2012年4月11日 星期三

tera gold most of the capital preservation products 100% - TAF

129773932906406250_56Huitong's network, March 27-skill: identify whether the capital preservation. At present, linked to the different proportion of capital preservation products are not the same, most of the capital preservation products 100%, but also some products promise only a partial capital preservation. Investors in the choice of such products, first of all to see capital preservation, and according to your own risk tolerance and on the link market's judgement to choose the appropriateProduct. Financial management skills of investment products II: trend judging risks according to the linked object. Many investors buy-linked financial products, know nothing about linked objects of market trends, in fact, as buying stocks and funds, on market movements do not realize, is less likely to buy the product. If you linked to the market is not good tera gold, you should choose a high proportion of capital preservation products or miningTake evasive tactics. Financial products investment guide tip three: testing past performance with historical data. In complex ways of hooking and expect the highest yield attractive front, using historical data to test "backflow testing method" to help investors identify gold plated product gets high chances of high yields, large. But for the time being the majority of banks may introduce hooksWhen the product does not provide back tests results, investors themselves can be arbitrarily taken under different market historical data of the linked object, and then nest the yields on formula for calculation. Financial products investment skills financial products investment tips articles (foreign exchange financing product) financial products investment guide details, product subscription cycle. Similar products, shorter product set up cycleTo investors is the most favourable. Financial products investment guide details the second, early termination of rights. Foreign Exchange financing product, who has the right of early termination, the right to early termination of the length of time and frequency, will affect the investment flexibility. Product details three investment guide, product interest. In General, at the same rate cases,Send it once a year for interest-bearing foreign exchange financing product, a "ACT/360" of interest is clearly most beneficial to the customer. Product details four investment guide, whether the product is designed for ordinary and preferred customers. Under certain circumstances, ordinary investors do not equal sharing of income. In General, the products to which type of customers, such customers are likely to beFirst class customers. In addition, some agencies have often become a priority customer. Five financial products investment guide details, additional requirements of the product. Now all the major banks in foreign exchange financing products are also spared no effort in innovation, some provisions of some non-conventional, such as after the expiration of a financial product must then invested another foreign exchange financing product. Financial management skills of investment productsArticle financial products investment tips article ("capital preservation") because of the banking product design is more complex, the "capital preservation" concepts are the same. According to the actual situation, can be broadly divided into the following categories, investors should prevent the hidden risks. Financial products investment guide, safest guaranteed RMB fixed income products. For short-term products, modes of operation to bond investmentsAnd trust funds, yields per cent-3%, principal of all. This type of product is suitable for older tera gold, lower risk tolerance of the investor. Hidden risks: income may not be as deposit. Because the current is in a rate hike cycle, there may be products run savings deposit rate after the expiration, investors should be avoided as far as possible long-term products. PropertyUS $ investment guide b, the illusory capital preservation products. US $ Bank launched the financial products expected annual yield of 5% per cent. In addition, valet $ overseas financing products are also involved in capital preservation products, promised after the expiration of the minimum dollar capital guarantee will be granted. Hands of more suitable for certain foreign exchange investors who are not willing to surrender. Hidden risk: profit6% lose money. Buy now $ wealth management products, will face a double loss of interest rates and the exchange rate, get a dollar of principal after the expiration of guarantee, but if the income of less than 6%, then, have in fact broken. C financial products investment guide, the most punctual guaranteed renminbi structured products. It is a combination Bank by buying stocks, indices or commodities options, To raise investors ' funds as financial products of the corresponding hedging operations, most linked to preference shares, and focus more on in several blue chips. Purchasing these products for investors, preferably with a certain amount of financial knowledge tera power leveling, to understand the basics of product. Hidden risk: early termination, principal guarantee. While ensuring that the principal, but if investors own the originalLead to early termination, the capital guarantee terms no longer apply. Most of the structured products is due to 100% the return of principal. D and the most profitable financial products investment guide guaranteed new share purchase such products. Although new share purchase, products are floating income, but since last year, but it was the banks one by one without the slightest loss of principal, and yields on universal SuperCPI increase of financial products, a truly King of capital preservation. Such products are now welcomed by ordinary investors. Hidden risk: low success rate impact earnings. Because these products are investment term of more than 3 months, although there are some products designed to be open, but most of the liquidity of the product and not as strong as short-term financing products, once the success rateAnd lower gains on the first day of new listings, its benefits will be reduced. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

