2012年4月8日 星期日

tera power leveling held in a couple of months time - HUU

129773822120625000_122Although history has only 20 years in China, but the services outsourcing industry "growing" at an astonishing pace. In particular, Beijing, nearly 10 years, there have been 20 times more than double of the fast growing in 2011, off-shore income is more than $ 2.4 billion. Some experts pointed out that China service outsourcing industry has moved from price competition "1 times" compete "2.0 times ". Despite the distance, the first "China (Beijing) services trade fair" (Beijing fair) held in a couple of months time, but after recently visited a number of enterprises, journalists found that service outsourcing industry leader in domestic citiesHarvest at the opening pageant of cooperation opportunities, expanding the development space and meet friends. As Beijing Qu Ling years of service outsourcing enterprises Association said to reporters, outsourcing is a rapid rise in industry, especially in Beijing, nearly 20 times more than the 10 years of rapid growth, 2011 off-shore income is more than $ 2.4 billion.Head start served outside the development but also the development of Act first in China for 20 years, but the services outsourcing industry "growing" at an astonishing pace. Located in Beijing's Zhongguancun was renowned as "China's Silicon Valley", large software and information technology companies-settling in here. It also became Beijing's first offshore outsourcing services across the country, and to retain a national leader naturalPotential. Service outsourcing enterprises Association in Beijing said Li Jin, around 1995, multinational software giant enter one after another, also bringing services outsourcing. Private capital sensitive to seize this opportunity. Since 2005, with the support of policy, ushered in the development of clothing outside the industry Summit. Hirohiko, soft, with Evans, a number of now China clothing outside the famousEnterprises, is also in this step by step in the process of growing up. Now has established 24 offices and delivery Center in global isoftstone information technology (Holdings) limited in 2007, millions of dollars of client only 8, 2011 has been increased to 15.����Last year, a soft pass income of more than US $ 280 million. Reporters from BeijingWorks Committee understands that as of now, Beijing engaged in service outsourcing enterprises has reached more than 400 enterprises, covering ITO (it outsourcing), BPO (business process outsourcing) tera power leveling, KPO (knowledge process outsourcing), and other fields. According to statistics, the 2011 Beijing ITO still in service outsourcing business structure as the main business, reaching 17.9$ 800 million in 2010, representing rose 49.7%, in all implementation amount, share of ITO as 73.43%.����At the same time, high end of KPO represented by bio-pharmaceutical research and development business will rise rapidly, compared with 2010, 2011 Beijing KPO implementation rates rose more than 200%. "BeijingService "clear and rapid development of service outsourcing industry in Beijing not only on the number and suit external competitiveness of enterprises is constantly improving. In 2011, selected in the top ten leading service outsourcing enterprises, there are 4 from Beijing; hundred entrepreneurs for growth, Beijing enterprises alone to hold 19. In addition, there are 5 service outsourcing enterprises in Hong Kong, Beijing tera gold, andUnited States listed.����Some large enterprises in Beijing entered a period of rapid growth, and gradually become the international competitiveness of industry-leading enterprise, "Beijing service" image is also becoming increasingly clear. Qu Lingnian noted that the benefits from Government to industry and policy support, service outsourcing industry development prospect. China service outsourcing industry are relying on price competition"1 times" compete "2 times".����The future, clothing enterprises should rely more on professional capability, high quality service delivery and more close to the user experience of products to orders, is no longer relying solely on price advantage. Now it appears that Microsoft's software of the Chinese version, and one of the three largest airline flights scheduling system services such as outsourcing caseA milestone of service outsourcing enterprises in Beijing. "After the considerable investments in infrastructure, economic development, business soft demand, such as production or management efficiency, and so affect the core productivity increases in demand, hence the domestic market prospects are enormous. "Hirohiko Technology Corporation chairman Wang bin said that as the domestic clothing Enterprise undertakes capacity grows tera gold,Two years, foreign customers are more business from India to China. The first Beijing-securities and Exchange Commission for the enterprise at the door provides access to potential customers, and opportunities for interaction with peers, and enterprises in China can be better introduced to the world. Others:

