2012年4月6日 星期五

tera gold only Yutong Bus China specifically for our foreign visitors - KRB

129773928477343750_92Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleRubric interview and you say the global observation of weekly hexun.com comment window on the South issue 2012 > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: South wind window overnight from MexicoFamous resort of Cancun to the Cuban capital of Havana, feels like is to experience a trip through the time tunnel. Comparison between, blue day is a day, the sea is blue-green sea, air is clean and transparent air, temperatures are warm and suitable for people of 98 degrees. However, everything else is completely different. Cancun has more than more than 200 five-star holiday hotelAs well as full of first-class facilities, prices are significantly lower than domestic level in China. The city lights shine at night, bustling. Whether in the street or in the store, to see people look on the face are all brimming with confidence and optimism. Landed in Havana, oncoming is a dark, also have turned ugly, full of Chinese word "tip" specially difficult as isCustoms officials visas in favour of Chinese tourists, forced to fill entry cards tera gold, each with a one dollar. Just one hour flight contrasts so strongly, you need visitors with a relatively tough adjustment ability. ����Exchange of five or six staff standing behind the counter at the airport, but only one person working, blind eye to the other all queue lines, continuing heated talks. Havana, nuclearRegional distribution of heart reflects the historical process of the development of Cuba. Near the pier a is Spain style old town, 16 built in 19th century. On the edge is a United States-style old town, 20th century built in the first half. Out political center area is full of poor Soviet architectural style, 60-80 's basically completed in the last century, these years also built a little unsure about whatVarious bits of new buildings. Further to the outside is the so-called new district, used to be a rich living is now official and overseas villas of rich relatives, and those who lived were covered in some residential buildings and hotels, and intended for use by foreigners and tourists living. Regardless of which area is, it was a run-down, dilapidated, look miserable. Most common feature is a house without Windows and there was no electricity, through the black hundredWindows looked to the dark room, silence. Havana old town has an area of about one square kilometer protected area, Spain colonial rule of Government House as the core of the Americas as a whole, fully retaining the 16 to the 19th century colonial style, antique, intact, by the United Nations as a world heritage. In one of the apparently external windowLittle square there is a whitewash of new Steak House, I heard Ra��l? Castro, XI Jinping of visiting here to eat a meal. Proceeding from this, regardless of any direction to the 50 meters above the surrounding buildings into a surface painted new, empty and painted only one side of the street, and decoration layer only. Steak House is a hotel on the other side, first floor lobbyRefurbishment of sumptuous, was ablaze with lights. I asked the tour guide can be moved here to live, zero distance in order to experience Cuban culture. Tour Guide gave me a white eye: "Please look up upstairs, all rooms are not glass, mosquito bite you to death at night. "Havana can be regarded as classic car capital of the world. Those designed for senior classic car tours for foreign tourists, aged at least 50 years or more,Revision did not know how many times and all sorts even in various color models of the various producers have long disappeared, such as Volga, LADA, 212, Beijing Jeep, and more, aged at least twenty or thirty years. These low end cars not worth the trouble to renovations, as long as they can run on the line, so a unkempt, paint has not reflective, door half open half-in, the window translucent. Heard in the ancientBus, car has long ceased to be a technology, but rather an art. ����Havana, even these classic cars are invisible, only Yutong Bus China specifically for our foreign visitors, groups, streets. More than 50 years, Cuba than before the reform of radical Soviet-style Socialist system in China, confiscated in the past by the private and foreign nationals holdingSome assets such as land, houses, businesses, and enterprises are nationalised all industries, workers above are incorporated into the system of State-owned 90%. Today, the Cuban people of basic food rations is also assigned by the State, masses of ordinary workers ' salary is the equivalent of 20 dollars a month the FEC, for purchase of daily necessities, as for the regular Cuban pesos (commonly known as "Peso" and the FECExchange rate 1:24) only on the free market to buy some vegetables and fruits. Just 3 years ago, the people of Cuba have no right to purchase and ownership of household appliances, mobile phones here are new. On the surface, Cuba is an equal society, the Ministers but 40 months wages FEC. In fact, many serious official corruption, privilege tera gold, and quality of life is much higher than ordinary people. This depends onMaintained by the powerful "prosperity for all" into a genuine common poverty, people lose the incentive to work, more than half of the arable land is abandoned, processing and manufacturing industry workers got only for half a day (lack of electricity is one of the important reasons). Half a century ago the Cuban revolution, resulting in millions of Cubans fleeing overseas tera power leveling, with only Cuba, across the sea from United States, FloridaThe Cuban people of millions of refugees and their descendants (the Cuban population 13 million). Young people today still go abroad as legal or illegal to change the fate of the only way out. Therefore, ten Cubans have relatives abroad, depending on how much remittances come back from time to time they can improve the lives of some. On the national level as a whole, industrialization in sight, was heavily dependent on sugar exportsBecause of the low productivity, production equipment and technology to meet the requirements of the modern market decline, famous cigars is difficult to export on a large scale in the world. Are high hopes tourism does attract a lot of foreign middle-aged and elderly tourists like us, but because of the severe shortage of supporting infrastructure, basic no exploitation of tourism resources, and supporting the national economy as a wholeLimit. Irony is, intended to get rid of the Cuban revolution on the foreign, particularly United States rely on, but for decades, Cuba has deeper into dependence on foreign. From the 60 's to the 80 's of last century, Cuba relies heavily on Soviet and East European bloc of economic and social assistance. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Cuba experienced a very pale and 90. In recent yearsLuckily, Venezuela Chavez, generous and complimentary oil annually and give a lot of interest-free loans. Coupled with the increasingly wealthy China gradually stepped up aid to Cuba, Cuba's day is barely possible. Once remittances, Chavez and one of China's three major foreign aid any slip, it is hard to imagine the Cuban economy and how people's lives can have veryLow levels of sustain. Prior to the visit to Cuba, also read some relevant newspaper information. Together with life experience, presumably before the reform and opening up in China, know the fundamentals of the country is not very good, mentally prepared. But really to see Cuba, only to find their gruesome sight far exceeded expectations. In recent years the social system similar to Iran, and Syria, and processNice compared to countries such as Cuba's social situation is the worst. Even compared with North Korea, although the fundamentals, but the core area of Pyongyang too much makeup to see the past. In recent years has been to the most poor countries are Madagascar, per capita GDP is only $ more than 300, is recognized in the United Nations, one of the poorest countries in the world, but on the perception and Cuba, not far from. Press OfficerParties, called the GDP per capita of Cuba more than more than 4,000 dollars, and China is similar to, but the reality looks so bad? Just a week before we visited, founding of the Cuban Communist Party held a National Conference for the first time in 50 years, reaffirmed last year six of the party's reform measures, and focus on change "mindset". According to the paper's reform measuresEffect, the Cuban people are allowed to engage in private such as Barber basket, street hawkers and restaurant management, can be planted in State-owned farming on the land being abandoned or legalize has lifted a semi-submerged in the past. Meanwhile, the Government has also developed a year laid off millions of workers in State-owned enterprises be self-employed in the target, to get rid of unbearable financial burden. But our field observations,Year is not actually to implement the reform, social fundamentals do not change. ����The reason simply is the dynamic nature of reform, reform itself and reform the three problems are not really clear, and would like to know. Cuba's situation is a bit like before and after the third plenary session of the Chinese, we were officially called "the national economy to the brink of the edge". ChinaRound of reform have three of the best: a is the emancipation, redress unjust, relatively open opinion is imposed on farmers and agricultural land contract system, defines the State, the collective and individual rights; are opening up, attract foreign investment, and international standards. Although start is not clear, but has embarked on a respect for the law, in essence, exploring the road of market economy. Compared toXia, Cuba so far none of the three, are still holding high upholding the banner of the State-owned economy of Soviet-style socialism, implement a negative "reform", that is, let people be self-employed, are not appropriate to the people's rights and interests. Cuba's reforms did not touch a vested interest group site, a little free and shuaibaofu means, so won't have any big signs on the economy. The so-called reformIs more of a last resort, as an expedient measure. Cuba is old politics, Member of the political Bureau of the majority is the first generation of revolutionaries with an average age of over 75 years old. Only change was due to health reasons, brother Fidel is the highest leadership of the 85 seats to 80 years old brother, Raul. Member of the Central Committee of one-fourth military, forming a largeInterest groups, to create a Cuban version of "military first politics". Even potatoes, this diet has also been taken as war material, may not be sold in the market, ordinary people were rarely seen. We are in Havana at that time, coincided with Castro and spectacular when carrying out their rituals of new sales. Oral biography is a book, more than 1000 pages long, the theme was also launched that year led revolution of course. CountryInto this spiritual leader was also unable to bask in his glorious history, which was engaged in reform by others may let go of the hands and feet? Cuba's strategic location and unique environment. As long as the firm began to open up and the market economy, rapid modernization is not difficult. If the close proximity of the United States millions of overseas Chinese returning like a China overseas investment, reform of the KaiPower is not difficult to obtain. However, the ancient beauty of opposites allows the Cuban leadership for decades more than gestures, has not taken measures to ease relations with the United States. Obviously the economic mess, yet they dictate to US dollars and the exchange rate of 1:1 per cent of Cuba's foreign, and also to a 13% tax on Exchange, enabling tourists that they should get is only a dollar in exchange for eight seven foreign exchange certificate. If the flower does notFinished, in exchange for US dollar would also like to take the same amount of tax. This provision is valid only against the United States dollar, euro, Canadian dollar are not taxed. This greatly increased the cost of foreigners living in Cuba, and less likely to attract foreign investments in investment industry. ����No large-scale foreign investment, the so-called reform, there is no driving force, was tantamount to fish in the air. Cuban landscape with beautiful and pleasant. In the NorthWhile Beijing was encountered lingxia10du cold snap killing, we can enjoy the tropical sun and white sand and water, have some taste. Furthermore, tourists parting can also get a good Cuban cigar and reduce blood fat and cancer cure, up the price several times to 10 times lower than the domestic, are also considered to trip. However, farewell to Cuba was heavy. A revolution, A system, regardless of how the idea of Justice high, as long as the stagnation, rigid, metamorphosis, it loses its inherent vitality, on which building social inevitability of defeat. Others:

