2012年4月18日 星期三

tera gold kitchen waste processing market and gradually started. Blue-white-blue network measuremen

129784668123335000_144Environmental protection industry: policy concerns performance and valuation "three plus unit" Municipal sewage treatment, sewage treatment fee hike and promoting healthy development of the industry at this stage, sewage treatment fee hike is expected. Because prices increased costs, labor costs, reform implementation, sewage handling of corporate profit margins are squeezed. Sewage treatment and water fees to change signs and since 2012 water prices rose. If sewage chargesImposition of standards will likely open settlement price upside of sewage treatment, helps to improve the profitability of enterprises, promote the healthy development of the industry. Industrial water treatment, no significant investment opportunities in the short term. Listed companies engaged in industrial water treatment works in construction tera gold, operation enterprise has two types: one is the downstream petroleum and petrochemical industry, one is the thermal power industry in the lower reaches. In recent years,Petroleum and petrochemical industries in newly started projects increased, demand in wastewater treatment facilities, stock valuations currently too expensive for this area, and therefore is not recommended. Present domestic thermal power construction growth slowed, demand for wastewater treatment facilities of the thermal power industry contraction, engaged in waste water treatment of thermal power plant project in the construction and operation of electric green, Bain water growth prospects andNot optimistic. Garbage disposal into the accelerated development phase. 2011-2015 added national city life garbage disposal capacity at more than 550,000 tons/day, average annual compound growth rate of up to 19.32%, construction of urban living garbage harmless disposal facilities into acceleration. Actively promote the system of municipal solid waste treatment fees in China in recent years, expanding waste treatmentFee range, improving collection rates, provide the growing support for the industry. Kitchen garbage disposal market gradually opening. August 2011, national development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly approved a 33, Chaoyang District, Beijing city (district), the implementation of resource utilization and harmless treatment of food waste pilot, and arrange special funds for the development of circular economy $ 630 million on 33 City (area) for their support. Domestic kitchen, kitchen waste processing market and gradually started. Blue-white-blue network measurement, specific investment Chinese restaurant waste may be the next five years will reach more than 16 billion yuan, the market is large. Blow bugle call of thermal power industry standards, subsidy policies have been introduced to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, NOx curtain slowly opened, thermal power industry for denitrification mainArmy. In order to save investment, operational costs tera gold, some modification of low NOx combustion in thermal power plant, later to install exhaust gas denitration equipment, modification of low NOx combustion start. NOx standards by the Department of environmental protection in the making of cement industries 800mg/m3 increase to 300-400mg/M3, cement kilns has been initiated in some areas and denitrification, cement plant deNOx market started. NowHave not yet developed a very suitable for sintering flue gas denitrification technology, iron and steel industry and denitrification market starts slow. Desulfurization demand mainly from non-electric industry. Power is the largest source of emissions of sulfur dioxide, 82% are now complete desulfurization of thermal power units, desulfurization of thermal power industry market in a State of atrophy, desulphurization and market demand, mainly from non-electricity industry in the future. The iron and steel industryEmission standard of air pollutants-sintering (pellet) is expected to be released in 2012, new sulfur dioxide emission standards or the development of sintering machine of enterprises in 200mg/M3 tera power leveling, after the new standards introduced, will accelerate the construction of desulphurization of iron and steel industry, remaining about $ 7 billion market space. Environmental advantage of valuations begin to emerge. On March 30, 2012, greenPE/PE non-financial industries are 1.16 times, compared to mean doubled only premium 1.14 times and environmental industry historical PE ratio values doubled low 34.41 times, advantage of valuations begin to emerge. Second-quarter investment strategy, we have given the environmental protection industry "recommended" rating, it is recommended that focus on performance, valuation, and policy "three plus unit", blue water, saunaNET green of moral environment, Grammy, Dragon, Dragon source of concern. Is expected in the second quarter will be published in the collection of waste electrical and electronic products fund management rules, relating to further encourage and guide the healthy development of private investment in municipal solid waste treatment industry regulations, recommendations focus on sound environment of the benefit unit and Grammy. Others:

