2012年4月9日 星期一

tera gold determined to provide the scientific basis for this goal. What is the innovation index -

129771823079156060_23Through creative innovation ability to enhance local innovation capacities in China index remained an important focus on national innovation index report released a few days ago, my resources in innovation, knowledge creation, innovation, the innovation performance of enterprises and innovation environment, performance and development trend of showing how? According to 2010 innovation performance, enterprise in ChinaSubindex higher scores, ranking near the top of the new innovation environment, creativity, innovation and knowledge resources subindex scores after the lower ranked.  This fully shows that innovation activity level is still in a stage of rapid development in China, has great potential for subsequent development. Specific analysis of various indices ranking change in recent years, the project coordinator said party Secretary Hu Zhijian, China Academy of science and technology development strategyIn 2005,Fluctuations, but overall performance continued to progress significantly, from the 27th of 2005, rising to 18th of 2010; is knowledge creation again, from the 2005 level, gradually catching up in 2010 to 29th. "But China made progress in innovation and innovation of enterprise resources small. "Hu Zhijian admits that from 2005 to 2010 innovation of Chinese enterprises subindex rose only 2 digits, intermediate volatility. Singapore and Korea enterprise innovation in some countries, such as larger subindex rankings the same ups and downs, while European countries are stable. He analyzed the reasons, in the context of economic globalization, innovation in a large proportion of foreign capital enterprises of the country more vulnerable to international economic fluctuations in the。  In 2009, the innovation of Chinese enterprises index retreated 6 over the previous year, fell from the 12th to the 18th, but in 2010, up to 15th place. In terms of innovation resources and innovation resources in China Although the input is large, increases in recent years over a 2-digit, but due to the effects of population size and stage of development, involve per capita resourcesIndicators as compared to most OECD countries, the gap remains significant. Therefore, China's progress in international rankings of innovation resources in the short term is not clear.  In 2010, the subindex international rankings of innovation resources in China than in 2005 increased by only 1-bit, to the 30th. "It is worth noting that is, although the innovation capabilities of enterprises in China has ranked 15th, innovation performanceHas been ranked 5th and more than United States, but is closely related to acquisition of that status and foreign-funded enterprises.  "Hu Zhijian said. Many experts said that since the country since the implementation of the platform for medium-and long-term science and technology development plan, rising overall innovation, but innovation ability of enterprises growth is relatively slow. Strengthening the innovation capacity of local enterprises in the long term will remain in ChinaChange the mode of economic development, one of the important points of building an innovation-oriented country. Overall, China national innovation index aggregates are outstanding, and many indicators tera power leveling, indicators of efficiency, intensity, quality indicators, compared with the power of science and technology remains in a backward position, some even lower than some developing countries. Analysis showed that the Chinese"Innovative achievement" and "innovation", local enterprise's technology innovation capability and core technologies independent rate remains high, dependence on foreign advanced technology, there is still a high. "Innovative resources" and "knowledge creation", although the Chinese rScale of human resources in science and technology and its advantages and potentials of the domestic market, will be the key breakthrough of building an innovation-oriented country.  Innovation index is a calculation of how? Last year enacted the national "Twelve-Five" in science and technology development plan suggested that "Twelve-Five" is one of the overall objectives of the development of science and technology "comprehensive innovative capability of countries ranked by the current 2nd1-rising to the top 18 ".  For monitoring and evaluation of an innovative process of nation-building, Chinese Academy of science and technology development strategy research results from 2006 national innovation index, determined to provide the scientific basis for this goal. What is the innovation index? General authors state innovation index reports, Chinese Institute of science and technology development strategy research fellows Gao ChanglinIntroduction, strategy Institute research draws on national competitiveness and innovations at home and abroad in evaluation theory and method, from the creative resources, knowledge creation, innovation tera gold, the innovation performance of enterprises and innovation environment 5 construction of index system of national innovation index. First reporting State innovation index has been officially released in February 2011. 2011 version continues to use rInput 98% as a research object in more than 40 countries in the world; continue to use international benchmarking analysis calculation method of the General index of national innovation; and adopted a report on the evaluation index system and national innovation index by 5 level and 31 second-level indicators up. "These indicators is relatively independent and interrelated, a comprehensive reflection of the national innovation prioritiesWeaknesses, capabilities, and performance; the 16 quantitative indicators, highlights innovation brings competitive ability; supplemented with 4 total indicators, balance the balance of powers small; select a qualitative survey of 11 indicators reflect the innovation environment; all data from Governments or international organizations or publications of statistics, international comparability and authority. "Gao Changlin also said,The world is constantly changing, national innovation capacity is rendered along with the evolution of the global financial crisis, take up this habit. Comprehensive evaluation of national innovation capacity tera power leveling, monitoring changes in China's innovation capacity, gap analysis between China and innovative country in the world and features, is a process of exploration and study. Others:

