, the Parties shall consult in a timely manner and corrective. 5 asset valuation result of net value of the fund shares, when the four digits after the decimal point when an error occurs,For the net value of the Fund share valuation error. When an error occurs when the net value of the fund shares, fund managers should be corrected immediately, and to take reasonable measures to prevent the loss of further expanding when pricing error when you reach the 0.25% of the net value of the Fund share, fund managers should be reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the record when pricing error when you reach the 0.5% of the net value of the Fund share, fund managers should beWhen reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the record at the same time and keep up to date with announcements. Such laws and regulations or otherwise stipulated by regulatory authorities for the previously mentioned content, according to its provisions. 6, unless otherwise agreed in the Fund contract and this agreement, as announced by the Fund management of any funds data errors, leading to the actual loss of the assets of the Fund or the Fund share holders, fund managers shouldResponsibilities. Calculation of net Fund managed data is correct, does not assume responsibility for loss of the Fund managed; if calculation of net Fund managed data are incorrect, Fund custodians should also bear responsibilities of the section is not properly fulfil the obligation of review. If the error resulted in the assets of the Fund or the Fund share holders of unjust enrichment, and the Fund Manager and fund custodianAssume the liability, the Fund Manager shall be responsible for returning to the main advocates of the unjust to the unjust. Returned if the amount is not enough to make up for the Fund Manager and fund custodian has liability of compensation, the parties in accordance with their respective proportions are allocated to return the amount of the compensation amount. 7, as the stock exchange and its registration and settlement company sending data error, or due toOther causes of force majeure, the Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund necessary, appropriate and reasonable measures have been taken to check, but failed to find the errors, asset valuation errors caused thereby, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund may be exempted from liability. Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund should be actively taken the necessary steps to eliminate the resulting impact.8, if the Fund custodian and Fund Manager evaluates the results of review of differences and following consultations between the two sides failed to reach agreement, the Fund Manager may, in accordance with the net value of the fund shares calculation results to be published as a second, fund trustees can be reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the record. (B) establishment of 1 fund accounting, fund books Fund ManagerAnd the custodian of the Fund in the Fund after the entry into force of the contract, should be in accordance with the agreement between the two sides of the same accounting methods and accounting principles, independently set, registration and custody of the Fund's complete books, records of periodic checks on both sides, mutual supervision, to ensure the security of the Fund's assets. If the two sides differ on whether accounting, Fund Manager handling methods shall prevail�� 2, accounting data and financial indicators of matching fund administrator and custodian of the Fund should be regular checks on accounting data and financial indicators. Found to exist, and both sides should be investigated and corrected in a timely manner. 3, the Fund's financial statements and report preparation and review of financial statements of the Fund on a regular basis by the Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund prepared separately each month. Monthly reportsEstablishment, should be completed within 5 working days after the end of each month; prospectuses the Fund updates and every six months after the entry into force of the contract notice, in 45 days after the expiration of the period of notice. Quarterly report should be at the end of each quarter within 10 working days from the date of establishment is completed, and in the end of each quarter shall be published within 15 working days from the date of; half-yearly reporting in fiscal yearPrepared within six months following the end of 40 days and six months shall be published within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year; annual report prepared within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year and shall be published within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year. Funds less than two months before the entry into force of the contract, the fund managers could not prepare quarterly reports for the current period, semi-annual reports or annual reports. Fund Manager inDay of the monthly report is complete, will report the order provided to fund trustees review; after the funds are received by the custodian should be reviewed within 3 business days, and will review the results written notice to the Fund Manager. Fund Manager on completion of the quarterly report, relevant review report available to the trustee of the Fund, Fund custodians should be received within 5 business days after completion of the review, and will review withFruit written notice to the Fund Manager. Fund managers at the date of the completion of the half-yearly report, relevant review report available to the trustee of the Fund, Fund custodians should be completed within 10 working days after receipt of the review, and will review the results written notice to the Fund Manager. Date of fund managers in the annual report, will report to offer funds trustees review, are received by the custodian of the Fund shouldWithin 15 business days after completion of the review, and the review results in writing notify the Fund Manager. Between the Fund Manager and fund custodian of such correspondence is an encrypted fax or other agreed way. Fund custodians in the review process, found that both reports when there are inconsistent, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund should be jointly identified, adjustments, Adjusts to whichever account agreed; if the two sides cannot agree on the bookkeeping of the Fund Manager shall prevail. Check, and then managed in the Fund Manager of the Fund to provide hosted stamped on the report issued by stamped with business seal or seal managed the business of reviewing submissions, both sides retain a copy. If the Fund Manager and fund trustee cannotIn should agree on the announcement prior to the date of the report, report compiled by the Fund Manager has the right to, in accordance with its external announcements, Fund custodians have the right to condition the SFC for the record. Nine, the income of the Fund distribution (a) the income of the Fund distribution based on profit distribution should be in line with the provisions on the distribution of income the Fund contract. (B) the income of the FundAllocation of time and procedure of 1, the income of the Fund allocation by fund managers in accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract to develop the Fund. 2, fund managers should develop income before profit distribution distribution plan submitted to the custodian of the Fund reviews, Fund custodians should be completed upon receipt of income distribution on profit distribution plan review, and review opinions written notification FundPeople, reviewed by fund managers after income distribution should be reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and fund managers main offices located in China Securities Regulatory Commission local offices for the record and timely notice; if the Fund Manager and fund trustee cannot reach agreement on a programme of income distribution before income distribution, custodian of the Fund obligations related to income distribution and descriptionThe China Securities Regulatory Commission for the record and notify the Fund Manager, in the document submitted is complete as of the date of fund managers have the right to income distribution scheme developed by the public, and fund trustee has the obligation to assist implementation of the income distribution of fund managers, but there is evidence of violation of laws and regulations and that the funds of the programme contract exception. 3, the income of the Fund allocated cash-RedLee way. 4, custodian of the Fund according to fund manager's profit distribution cash dividend amount of data provided by the programme and, today the dividend payment dividend funds into the Bank Fund management. Ten, fund information disclosure (a) confidentiality obligations Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund, inter alia for compliance with laws and regulations, the Fund contract and its obligations under this agreement which are necessaryIn addition to shall not be used for other purposes, using their knowledge of the Fund's information, fund information and should be limited to need to know the information for compliance with the foregoing obligations within the scope of the staff. However, the following situations should not be treated as a Fund Manager or fund trustees breach of confidentiality obligations: 1, not by the Fund Manager and fund custodian of the reasons caused the confidential information to be disclosed, Disclosure or public; 2, the Fund Manager and fund custodian to comply with and obey court decisions, arbitration awards or orders, decisions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and other regulatory agencies for information disclose or open. (B) the Fund Manager and fund trustee duties in the information disclosure and information disclosure program 1, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund should be based on relevant laws and regulations,The Fund provisions of the contract with their appropriate information disclosure responsibilities. Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund has actively cooperated with each other, mutual supervision, supervision to ensure its implementation in accordance with statutory time limits and disclosure obligations. 2, all files of the information disclosure of the Fund, including the Fund contract and regular reports provided for in this agreement, notice of interim report, the net asset value of the FundNotice and other necessary files, managed by the Fund Manager and Fund in accordance with the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations to be published. 3, must be approved by the Fund in the annual report of the financial accounting reports are engaged in securities-related business qualified certified public accountants audit. 4, the information disclosure of the Fund, national newspapers should be specified by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter; Specify newspaperDisclosure of the same information content should be consistent. 5, message storage and reference of fund managers, Fund custodians should be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations, the Fund contract prospectuses, reports on a regular basis, and so the text stored in the residence of the Fund Manager, the Fund custodian and accepting queries and replication requirements of the Fund share holders. Fund managers, Fund TrusteesText should be stored, Fund share holder query the file provides the necessary space and other facilities. Fund managers and fund custodians should ensure that the content of the text fully consistent with the content of the notice. 6, due to force majeure causes suspension or delay of information disclosure of the Fund (such as a moratorium on disclosure of Fund net asset value and the net value of the fund shares), fund managers should beTimely report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and in consultation with Fund custodians to take remedial measures. After the force majeure situation disappeared, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund should recover in time to go through information disclosure. (C) reports should fund managed by the Fund managed fund law, operational procedures tera power leveling, the measures for the disclosure of information and other relevant laws and regulations of the provisions in the first half of each ofAfter the end of 60 days, 90 days after the end of each fiscal year the internal funds in the half-yearly reports and the annual report issued by a managed reports respectively. Following the cost, funds (a) Fund management fees of the administrator of the Fund management fee on the day before the 0.5% rates of the net asset value of the Fund. Calculated as follows: H=EDe, and h is the number of days in the year the daily e Fund management fees should be made the day before the net asset value of the Fund management fee account on a daily basis, accumulated each month to month daily, paid monthly. By fund managers after a check with the custodian of the Fund, managed by the Fund were within 3 business days from the first day of the month single payment from the Fund assets to the Fund Manager. In the first paymentBefore the Fund management fees, fund managers should be made to the official letters issued by the custodian specified fund management fee receipts account. If you need to change this account of fund managers, should be issued 10 business days in advance to the trustee written notice of change in the beneficiary's account. (B) managed hosting fees of the Fund managed by the previous day of the Fund's net asset value of the Fund 0.1% rates. CalculationMethod is as follows: H=EDays of one-time payment out of the Fund assets to the Fund Trustees. (C) the Fund index of Royalty in the Fund after the entry into force of the contract in accordance with the Fund Manager with the benchmark index the index used in the license agreement between the licensor under the index license royalties indices of provision for paying licensing fees. Which, before the commencement of the Fund contract license with a fixed fee is not included in the FundUsed. In normal circumstances, index licensing fees by the day before the 0.03% of the net asset value of the Fund's annual rates. Calculated as follows: H=ECharges made by the day, paid quarterly. According to fund manager and corresponding index subject index vendors license agreement provides that benchmark index lower license fees charged for each quarter (quarter of nature) RMB 50,000 yuan, when Ji Biao index licensing fees of less than $ 50,000, according to the $ 50,000 payment. By fund managers to baseSend payment custodian funds subject index permits the use of huafu instruction, by fund trustees review in January of each year, in April, July, and October within 2 business days from the first day of the benchmark index last quarter license fee from a one-time payment in the property of the Fund to the fund managers, according to the index fund management payable under licensing agreement to subject indexParty. License agreement if index index calculation methods, rates and payment of the license fee adjustment method, adjusted for the Fund will be used, or toll rate index. Fund managers should be disclosed in the Fund prospectuses and updated the latest applicable method. (D) by consensus of the parties, the Fund Manager or fund managedMay, where appropriate, to reduce the Fund's management fee and/or hosting fees. (E) asset shall be allocated from the Fund management fees, funds managed by fund managers who managed fund fees other than fees, should be based on the relevant laws and regulations, the regulations of the Fund contract. (Vi) for violations of laws and regulations, the Fund contract, and other relevant provisions of this agreement (including fund feesWithdrawal methods, provision for standard, payment methods, and so on) of Fund fees, not out of any assets of the Fund shall be allocated. 12, the keeping of the register of holders of shares of the Fund (a) content of the register of holders of shares of the Fund in accordance with the Act and other relevant laws and regulations of the Fund, Fund Management authorized China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation to serve as the Fund's registration and clearing institution,Establishment of the register of holders of shares of the Fund and the continued custody of the obligations assumed by the registration and clearing institution. Contents of register of holders of shares of the Fund at least should include the name of the Fund share holders and holders of shares of the Fund. Register of holders of shares of the Fund by Fund registration and clearing institutions, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund should be kept separately register of holders of shares of the Fund, its retention period of not less than 15Year. If not keep, then the responsibility as required by relevant laws and regulations. Fund managed or before making the half-year report and annual report, fund managers should be the relevant information to the custodian of the Fund shall not be undue refusal or delay, and to guarantee its authenticity, accuracy and completeness. Fund Trustees shall not be kept by the register of holders of shares of the Fund is used to fund supportPipe business purpose other than, and should comply with confidentiality obligations. 13, Fund for file save (a) asset management fund manager should keep records of business activities, books, reports and other relevant information, Fund custodians should keep records of Fund custody business activities, books, reports and other relevant information, save for a period of 15 years. (Ii)Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund according to the agreed terms of the tenth section of this agreement comply with confidentiality obligations of their saved files, and archives. 14, the Fund custodian and Fund Manager replace (a) management obligation after the termination of the Fund, should still keep the Fund management business information, and with the new Fund Manager or interim Fund Manager in time the transfer of the Fund management business formalities�� Fund Trustees should actively cooperate with, and with the new Fund Manager or interim check the net value of the Fund assets and fund management. (B) trustee duties after the termination of the Fund, should still take care of Fund assets and Fund custody business information, and with new funds managed or temporary custodian of the Fund prompt for transfer of Fund assets and Fund custody business formalities. Fund managementPeople should actively cooperate with, and with the new or temporary custodian of the Fund check Fund managed fund assets and net worth. (C) other matters see the Fund contract of the relevant conventions. LAU prohibited acts (a) of the Fund by the 20th and 31st of prohibited conduct. (B) of the Fund by the 59th investment or activities are prohibited. (C) in addition toAccording to fund manager's instructions or of the Fund contract, as provided in this agreement, a fund custodians shall not use or other disposition of the assets of the Fund. (D) the fund managers, Fund custodians of senior managers and other employees shall not work part-time. (E) laws and regulations, the Fund contract and other acts prohibited by this agreement. 16 variation, the Trusteeship Agreement, finalWith the liquidation of the assets of the Fund (a) managed change this agreement by consensus of the parties to the agreement, you can change the Protocol. Changes the new Protocol, its contents shall not be any conflicts with the provisions of the Fund contract. Changes the new protocol should be reported to the CSRC approval or for the record. (B) the termination of the Trusteeship Agreement following conditions occur, the Trusteeship Agreement should beWhen the termination: 1, the Fund contract terminated; 2, replace the funds of the Fund Trustees; 3, replace the Fund Manager of the Fund; 4, of the Act, the law on measures for the operation of the Fund, or other termination of the legal regulations. (C) the Fund liquidation of the assets of the Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund shall, in accordance with the Fund contract and related provisions of the laws and regulations on theProperty for the liquidation of the Fund. Division 17, breach of contract and responsibilities (a) non-fulfilment of the agreement by the parties of this agreement or the performance of this agreement does not conform to the contract, shall be liable for breach of contract. (Ii) arising from this agreement the parties breach caused damage to the assets of the Fund or the Fund share holders, should bear compensation responsibility according to the law for their actions, respectively, for common actions to the baseGold holders of the assets or shares of the Fund for damage caused, shall bear joint liability. (C) the party's violation of this agreement, loss to the other party should be liable. (Iv) due to force majeure do not implement the agreements, based on the effects of the force majeure, partial or total exemption of default, but otherwise except as provided by law. PartyDelay in performance occurs after the force majeure, cannot be exempted from responsibility. (E) a party defaults, in the terms of reference of the other party has an obligation to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, tried to prevent the loss of the expansion. (F) breach has occurred, but the continued implementation of the agreement, to the maximum extent under the protection of the interests of holders of shares of the Fund, the Fund Manager and fund supportPeople should continue to implement the agreement. (VII) to clarify responsibilities, without prejudice to the other provisions of this agreement, this section under the premise of universal applicability, Fund Administrator and custodian of the Fund because of the following problems caused by loss of accountability, clearly as follows: 1, issue directives as a result of responsibility for violations of laws and regulations, borne by the Fund Manager, 2, the directive issuedPersonnel within the scope of the permissions contained in the authorization notification issued a directive as a result of the responsibility borne by the Fund Manager, even if the officer issued a directive has not been actually authorized by fund managers (such as fund managers after the revocation or change authorization rights failed to notify the Fund trustee); but if the trustee knows or should have known of the Fund instruction issued a staff issued a directive does notObtain authorization or exception to rights, the responsibility should be borne by the Fund custodian; 3, Fund custodians without signature and seal on the instruction set aside and reserve samples of signatures and seal (including granting permission) apparent authenticity audit led Fund managed to execute invalid instructions, liability arising therefrom shall be borne by the Fund custodian; 4, belong to the actual fund managed-Activity under the control of assets of the Fund (including physical security) in the custody of the custodian of the Fund during the damage, loss, liability arising therefrom shall be borne by the Fund custodian; 5, fund managers should be responsible for their management fees charged by calculating error amounts of responsibility. If agreed to fund trustees review results of fund managers, Fund custodians should assume it is not properly implementingReview of obligations corresponding responsibilities; 6, fund managers should bear the custodian should be charged to the Fund's responsibility of the hosting fee calculation errors. If agreed to fund trustees review results of fund managers, Fund custodians did not properly fulfil the obligation of review appropriate responsibility shall be borne; 7, due to lead to the Fund Manager or custodian of the funds cannot be based on certificate of ChinaTicket registration and clearing business rules for limited liability company liquidation in a timely manner, borne by the party responsible for this asset, Fund share holders and to direct losses to injured parties, as the two sides caused the funds cannot be based on business rules of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation liquidated in a timely manner, the Parties shall, in accordance with their degree of fault for direct losses resulting from a reasonableResponsibilities; 8, in funds settlement date, funds account first used in addition to the purchase of new shares of other funds of funds settlement obligations, settlement fund balance on completion can be used to purchase new shares. If insufficient funds caused shares to purchase failed or lack of new share purchase, Fund custodians do not bear any responsibility. If the Fund share holders therefore submitted a claim for compensation, the lawsLiability and losses borne by the Fund Manager. Responsibilities are only referred to in this agreement means, funds/Fund/Fund Management Division of responsibilities between the Trustees of the Fund, does not affect the responsibility of the parties to the other party's right of recourse. 18, applicable law and dispute settlement (a) this Agreement shall apply People's Republic of China laws and its interpretation. (B) Fund managementBetween people and the custodian of the Fund arising from this agreement arising out of or relating to this agreement and disputes can be resolved through friendly consultations. But if the dispute within 60 days after the date of the written consultations of the dispute could not be resolved through negotiation, either party has the right to submit the dispute in Beijing, China international economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, and in accordance with its arbitration rules in force when the quorum. ArbitrationAward shall be final and binding arbitration the parties are. (C) the subject than what is involved in the dispute, this agreement the Parties shall perform the other provisions of this agreement. 19, the Trusteeship Agreement in effect (I) Fund managers in applying to the China Securities Regulatory Commission commit funds managed draft agreement on sale of fund shares, through managed agreements the parties legalTable or authorized signatory signature and seal, agreement the parties according to the China Securities Regulatory Commission modifying managed draft agreement. Text of the Trusteeship agreements approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission as the official text. (B) from the date of signing of this agreement was established, as from the date of entry into force of the contract from the Fund. This agreement is valid from the date of its entry into force asset liquidation results to report in ChinaSFC for the record and the date of the announcement. (C) from the date of entry into force of this agreement the Parties shall have the same legal binding. (D) land and copies of the originals of this agreement, Protocol for each party and second, reported the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall keep one copy each document having the same legal effect. 20, the custodian agreement signing, see Signing page. (No text) Others:

