2012年4月17日 星期二

tera gold less banking market - QKK

129788422102968750_178 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>[The Bank of China (601,988) in the effectiveness of the expansion of the trust territory is emerging, Bank trust company back on the huge deposits of massive customer resources and resource Bank shareholders, assets and profits continue to achieve a breakthrough on] are no longer content with simple deposit lending in China's banking sector, in the areas of asset management explorationAnd their effectiveness is emerging in the expansion of the trust territory, Bank trust company back on the huge deposits of massive customer resources and resource Bank shareholders, assets and continue to achieve a breakthrough on the profits. On the profit growth, Bank trust company has far more than holding Bank. Present situation of China Trust industry rapid growth and broad prospects for development, has beenMany foreign financial institutions "favor".   Industrial trust "leads" while most trust companies for not announcing the 2011 annual report, but is a vision from the published annual report of listed banks Bank of trust company of performance issues. Compared with Jianxin trusts and Bank, Societe Generale on trust in last year's net profit grew by more than the former two. Societe GeneraleBank (601,166) (601,166.   SH) 2011 annual report shows that up to the end, Société Générale Trust net earnings of $ 204 million, an increase of 168.91%. According to the China Construction Bank (601 tera gold,939) (601,939. SH, 00939.HK) and the Bank of communications (601,328) (601328.SH, 03328.HK) review 2011, build trust last year's net profit of $ 329 million, representing a growth of 89.08%; letter from the Bank net profit of 159 million dollars last year, an increase of 91.22%. These three mutual fund companies respective controlling shareholders of the Societe Generale Bank, China Construction Bank and Bank of communications,According to the annual report, the three banks last year, net profit was 25.505 billion yuan, respectively, $ 169.439 billion and $, respectively, over the previous year, 37.71% and 29.95%.   From the net profit growth, far below its trust. In addition, according to the annual report, at the end of 2011, Societe Generale capital trustProduction totaled $ 3.357 billion, relatively early stage growth 282.09%; management of trust assets of 152.605 billion yuan, 379.39% more early stage growth.   The accumulated revenues of $ 490 million during the reporting period, total 276 million yuan in profits. At the end of last year, building trust Trustees manage the trust assets 1907.26Billion, representing a growth of 188.91% the end of 2011, autonomous management trust bank acquired the scale was 44.727 billion yuan, existence trust scale (AUM) was 74.089 billion yuan, annual average $ 49.294 billion received the trust scale. "In the context of current business and industries are regulated, format in different financial profit modelAnd there are differences in the business model.   "Trust and at Renmin University Fund Xing Cheng, Executive Director of the Institute on the Business Journal reporters. Bank profit growth well below its trust company, he believes that there are three main reasons, less banking market; Bank competition tera power leveling, market saturation, and restrictions on the business areasNarrow, but profits stable profit base, so growth is slow. Trust company as a "rising star", has a system of bonuses, flexible market space larger, investment and other advantages. Others:

