2012年4月16日 星期一

tera power leveling law enforcement officersWhen you check a bakery for operating without a permit

129788442989531250_86"Three two built" dense, Department law enforcement but repeated violence against France.  Yesterday, the Dutch city, said Chief of ring games, two of the Council's recent participation in joint law enforcement operations, 6 violence by anti-personnel administrative detention by public security organs. On March 28, April 9, ring-bearing joint public security, industry and commerce, the transport sector safety supervision departments, two "built three two" specialAction, regulation of gaoming City Road offences such as hawking, operating without a permit. Wenchang road, Donghua road, taihelu, Songtao road, street, become the focus of law enforcement areas.  In the two operations, a number of stalls hawking, scope management, merchant was punished. However, in two enforcement actions, law enforcement officers were subjected to violence against France. The morning of April 9, law enforcement officersWhen you check a bakery for operating without a permit, were shopkeepers fierce resistance, the shop owner had the knife threat to law enforcement officers, preventing its confiscated equipment. "Encounter such a situation, we can only present violence against law officers to the Police Department. "Yesterday tera gold, the Dutch Deputy Chief of city ring games Chen Jianquan said. Reporters learned from the branch, suffered in the two operations 6Violence against law officers, public security organs have been sentenced to administrative detention for 5 days of punishment. Chen Jianquan said, in urban management in day-to-day law enforcement, violence against France often occurs. Sophisticated and Man Cheong Street vendors along the road of violence against France stand out, "most of the time, they will each other ' echoes ', brought together, obstructing law enforcement law enforcement as a group, brought to city management extremely difficult. ”In addition to joint law enforcement and public security departments tera power leveling, enhance deterrence, Dutch city Central Transport Department had tried to reference to practices such as Guangzhou tera power leveling, Shenzhen, chancheng, introduction of social intermediary organizations in urban management. "For example, you can hire professional security company, be persuasive on the movement of street vendors, management, can improve the efficiency of urban governance. "Chen Jianquan says, this vision can be implemented, also Government andLegal shop agreement. Others:

