2012年4月28日 星期六

tera power leveling Normal Guy. The author of this video - VAG

WoW Moviewatch: Normal Guy. The author of this video tera gold, Ollgabopi, was inspired by a Lonely Place skit. He took the audio track from the skit, and presented in a WoW machinima context. Lonely Place has received this treatment before in Boombox. It's not the most complicated technique ever created, but I find that the WoW characters really help bring out the "extra funny" in many of these jokes. This video is titled Normal Guy tera power leveling, which is also the name of the Lonely Place original.The video is pretty simple. I think that was a wise choice on the author's part, since he really needed to keep the audience's focus on the audio track. Of course tera power leveling, that also keeps the video from showing off his talent, but I imagine that wasn't the goal of Normal Guy.Ultimately, these bite-sized pieces are fun, but I look forward to seeing Ollgabopi expand into something else.Click here to check it out yourself.Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an e-mail at machinima AT wow DOT com.Email This. WoW Moviewatch: Normal Guy. Others:

2012年4月26日 星期四

tera power leveling les fans de Shandong avaient une empreinte profonde sur lui. Né en 1982 - XPP

129624492026875000_247NetEase sport signalées 7 octobre : Le 7 octobre, les joueurs de double étoile de Qingdao de l'équipe masculine de basketball inaugura une garde de réputation important : Wang gang. Qu'ils ont introduit cette saison au sein de la troisième heavyweight de l'aide avant cela, Zhai Jinshuai et c s'est joint à l'équipe. Dès le 5 ao?t, NetEase sport a été signalée équipe le gang gauche Shandong masculine de basketballMessage. Wang gang 2003 entre l'équipe de basket-ball de Shandong masculine, le principal défenseur de la guerre de Shandong au nom de la Ligue de la CBA, avec Sun Jie et Daniel Chan, connu comme nouvelle tro?ka de Shandong de l'équipe masculine de basketball. 2009--la saison 2010, Wang gang, un déménagement temporaire à l'équipe de basket-ball de Zhejiang Taurus masculine, la saison dernière retour du Shandong et ont de bonnes performances. Wang gang comme équipe de basket-ball de Shandong masculineSept saisons avant de 2008 tera gold, il a été défenseur principal de l'équipe. Après 2008, Wang gang placer sous défi, mais il a également été un du joueur principal de rotation, les fans de Shandong avaient une empreinte profonde sur lui. Né en 1982, Wang gang, était agé de moins de 30 ans cette année, et il n'y a pas plus de graves blessures, conformément à sa condition physique, CBUn trois ou quatre saisons sans aucun problème. En outre, accueil de Wang gang, Jiaonan, Qingdao, son père, les membres de la famille en Jiaonan, cette fois à Qingdao double étoile à jouer la balle, peut être considéré comme un réel retour à la maison. Depuis Guang Li après la blessure, Qingdao Operating présente deux saisons ont été manquant une conférence, peut faciliter l'arrivée de Wang gang de Qingdao étoile double dans ce processus est insuffisant. De Qingdao doubleNouvelles étoiles que Wang gang dans la nouvelle saison va jouer dans leur principal défenseur de la capacité. Après le gang à gauche tera power leveling, l'équipe de basket-ball Shandong masculine dans le vrai sens d'anciens joueurs, laissant un Sun Jie et M. Herman Cho. équipe de Shandong masculine de basketball de pensée des décideurs, est de prendre la fréquentation stricte est déterminé à former de jeunes joueurs, Tao Hanlin tera power leveling, air de pluie de Yan Ding, un certain nombre de nouvelle génération, sera donnée des possibilités de formation suffisante pour la nouvelle saison. Others:

tera power leveling disponible prêt de 1 an d'octobre d'une banque - LEE

129624510769218750_376En raison de la détérioration continue de la crise de la dette européenne, les risques de perte économique mondial et européen s'élèvent, deux grandes banques centrales en Europe-la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) et de la décision de la Banque centrale (BOE) du Royaume-Uni pour lancer un total d'environ 170 milliards de dollars dans un nouveau cycle d'assouplissement des mesures quantitatives. Crise de liquidité ou Ying en déménagement allégées prêts d'une part de la Banque centrale, ainsi que les faibles économiquesInjecter une dose d'agents inotropes. En outre, Ou Ying Central Bank assouplissement de comportement, a marqué une nouvelle série de mesures globales d'assouplissement monétaires avait débuté. Ou Ying Central Bank à nouveau et détente quantitative La Banque centrale européenne a annoncé l'octobre 6 à 40 milliards d'euros (environ 53 milliards de dollars us) pour acheter des obligations couvertes européennes au sommet et redémarrer sur banques offrant 12-13 mois pour une quantité illimitée de la fonteOpérations ; la Banque centrale du Royaume-Uni annoncée le même jour l'échelle de 75 milliards de livres (environ 115 milliards de dollars) de la deuxième manche du QE (QE2). Dans le même temps, chacun des deux banques centrales a décidé de maintenir des taux d'intérêt inchangés et 1,5 %. Deux grandes banques centrales à lancer un nouveau cycle d'atténuer les effets, marché aux attentes de la crise de la dette européenne sera davantage allégées, en même temps le vent de ralentissementAssurance sera interdit pour stimuler la confiance des investisseurs. Analyse a grimpé rapidement après la fin de l'euro/dollar, monnaie récupéré 1,34 marque, succès de haute 1.345 ; en outre, le sterling/dollar a plongé à un minimum de 15 mois de niveau 1.5269, cessé de tomber des taux de change a rebondi et récupéré la plupart des baisses antérieures. Le président de la Banque centrale européenne Jean-Claude Trichet sortant (JeaN-Claude Trichet) dans sa dernière conférence de presse après la rencontre, a déclaré que ? anormale grande incertitude dans l'économie, à la baisse des risques aggravants. L'inflation malgré la haute pour les prochains mois peut-être également être plus élevée que les 2 %, mais alors qu'ils devraient tomber. ” Pour s'attaquer à crédit européen crise crunch empiré et marché s'intensifie, Trichet a annoncé que la BCERedémarrez les mesures spéciales prises depuis la crise financière de 2008 tera gold, y compris pour acheter des obligations émises par les banques et les offres de la banque un prêt d'un an sans limite supérieure. M. Trichet, conduit par la Banque centrale européenne en ao?t pour redémarrer le programme d'achat de gouvernement bond, ont non seulement 23 personnes, Comité de gestion (Conseil d'administration) est divisé, a également conduit à la premièreJ'économiste stark (Juergen Stark) à démissionner. M. Trichet, gouverneur de la durée de 8 ans du mandat prendra fin le 31e qu'il devait symboliser l'unité européenne pour soutenir l'euro, et il a laissé la décision finale, il est possible d'avoir un impact crucial sur l'avenir de l'euro. En termes de biens achats, les quotas de jusqu'à 40 milliards d'euros tera power leveling, novembre dans le secondaire du marchéExploitation, prévue pour une période de 12 mois. Opérations de refinancement sans limite sur le montant, divisée en deux implémentation, disponible prêt de 1 an d'octobre d'une banque, dans la période de l'opération de prêt de 13 mois de décembre. La Banque centrale du Royaume-Uni a lancé une nouvelle série d'achats d'actifs, par rapport à l'achat de biens de 200 milliards de livres pour la première fois, les achats d'actifs est réduite à 75 milliards de livres tera power leveling, la taille cumulée de275 milliards de livres. Banque centrale du Royaume-Uni devraient mettre fin à un nouveau cycle de mécanisme de la dette dans les 4 mois. éditeur responsable : NF053 Others:

2012年4月19日 星期四

tera power leveling financial bonds - CMA

129784668282085000_550Jinli open debt based on a regular basis in the South 11th issue Southern Fund pure bond fund--second only to the South, owned by jinli open bond funds on a regular basis will be issued on April 11, which is the market's first convertible bonds not only investment, active management of medium-to long-term pure bond fund. As a pure bond fund, jinli is not directly in the South from the secondary market to buy shares tera gold, warrants, convertible bonds, and so on, did not participate in the primary market of new shares, convertible bonds ShenAcquisition or issuance of new shares and major investments in fixed income financial instruments with good liquidity, including the issuance and trading of domestic law of State Treasury bonds, bills tera power leveling, financial bonds, corporate bonds tera power leveling, corporate bonds, etc. In addition to pure external debt characteristics, jinli funds in the South also has a closed characteristics on a regular basis, purchase, redemption sets the frequency to once every three years, to improve the investment performance of the Fund to provide the baseFoundation. Compared with the traditional open-bond funds, jinli expected efficiency of the investment operations of the South high, earnings are more optimistic. (Zheng Dongyu) Others:

2012年4月18日 星期三

tera power leveling total market value forUS $ 2.5 billion. - BJV

129785433005312500_7Microsoft patent agreement promoting shares in AOL rose Ultra-40% NetEase tech news on April 10, according to a TechCrunch report, investors sell 800 to AOL for $ 1.056 billion to Microsoft patents seemed to thrilled. AOL announced the agreement, ending 9th local time, the company's stock higher than Friday's close tera power leveling, rose 45%. This is 2010 1Since January, the highest shares of AOL. AOL CEO Tim Armstrong (Tim Armstrong) in March have been talking about these patents, almost at the same time, Yahoo filed a patent lawsuit against Facebook. Currently it is not clear what Microsoft will use these patents do, however tera power leveling, appears to reduce the risk of lost FacebookBecause Microsoft is Facebook's largest shareholder. As United States 9th local time, AOL shares rose to $ 8.41 $ 26.83 per unit, or 45.65%. (Muxiulin) update: as of Monday's close tera gold, AOL rose $ 7.98 or 43.32%, 26.4 m, total market value forUS $ 2.5 billion. Others:

tera gold kitchen waste processing market and gradually started. Blue-white-blue network measuremen

129784668123335000_144Environmental protection industry: policy concerns performance and valuation "three plus unit" Municipal sewage treatment, sewage treatment fee hike and promoting healthy development of the industry at this stage, sewage treatment fee hike is expected. Because prices increased costs, labor costs, reform implementation, sewage handling of corporate profit margins are squeezed. Sewage treatment and water fees to change signs and since 2012 water prices rose. If sewage chargesImposition of standards will likely open settlement price upside of sewage treatment, helps to improve the profitability of enterprises, promote the healthy development of the industry. Industrial water treatment, no significant investment opportunities in the short term. Listed companies engaged in industrial water treatment works in construction tera gold, operation enterprise has two types: one is the downstream petroleum and petrochemical industry, one is the thermal power industry in the lower reaches. In recent years,Petroleum and petrochemical industries in newly started projects increased, demand in wastewater treatment facilities, stock valuations currently too expensive for this area, and therefore is not recommended. Present domestic thermal power construction growth slowed, demand for wastewater treatment facilities of the thermal power industry contraction, engaged in waste water treatment of thermal power plant project in the construction and operation of electric green, Bain water growth prospects andNot optimistic. Garbage disposal into the accelerated development phase. 2011-2015 added national city life garbage disposal capacity at more than 550,000 tons/day, average annual compound growth rate of up to 19.32%, construction of urban living garbage harmless disposal facilities into acceleration. Actively promote the system of municipal solid waste treatment fees in China in recent years, expanding waste treatmentFee range, improving collection rates, provide the growing support for the industry. Kitchen garbage disposal market gradually opening. August 2011, national development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly approved a 33, Chaoyang District, Beijing city (district), the implementation of resource utilization and harmless treatment of food waste pilot, and arrange special funds for the development of circular economy $ 630 million on 33 City (area) for their support. Domestic kitchen, kitchen waste processing market and gradually started. Blue-white-blue network measurement, specific investment Chinese restaurant waste may be the next five years will reach more than 16 billion yuan, the market is large. Blow bugle call of thermal power industry standards, subsidy policies have been introduced to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, NOx curtain slowly opened, thermal power industry for denitrification mainArmy. In order to save investment, operational costs tera gold, some modification of low NOx combustion in thermal power plant, later to install exhaust gas denitration equipment, modification of low NOx combustion start. NOx standards by the Department of environmental protection in the making of cement industries 800mg/m3 increase to 300-400mg/M3, cement kilns has been initiated in some areas and denitrification, cement plant deNOx market started. NowHave not yet developed a very suitable for sintering flue gas denitrification technology, iron and steel industry and denitrification market starts slow. Desulfurization demand mainly from non-electric industry. Power is the largest source of emissions of sulfur dioxide, 82% are now complete desulfurization of thermal power units, desulfurization of thermal power industry market in a State of atrophy, desulphurization and market demand, mainly from non-electricity industry in the future. The iron and steel industryEmission standard of air pollutants-sintering (pellet) is expected to be released in 2012, new sulfur dioxide emission standards or the development of sintering machine of enterprises in 200mg/M3 tera power leveling, after the new standards introduced, will accelerate the construction of desulphurization of iron and steel industry, remaining about $ 7 billion market space. Environmental advantage of valuations begin to emerge. On March 30, 2012, greenPE/PE non-financial industries are 1.16 times, compared to mean doubled only premium 1.14 times and environmental industry historical PE ratio values doubled low 34.41 times, advantage of valuations begin to emerge. Second-quarter investment strategy, we have given the environmental protection industry "recommended" rating, it is recommended that focus on performance, valuation, and policy "three plus unit", blue water, saunaNET green of moral environment, Grammy, Dragon, Dragon source of concern. Is expected in the second quarter will be published in the collection of waste electrical and electronic products fund management rules, relating to further encourage and guide the healthy development of private investment in municipal solid waste treatment industry regulations, recommendations focus on sound environment of the benefit unit and Grammy. Others:

tera power leveling Deputy General Manager of China Film Group Corporation - ZUJ

129784668266147500_509"China's giant screen" commercial operation to break Canada IMAX company monopoly in China Xinhuanet, Hefei, April 9 (reporters Bai Ying and and Bao Xiaojing)-"China scene" tera power leveling, 9th International Studios was officially put into use in Hefei in the shadow, marks China's independent research and development of "high-tech format" film projection system to enter commercial operation phase, breaking Canada IMAX giant-screen market monopoly company in China. Giant screen projection screens wider than the CinemaScope screen, Vertical height much bigger movie screens, appeared in the last century 70 's, 90 begins to flourish. Is currently the world's most famous giant-screen systems for Canada invented by IMAX. Standard IMAX screen is 22.16-meter. At present mainland China has nearly 60 IMAX screen. Independent research and development in China, "China's giant screen" film projection systemState Film Institute of science and technology and joint development of China Film Corporation, using the big screen in 20.12-meter for 2D and 3D films. Since the end of last year as a research and development stage products on Beijing shuangjing UME international Cineplex and put into use. Yang Xuepei, Director of the Institute of science and technology in China, 9th in Hefei said, this year is expected to total 15 "China scene"In Hefei tera gold, Shanghai, Changchun, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shijiazhuang, Urumqi and put into use. Fu Ruoqing, Deputy General Manager of China Film Group Corporation, "said China" has successfully developed and promoted the establishment of film techniques and equipped with independent intellectual property rights, has filled the domestic blank in this technology, marking the Chinese films to enter into the world "high tech formatting"Movie. Yang Xuepei said that the United States 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, United States Universal Studios were the Titanic, stereo version and the original footage of the warships to China "China" System. "Visible, global movies people do not want a particular technology is a company monopoly. "He said," China's giant screen "importingThe source will not be less than IMAX tera power leveling, at the same time, according to the State administration of requirements, "China's giant screen" monthly will receive two home-made film source. Others:

tera gold Small s is Taiwan celebrity shelling - EBF

129785410978906250_8Small s is Taiwan celebrity shelling: say men and women on the show bad influence Small s on the program exaggerated movements. (A)--> producer Wang Wei-chung of the reign of evil on the small s (video) NetEase entertainment on April 10 (text/Xiao Yi on) according to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan Chao pain of eminent persons group of artists little s, on the show speak bad values for men and women, will bring children a bad model, Changhua tasting shrimp monkeys like "eat shit"This is not responsible for. Yesterday tera gold, this character education promotion action held "distortion of social mores and values" Symposium and book "character education tera gold, known to row" release, Chao noted that artists will bring bad model to their children tera power leveling, who we are not. Others:

tera gold May be to some extent because watching a 3D version of the time - ZBE

129785411058125000_202[Titan Nick remapping ・ interview with] Billy Zane: remapping, not for money --> Interview with Billy Zane NetEase entertainment on April 10 on March 27 of the 3D version of the Titanic, world premiere in London, NetEase entertainment exclusive interview with Billy Zane. In 1997, played in the movie the Titanic heroine Rose's fiance, which was the audience begin to know. Premiere day, Billy Zane to NetEaseReporters, 3D version does to the overall narrative of the story have a significant upgrade, "show look more attractive as a whole, may be to some extent because watching a 3D version of the time, your attention largely focused on the actors and their eyes and facial expressions. "Finally, Billy Zane stressed that" this release isn't just a commercial promotion againStunt is not just to sell more high box office and earn more money. I personally think that this film is well worth it to the movies to watch. "NetEase entertainment: you had yesterday, watched the Titanic 3D? How did you feel after reading this? Billy Zane: I have to say, after watching the film, I was more like 3D technology. As long as the backgroundDirecting people Yes, 3D version does for boost from significantly the overall narrative of the story. I don't know if this is because James Cameron took a year of time to carefully selected, elected on second thought would like to emphasize that highlights the screen level, lead the audience to his perspective. But my own feeling is that whole show look more attractive,May be to some extent because watching a 3D version of the time, your attention largely focused on the actors and their eyes and facial expressions. NetEase entertainment: so, do you think the Titanic 3D and 2D versions of the big difference is it? Billy Zane: I think, directed as a Director in the movie, he can be accurate to guide the actors eyes focused, "Director "is no longer confined to the previous definition. Of course, Cameron has always been very good at grasping essence of the actor's expression, now with help of 3D, more clearly focused, find the key, because the Director makes it clear that he wanted to highlight the scene. Especially in this grand spectacular scene tera gold, runs through so many important and dramatic plots, as well asNarrative, shot focus falls on the characters and storyline, 3D technology in my opinion indeed strengthen the focus, highlighting the story of the effect, and the effect was spectacular. NetEase entertainment: as we all know, the Titans in 1997, Nick was the country's most popular film, over the years, many people have bought the film DVDAnd watch this movie multiple times, so tera power leveling, how do you think viewers should see the 3D version of the movie was released? Billy Zane: you know, I am the cinema's biggest fan, this is not just because of the 3D effect, but because I was enjoying the feeling of sharing, in the cinema, all linked together by the audience, was the movie. This feeling and you WoOn the sofa to watch Blu-ray discs are completely different. Especially in the theater watching comedies, can allow you to share with family and friends, and even strangers brought about by the impact and to enjoy the movie. NetEase entertainment: what's your impression on Chinese cities? Billy Zane: I am very shocked, I have the honour to China with a delegation. At that time my friendsAnd her partner taken in preparation for a new plan. The large viewfinder on the great wall, one of some Hollywood producer, then together we visited the great wall. I also and after some shooting ILM animators to meet people, chat chat next possibilities of cooperation. Everyone interested in filming action plans in China tera power leveling, particularly throughout Asia, China take this classMovies are very experienced, China has many beautiful legends and has a long history. While I was making a song, this is my current project, when I was in China on the initiation of the idea. I want to make a like the classic MGM film, stories about Americans in Shanghai, at present I the idea is now United States plan, GreekHope in the future to be able to have the opportunity to cooperate and made in China. NetEase entertainment: one last question, on the Titanic 3D, you can advice to Chinese viewers to watch it? Billy Zane: 3D, focus only on the Titanic? Well, it has more than suggestion, I'm afraid I have to sth In fact, I have mentioned earlier. Here I would like to stronglySpeed is the most important, this release isn't just a business publicity stunt again, not just in order to sell more box office earned more money. I personally think that this film is well worth it to the movies to watch. If the audience can find time, go to the cinema to watch the 3D version will definitely be a different viewing experience in the past. Of course, home theater is now inevitableTrends, but in the movie and share it with everyone that process is unable to replace, I am sure you will enjoy watching this film in the cinema. Others:

tera gold during Chen Xiaosheng in the management of the Fund - GVB

129784668088022500_61External monks are people of QFII trading gold on the left a-share market Monthly sale of dependencies between various types of institutional investors, QFII Fund is negative, and social security funds, insurance companies are related. From the perspective of transaction characteristics, QFII investment features with low high buy, sell, trade direction and trend of the market must be inversely correlated. From the beginning of 2007 until the end of June 2011, QFII all yearA weighted average of the rate is 1.84 tera gold, well below the market average of 4.05. In addition, in 2008 during a market decline, QFII year Exchange rate rose from 2.27, promotes active market trading. From the beginning of 2007 until the end of June 2011, CSI 300 index market value share of the a-stock negotiable market value averaging 67%, QFII hold all CSI 300 index stocks worth on average 87%, 20% above market level. Since 2002, the qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII) into the a-share market for nearly 10 years, 10 index of zero per cent, QFII has doubled profits in the same period 1 time. Taking into account the scale in 2007 bull market period of QFIIExpanded from $ 10 billion in 2005 to us $ 30 billion, in 2002 and 2003 into the a-share market's QFII profit more. QFII trade data released by regulators found that the QFII sale of negative correlation with domestic public placement Fund, consistent with the sale of social security funds, insurance funds, and the sale of QFII and marketChange negative relationship. Access of QFII from 2003 to 2011 holdings may also prove the rule. Securities times reporters learned, because of the QFII don't care about relative ranking, more concerned with long-term investing, value investing, so dare to transactions on the left. QFII into a shares two birds with one stone QFII into the a-share market, in addition to the saleOutside of stock investment earnings, sit back and enjoy a stronger currency is an important factor, which is ignored by many factors. Rongtong Fund Assistant General Manager Chen (Twitter) says, QFII investment is to be absolute returns, from the 2005 reform to the present, appreciation of the Renminbi against the dollar more than 30%, an average of something like, only appreciation of the Renminbi to QFII proceeds of more than 4%. Chen Xiaosheng said domestic funds out to sea in the future, have to learn this, national capital appreciation potential, stock gains in addition to, you can sit back and enjoy the benefits of currency appreciation. Upholding the value of investments from the perspective of public information, on the investment over the past 10 years QFII tend to select industry leaders,Stick to value investing, stock selection approach, follow the investment in industrial development. In July 2003, the first QFII Switzerland buy, Baosteel, China Development Bank announced, ZTE, top set box in Hong Kong, namely transport, domestic iron and steel industry, foreign trade share of industry leaders in the communications industry, at the same time, not including header for the second-tier blue chips in Hong Kong on and the rest are excellent performanceUnscrupulous market blue chips. 2003 annual report of listed companies, QFII Switzerland banks move into Pudong Development Bank, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Shandong gold, gold, gold Queen shares, a number of blue-chip stocks, Goldman Sachs buy Yangtze power, Deutsche Bank bought the CITIC Guoan, ZTE. From 2004 to 2006, Baosteel, the Pudong Development Bank, Chunghsing passes, Chun wah leading is still the favorite of QFII in heavy industry and other trades. According to the regulator, from the beginning of 2007 until the end of June 2011, CSI 300 index market value share of the a-stock negotiable market value averaging 67%, QFII CSI 300 index stocks all of the average market value of 87%, 20% above market level. In addition toOther than value investing, a preference for blue-chip stocks, holding the industry roadmap is QFII strengths. Three quarter and four quarters of 2008, Deutsche Bank, Yale University, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Switzerland Bank 4 QFII weight cartridge holds a midea electric appliances. In the eyes of investors in General, home appliance industry is a competitive overproduction, not worth investmentFunding, these appliances of QFII has adhered to the United States. Midea electric appliances shares minimum compound exercise price of $ 175 from 2008 to early 2011 top compound exercise price of $ 843 shares up nearly 4 times. By the end of 2011, electric top circulation of QFII withdrew from the US list of shareholders, into a retreat, where is the secret behind? Shenzhen venture capital firmsInvestment Director, said past QFII cartridge midea electric appliances an exception lies in China's real estate boom, electrical appliance unit, such as collective enjoyment of the beauty of the property party, currently the positive downward trend in real estate, QFII and gradual reduction of the United States of electrical appliances. Investment process strictly on the surface, QFII obtained success thanks to uphold the value of investment, fromActual operation, a set of strict rules and regulations of the QFII system guarantee of success, such as focusing on corporate governance, not random decisions, do not listen to the message. It is understood that the operation of QFII in stock investment tera power leveling, investment methods broadly fall into two categories, one is the QFII team is responsible for the investment and the other is delegated to one or more agencies specifically responsible for investment, delegates votedFunded organizations is often a domestic fund companies, its initial business tend to come from its foreign shareholders or related parties, such as Fortis Bank of QFII is handed over to the Admiralty through joint venture company in China to take care. Shanghai Chen Jialin sea Fortis investment Managing Director is responsible for the operation of QFII Fortis Bank "Fund of the Yangtze", December 17, 200433 months of September 30, 2007, total return of 550%, he managed the Fund maintained a lower exchange rate, between 2005 and 2007 changed hands at an annualised rate of less than 100%. Chen Jialin said when interviewed by reporters, QFII starting point is in the long term investment, natural exchange rate is not high. QFII on stock selection is strictlyThe processes and requirements, risk control and more attention to fundamentals, rather than based on trends and news. In addition, the QFII more attention to governance tera power leveling, said Chen Jialin, in the sea, he served as QFII fund company Fortis of Fortis shares when fund managers, stock selection is an important part in the process, is to rate the governance structure of listed companies, if you do not pass the exam cannot be GeithnerThe investment portfolio. QFII also attaches great importance to the valuation, if you overestimate the departure. During his management QFII Fund, the third quarter of 2007 there have been larger in the redemption, is because rational QFII investors to see the bubble. Rongtong Fund Chen Xiaosheng have today from 2005 to 2007 managed a QFII Fund of the Yellow River, he said,He managed the QFII Fund, QFII investment process and requirements are very strict. For example, no matter how bullish on a stock, the value of the unit must not exceed the net value of the Fund's 5% at the same time, no matter how bearish market, stock positions cannot be lower than the lowest 50%; exchange rate, the exchange rate of one year cannot be more than 100%. In addition, the QFII is not allowedFree decision-making, trade stocks is not allowed to listen to the message, regardless of any investment decision, you must plan well in advance, not a temporary decision on the sale, the sale of stock to give reasons. In effect, during Chen Xiaosheng in the management of the Fund, the Fund beat the FTSE Xinhua 200 index 10% about a year, at the same time, the QFII fund performance stability is much better than the publicRaise funds. Regulators published statistical data also showed that from the beginning of 2007 until the end of June 2011, all of the QFII annual weighted average of exchange rate of 1.84, well below the market average of 4.05. In addition, in 2008 during a market decline, QFII year Exchange rate rose from 2.27, promotes active market trading. Lightweight rankingsIn transactions on the left when it comes to core operating philosophy of QFII, managed a QFII fund managers tend to refer to foreign investors to fund manager's requirements and there are a lot of differences. Chen Xiaosheng said, when he managed the QFII, investors are not required to fund manager's relative ranking, investor requirements of fund managers and fund performance performance baselineMore, QFII Fund and relative ranking in the industry more than a little behind, but as long as the performance baseline can beat. Since there is no short term performance ranking of pressure, QFII investment are relatively rational and long-term, as long as the stock market investment opportunities, QFII will choose to interfere. Regulatory agency statistics, monthly from all types of institutional investors to buyThe relationship between seller and QFII Fund is negative, and social security funds, insurance companies are related. From the perspective of transaction characteristics, QFII investment features with low high buy, sell, trade direction and trend of the market must be inversely correlated. Statistics found that the period from early 2006 to June 2011, QFII net sale per month and the CSI 300Correlation coefficient of indices were mixed-0.36, known as trading on the left. Wind statistics, although in 2004, in 2005, the a-share market performance is poor, but the QFII in falling market to buy, before entering the a-share lists of top ten shares of QFII NET buy 10.26 million unit in 2003, 2005 net purchases 60.11 million shares, But in 2006 and 2007 on QFII holdings is a continuous net sales, net 79.61 million sold units in 2006, 2007 net sales of 32.9 million shares, June, 2008 a two-year operation of QFII holdings is still on the net selling in 2010 and 2011, continuous QFII NET buyIn 2011, for example, QFII key stocks to buy is the development of Huaxia Bank, double sinks, where Deutsche Bank holdings of four quarters last year of 267 million shares of Huaxia Bank, Yale University, Citi's global finance company, Merrill Lynch International overweight 980,000 shuanghui development unit, 1.93 million unit respectively, 913,000 units. �� links �� ten QFII stake amountTop of the qualified foreign institutional investor (QFII) positions are focused on, but the commonality is the preference stock market blue chips and boards, and many large consumption QFII and "" prefix enterprises, but there are a growing number of QFII started small holding property of science and technology-leading stocks. In addition, changes in positions on the 2011 annual reports of listed companies, compared withLower bodies change hands within clear, relatively stable investment operation. Switzerland United banking group: disclosure of listed company reported QFII bin holds included wuliangye, CITIC Securities, vanke a, Dong-e e-Jiao, Baoshan Yunnan baiyao and 13 stocks. From the changes in the position, compared to the increased holdings of real estate vanke a leading share in the period, reduction of wuliangye, Yunnan baiyao, EastConsumer stocks such as donkey-hide gelatin. Morgan Stanley investment management company: mainly to consumer medicine, more positions including Tsingtao, China stocks such as cars, hundreds of groups in the domain. Changes in the position, reduction of Hua domain auto and Tsingtao, increase cartridge a hundred group. Display top holdings in Shanghai last year pharmaceutical logistics and Yutong Bus, iron lung. Citi Global capital limited:Shuanghui development, the Queen shares held at the end of last year and UFIDA, overweight more shuanghui development. Display in last year, Citi Wang Fu Jing, j holdings, tasly and Nanning department store and other consumer stocks. Switzerland Credit (Hong Kong) limited: warehouse UFIDA Software at the end of last year, overseas Chinese city a, shows in the last year also holds wuliangye and Luzhou laojiao and construction shares, ShandongDrug stocks such as glass. Norway Central Bank: Norway Central Bank shareholders including steel measuring detection, Neusoft Wang XING, China stocks such as carrier and Mei ying YEUNG Sum. Positions up to the wine hongxing steel steel share, annual reports new ownership, others are science and technology service and small-cap stocks. Fortis holding nearly 20 stocks from its position preference, multiple categories such as steel, mechanical and environmental protection, including theAir power, kaidi electric power, investment, Hunan Valin iron and steel, Chengdu shares and linzhou heavy machinery. From the position changes, kaidi electric power, air power to decrease. HSBC global asset management (HK) Ltd: China satellite, shimao shares held, China railway stock, position number as a prefix in enterprises, medium-term last year also holds four-figure extension and new dimension informationAnd small-cap stocks. Goldman Sachs Group: hold more transport and logistics stocks, including Baiyun Airport, Xiamen airport, United stationery, yueda investment, tiantan biological stock, Baiyun Airport, yueda investment holdings. Nikko asset management limited: currently disclosed in the annual reports of listed companies has not yet there they are, show held in xinfu pharmaceutical industry last year. NewThe Government investment company: investing in stocks including development and LIUGONG, Baosteel, China life insurance, the South China Sea. (Yao Bo) (Note: unless otherwise stated, shareholdings are from the 2011 annual reports of listed companies) Others:

2012年4月17日 星期二

tera power leveling - DQV

129788454826406250_40Dancing ST baolong smell mine shares 14 consecutive daily limit NetEase finance, April 13-ST powerlong opened today $ 16.71, opening the daily limit, as of 14:52, ST baolong $ 16.71, daily limit. To date ST powerlong had 14 consecutive daily limit. In early January this year, ST powerlong planned restructuring of suspension, until March 20, announced the restructuring plan of the company. ST baolong heard mineDance company $ 8.68 per share price to mining 8 natural orientation issue 184 million shares in Kuala Lumpur, for the mining shares in Kuala Lumpur. Before recombinant ST baolong main business for the manufacture of Bulletproof cash transport van, and other special-purpose vehicles sales and leasing, is quite popular in the market of business. 2009 operating income $ 21.7015 million, respectively tera gold,$ 64.6023 million, and $, excluding non-recurring profit and loss ownership after parent company net profit-$ 15.5254 million tera power leveling,-$ tera power leveling, respectively,-4.039 million Yuan, sources of income depend mainly on subsidiary production of powerlong ballistic-protective vehicles. Others:

tera gold from each according to his ability - YPZ

129788443043750000_225This port (reporter tanliyuan) on April 9, the journalist from the city's one-quarter of the meeting was informed that the construction of cultural tourism project, in January-March, the city's cultural tourism project 105 projects, investment 289.8736 million Yuan, completed three years planned investment ratio 2012. 38 projects or project started, continued operating rate of 36.19%.  60 projects had been carried out preliminary work, conditions of some of the projects have started, good start to the project situation. Meeting notes that tera gold, since the beginning of this year, the city and County (city, district), the various units concerned in particular the responsibility conscientiously implementing the municipal party Committee and municipal government "dual 20" spirit of the big kickoff, in cultural tourism project in under the command of specific guidance, miningTaking effective measures to speed up the project and achieved initial results. Cultural tourism project headquarters, Commander Zhao Faqi, President city requirements, all relevant departments at all levels to take strong and effective measures to grasp implementation tera gold, promoting the project, ensuring smoothly push forward the construction of cultural tourism projects, efforts to achieve the targets for the year. To clearly understand the situation, correct facesDifficulties, firmly grasp the opportunities, strengthen our confidence, to our side, the spirit of seizing the State, by the full enthusiasm, courage and determination to take, go all out, start a project building a new climax. All responsibility main leader, in charge of the unit leadership to establish tourism development must grasp culture, pay attention to cultural tourism development concept of tourism cultureHigh on the agenda.  Culture, tourism, education, advocacy and other sector is the backbone of promoting prosperity and development of cultural tourism, to fully take advantage of functions, their potentials tera power leveling, from each according to his ability, when the main force of good cultural tourism project construction. Leadership line red, Hou, Zhu Shengyong, Lin Xing, attended the meeting. Others:

tera gold less banking market - QKK

129788422102968750_178 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera">tera power leveling</a>[The Bank of China (601,988) in the effectiveness of the expansion of the trust territory is emerging, Bank trust company back on the huge deposits of massive customer resources and resource Bank shareholders, assets and profits continue to achieve a breakthrough on] are no longer content with simple deposit lending in China's banking sector, in the areas of asset management explorationAnd their effectiveness is emerging in the expansion of the trust territory, Bank trust company back on the huge deposits of massive customer resources and resource Bank shareholders, assets and continue to achieve a breakthrough on the profits. On the profit growth, Bank trust company has far more than holding Bank. Present situation of China Trust industry rapid growth and broad prospects for development, has beenMany foreign financial institutions "favor".   Industrial trust "leads" while most trust companies for not announcing the 2011 annual report, but is a vision from the published annual report of listed banks Bank of trust company of performance issues. Compared with Jianxin trusts and Bank, Societe Generale on trust in last year's net profit grew by more than the former two. Societe GeneraleBank (601,166) (601,166.   SH) 2011 annual report shows that up to the end, Société Générale Trust net earnings of $ 204 million, an increase of 168.91%. According to the China Construction Bank (601 tera gold,939) (601,939. SH, 00939.HK) and the Bank of communications (601,328) (601328.SH, 03328.HK) review 2011, build trust last year's net profit of $ 329 million, representing a growth of 89.08%; letter from the Bank net profit of 159 million dollars last year, an increase of 91.22%. These three mutual fund companies respective controlling shareholders of the Societe Generale Bank, China Construction Bank and Bank of communications,According to the annual report, the three banks last year, net profit was 25.505 billion yuan, respectively, $ 169.439 billion and $, respectively, over the previous year, 37.71% and 29.95%.   From the net profit growth, far below its trust. In addition, according to the annual report, at the end of 2011, Societe Generale capital trustProduction totaled $ 3.357 billion, relatively early stage growth 282.09%; management of trust assets of 152.605 billion yuan, 379.39% more early stage growth.   The accumulated revenues of $ 490 million during the reporting period, total 276 million yuan in profits. At the end of last year, building trust Trustees manage the trust assets 1907.26Billion, representing a growth of 188.91% the end of 2011, autonomous management trust bank acquired the scale was 44.727 billion yuan, existence trust scale (AUM) was 74.089 billion yuan, annual average $ 49.294 billion received the trust scale. "In the context of current business and industries are regulated, format in different financial profit modelAnd there are differences in the business model.   "Trust and at Renmin University Fund Xing Cheng, Executive Director of the Institute on the Business Journal reporters. Bank profit growth well below its trust company, he believes that there are three main reasons, less banking market; Bank competition tera power leveling, market saturation, and restrictions on the business areasNarrow, but profits stable profit base, so growth is slow. Trust company as a "rising star", has a system of bonuses, flexible market space larger, investment and other advantages. Others:

2012年4月16日 星期一

tera gold the following is the detailed price list of Yuet modern dynamic - OOV

129788661513593750_7Recently tera gold, editing in modern Cangzhou Ansett 4S shop understands that store Yuet modern dynamic is adequate, complete color. Price, now buy Yuet modern dynamic hands of standards minimum $ 89,800, car and then sent a strong and dangerous. Interested friends can go to shop tour or call the Advisory tera gold, the following is the detailed price list of Yuet modern dynamic: dynamic, modern entertainment aboard a new 1.6L gamma engines, maximum power reaches 90.4kW/6300rpm, maximum torque of 155N.m/4500rpm. CVVT technology applications in the upgrade from [1] of motive power, while also improving fuel utilization, thereby reducing the fuel consumption and emissions. CVVT system can reduce the fuel consumption of the engine by 14% above, through the newAdjusting the entertainment engine transmissions that have been supplemented with new adjustment and implementation than currently selling engine fuel economy target of 8%. Edit comment: Beijing Yuet modern dynamic look and space is satisfactory, Assembly process and to work at this level is excellent. Because of its larger, urban fuel consumption is not low. 2011 model now increase the intensity of preferences, likeIt can go to the store for more details. "Note" automobile market and ever-changing, price information within the article is edited in the collection on the market to day prices in real time, to prevail on the day. At the same time the prices are dealer's individual behavior, so the price is for reference only. In addition, picture for vehicle information in pictures, pricing information and the picture was taken is irrelevant. For more price concessionsInformation tera power leveling, please visit auto comment network station in Cangzhou http://CZ.XGO.com.CN station has more shopping guide, really making the article. Beijing modern entertainment [recommended merchants] Cangzhou Ansett Services Limited [business address] North outer ring road, Cangzhou city, 46th [telephone]0317-5673666[special mentionShows] you are on "auto comment network users" will get a better service (auto comments on the network) Others:

tera power leveling so you'd better prepare to meet any thing to meet any opponent. Question - YIM

129788454302343750_2Experts: heat playoff against Sloan ruolai emperors do not necessarily welcome Yeah sporting April 13: heat team beaten by the bull today, cause them to compete in the East lost an important opportunity in the battle of the 1th. However, for the heat, 1th, is it really important? The Sun Sentinel expert IRA-Undeman updated his fans interactive question-and-answer tera gold, which also touched on this topic--asking: you want the heat to the East1th, and potential opportunities to confront Nick and the Celts in the playoffs, is also more prefer took 2nd place in the East, 76, on the opportunities for walkers in the playoffs? Undeman: ranking now is uncertain, what playoffs against opponent difficult to reach a conclusion. And the heat is lost to the bulls today, chance is very small. Of course, if you are asking a hotFire is not even expect it to 76 people and the Pacers beat Knicks and Celts, then absolutely Yes. But now there are several games, ranking may eventually want to wait until the last several games can be finalised. So, there may still be heat things they cannot control. Heat meant in stability on the Lotto draw of the 2008 Conference champion tera power leveling, ultimateThey selected more than the benefit. 2010 heat would like to articles on the rankings, also without success, Celtic was eliminated in the playoffs first round encounter. If you see yourself as a championship contender, so you'd better prepare to meet any thing to meet any opponent. Question: in my opinion, heat opponents are shooting opportunities in space is because of the large amounts of heatPlayers are always like to give up defending a player and often to defend another cause, what do you think? Undeman: this is a problem which I have often mentioned. But we must also recognize that, Pat-Riley's defensive system in the past few years has had a lot of success. Basically, the heat is the extension in the hoard of people, and then focus on ball defense. But success success todayHeat on defense issues is still not an excuse. Q: I think that the Pos is more like a small forward instead of a power forward, and when Le Blanc when playing power forward, heat is a better team, do you think smart should attempt to use Pos to play small forward over time? Undeman: Oh, no. First of all, is very much on the heat in the flank players selected, theyReal should be maximized to use when the Pos at the center of distribution, like heat adjustment to the lineup today. Le Blanc was the responsibility of being a good heat's best player for each location. Question: If siboersitela can't integrate heat tera power leveling, heat retire Sloan mountains right? Undeman: for sishuai, this is something that would die for a righteous cause of unsuccessfulFeeling. Win a Championship, and wage increases, renewal. Teaching package or go elsewhere next season. But I'm not sure if Sloan will be welcomed by the Le Blanc, because he's that tough military style. Others:

tera power leveling law enforcement officersWhen you check a bakery for operating without a permit

129788442989531250_86"Three two built" dense, Department law enforcement but repeated violence against France.  Yesterday, the Dutch city, said Chief of ring games, two of the Council's recent participation in joint law enforcement operations, 6 violence by anti-personnel administrative detention by public security organs. On March 28, April 9, ring-bearing joint public security, industry and commerce, the transport sector safety supervision departments, two "built three two" specialAction, regulation of gaoming City Road offences such as hawking, operating without a permit. Wenchang road, Donghua road, taihelu, Songtao road, street, become the focus of law enforcement areas.  In the two operations, a number of stalls hawking, scope management, merchant was punished. However, in two enforcement actions, law enforcement officers were subjected to violence against France. The morning of April 9, law enforcement officersWhen you check a bakery for operating without a permit, were shopkeepers fierce resistance, the shop owner had the knife threat to law enforcement officers, preventing its confiscated equipment. "Encounter such a situation, we can only present violence against law officers to the Police Department. "Yesterday tera gold, the Dutch Deputy Chief of city ring games Chen Jianquan said. Reporters learned from the branch, suffered in the two operations 6Violence against law officers, public security organs have been sentenced to administrative detention for 5 days of punishment. Chen Jianquan said, in urban management in day-to-day law enforcement, violence against France often occurs. Sophisticated and Man Cheong Street vendors along the road of violence against France stand out, "most of the time, they will each other ' echoes ', brought together, obstructing law enforcement law enforcement as a group, brought to city management extremely difficult. ”In addition to joint law enforcement and public security departments tera power leveling, enhance deterrence, Dutch city Central Transport Department had tried to reference to practices such as Guangzhou tera power leveling, Shenzhen, chancheng, introduction of social intermediary organizations in urban management. "For example, you can hire professional security company, be persuasive on the movement of street vendors, management, can improve the efficiency of urban governance. "Chen Jianquan says, this vision can be implemented, also Government andLegal shop agreement. Others:

tera gold Wang Zhelin on can also be played in Beijing. "Ang Lee said. However - CDK

129788454325625000_59Fujian: extra heads for Beijing to Wang Zhelin Zhu Yanxi team: no way This newspaper (reporter Shao Huaqian) Fujian teams want to use Wang Zhelin for Zhu Yanxi, men's basketball team in Beijing no work at all. After making a spectacular performance at the Nike Global Summit a few days ago, and men's basketball youth team player Wang Zhelin belonging to become the hotspot of lantan. A message that, due to Wang Zhelin and now Fujian youth team contract cultivation contracts rather than adult labor contract, it makes want to poachClub has the advantage. It is understood that clubs such as Guangdong, Xinjiang, guangsha has introduced ideas of Wang Zhelin, Fujian xunxing Club General Manager Lee is worried about Wang Zhelin was poached by high prices. Compared to scramble for more naked, he hopes to balance their players through Exchange resources. "Beijing Zhu Yanxi with two other players to exchange with us, IFeel better. Zhu Yanxi here we can play ball, Wang Zhelin on can also be played in Beijing. "Ang Lee said. However, this is only wishful thinking of Ang Lee. When proof of when this reporter to the Shougang Club, Club flatly denied. "If I take Zhu Yanxi jiajizhe tera power leveling, Zhai Xiaochuan for a Wang Zhelin, in those days the team could also please stand up? "Shougang a senior ClubAsked. "Zhu Yanxi are we from the youth team of 1.1 points out tera power leveling, is our own child, how well this season, and the team took the Championship, now also into the national team. Wang Zhelin did in youth team played well, but he hasn't played one CBA, who is known to be able to play what? "The senior said," you can responsibly say that weNot Zhu Yanxi-for any player, who is not changed. "Welcome to vote in Fujian by Wang Zhelin for Beijing team two players Zhu Yanxi, you think: Wang Zhelin is a" national treasure ", no vision of Fujian Fujian fantastic, high lift Wang Zhe Lin smart, Wang Zhelin in Fujian tera gold, Beijing has helped to improve the recommendations: their talent CorpView the results Others:

tera power leveling that is - HPM

129788654655937500_21Double surplus-grade bond fund contract commencement notice phone free go to www.cnfol.com notice April 14, 2012, China Securities News view comments out of date: April 14, 2012 1 announcement information fidelity fund name double surplus-grade debt type securities investmentFund short Bond Fund fidelity win-win classification code 165,517 mode of operation of the Fund contract style fund the effective date April 13, 2012, funds manager name fidelity fund management, Fund custodians name: Bank of China limited notice pursuant to the People's Republic of China Securities Investment Fund law,Operation measures for the administration of the securities investment fund law and other laws and regulations, as well as the fidelity fund contract win-win graded-bond Securities Investment Fund and the fidelity win-win of graded-bond securities investment fund prospectuses subordinate rating Fund of funds referred to as fidelity fidelity bond a double win-win classification under grade bond b Fund of classification under trade code 165 tera power leveling,518081 Note: under this Fund Fund contract under, and recruitment manual under of provides, this Fund contract effect of day up 3 years within, double full-a share each full 6 months open purchase and redemption once, but in sixth a open day only open redemption, does not open purchase; double full b share closed operation, does not open purchase and redemption, but can in Shenzhen Securities Exchange listed trading. This FundExpiry of the period of 3 years after the entry into force of the contract, the Fund will no longer Fund share rating. 2 fund raising applications for fund raising, Securities Commission, approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission license [fund raising since March 26, 2012, 2012]88 bimaweihua accreditation agency name vibration accounting firms to raise capitalDate of the payment into the Fund managed accounts raise effective April 12, 2012 to subscribe to households (in households) 7,480 share level classification fidelity bond a double win-win surplus-grade fidelity bond b double surplus-grade bonds to raise net orders during the period (unit: RMB yuan) 255,080,004. 95 109 tera gold,293,469. 24. 19 subscription interest from funds raised during the (unit: RMB yuan) 88,848. 58. 50. 08 raise share (in) valid subscription of shares 255,080,004. 95,469. 24. 19 interest carried forward the share 88,848. 58. 50. 08 total 255,168,853. 53. 74. 27: raising funds during managementPeople use natural capital subscription sale of fund shares of the Fund (in) 0. 00. 00 0 27 per cent share of the Fund's total. 44%8. 23% other things to note for this use of the natural capital subscription Fund of fund managers have directorsWill consider adopting, during the subscription period of the company through a distribution agent, subscription rate of agreed upon in the Fund prospectuses, subscribed a total win-win b shares amounted to 30,001,600. 00 (including shares to raise interest carried forward). Free: raising of fund management in China during subscription sale of fund shares of the Fund (in) 4,006. 17. 16. 33 0 per cent share of the Fund's total. 002%0. 1819%0. 556% raise funds necessary to meet the requirements of laws and regulations the expiry check Fund record-out condition is to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Fund for the record formalities to obtain written confirmation of date 20On April 13, 12 Note: according to the funds of the Fund contract, the provisions of the prospectuses, fund raising, when it is established, win-win and win-win a share of b share share proportion is 7:3, win-win a shares and b shares respectively at win-win and April 9, 2012, the successful conclusion of subscription. The Fund Manager fidelity fund management limitedDivision of win-win b shares in accordance with the relevant subscription conditions and required to acknowledge all the applications, that is, applications to confirm the results of 100%, win-win a share in the sale of applications using "full confirmation" partially confirmed, win-win a share of applications to confirm the results of 12 per cent. 918,625%. Investors have not been confirmedSubscription amount will be returned to the relevant provisions, refer investors to fund the account. 3 other matters requiring prompt (1) occurring before the entry into force of the contract law of the Fund information disclosure of fees, accountant fees, legal fees and other costs from the cost of issue of the Fund shall be allocated, no extra funds paid property. (2) sales offices to receive investor applications does not mean that the applicationSuccess, success of applications is subject to the registered Subscriber to confirm the results of the Fund. Investors can trade confirmations queries to the sales agency network, or through the customer service telephone of 400-666-0066,021-51085168 fund management or by the Fund Manager's Web site at http://www. citicprufunds�� com�� CN enquiry confirmation. (3) Fund within 3 years from the date of entry into force of the contract, win-win a share of the Fund as of the date of entry into force of the contract open once every 6 months tera power leveling, accept investors purchase and redemption, but in the sixth open days open redemption only, not open to purchase. Win-win a share of the opening day for the Fund contract date of entry into forceLast business day of every 6 months, specific arrangements for the Fund Manager will publish the relevant notice prevail. Due to force majeure or other circumstances cause two-failed to open on time under a share purchase and redemption, its opening day for the Elimination of factors affecting the date of the next business day. (4) the Fund within 3 months of the entry into force of the contract, the win-win Shenzhen, b shares in accordance with the laws and regulations andStock Exchange listing requirements as stipulated by the case, win-win and listed on the stock exchange in Shenzhen, b shares will apply for trading. Fund expiration of period of 3 years after the entry into force of the contract, agreed upon in the contract of the Fund and the Fund rules converted open-end funds listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (LOF) after the share, the funds will be converted to a listed open-end Fund (LOF) within 1 month of the date ofListed on the Shenzhen stock exchange transactions. After trading in determining time, fund managers and listed a few days ago in 3 working days at the latest of at least a specified media press and published on the Web site. Risk: the Fund Manager's commitment to honesty, diligence principles of responsible management and use of funds and property, but does not guarantee that the funds profits, does not guarantee a minimum income. BaseGold's performance in the past does not mean that its performance in the future. Investment risk, please read Fund for investors of related legal documents, and choose to suit their risk tolerance for investments for investment. Take notice. Fidelity fund management limited on April 14, 2012 Others:

2012年4月14日 星期六

tera power leveling tons of gross profit rose 51 108 Yuan - EVR

129779332640937500_542011 1.37 times better than market expectations of profit growth: because of the cement industry supply and demand continued to improve tera gold, the company recorded a growth in cement production and prices allows the company revenue for the year increased by RMB 54% per cent, vested in the shareholders ' profits surged 8.015 billion to $ 1.37 times times, baseThe earnings per share of $ 1.48, excluding Southwest set up by the end of 2011 after a concrete contribution to revenue and profit is still better than market expectations, 0.215 million final income, comprehensive dividend for the year to 15%. Cement sector contribution to overall revenue of the company 74%, the business sector price Qi Sheng is the main factor driving company growth tera power leveling, cement20.6% per cent sales growth metric tons of clinker, cement prices rose an average of 30% per cent to $ 324 per ton. Benefit from tons of Maori in cement prices have risen: collaborative consensus due to increased demand for cement and 2011 per cent rise in the cost of increases in cement prices, makes the company on the consolidated gross margin comparedUp 5% per cent; the cement in gross profit margin rose 6% per cent, tons of gross margin rose from $ 32 to $ 86; Southern Cement gross margin and the increase of 9.2% per cent, tons of gross profit rose 51 108 Yuan; Northern cement gross margins increase 10.4% to 32.2%, tons of gross margin rose from $ 36 to $ 91. East China cement price stability increase in cement sales rose to 20% in the South: traditional market in East China before and after the spring festival season, rainy weather and put into production new capacity larger, Eastern cement prices decreased 1 quarter 4 quarter of last year and today, but it is expected that the most difficult period is over, East China cement pricesWill steadily increase. As southern cement company cement Division's biggest subsidiary, sales of 100 million tons last year are still 20% on the basis of growth, sales of up to 120 million tons this year. Southwest cement to form collaborative time higher than expected: company will be identified as another important strategic area of Southwest tera gold, Southwest cement company formed in December last year, up till 2011 production capacity of 25 million tonnes at the end, is currently in financial capacity of 80 million tonnes, is scheduled for completion this year above the basic layout, capacity of more than 100 million tons, representing southwest regional 20%-25% market share. After 08 earthquake in Southwest China capacity expansion, overcapacity currently result in low industry profit, the company had expected 8 SeptemberStart together, but this time advanced to May believe after 3 month of August we will see Southwest cement prices up. Southwest cement industry profits in 3 years is expected to be comparable to the cement and the South. Capital increase and the North, Southwest big mixed business: company plans capital increase and cement in the North and South of cement and cement equity share increased from 55% in the North to 75%, expected to be completed in April to; Southwest cement increased from 50% to 75%. The capital increase activity can bring to corporate profit growth. Extension development matured in cement industry was marked on the industry downstream, through the restructuring of the company make a big mixed business, 2011 mixed by the end of production capacity of 55 million cubic meters, currently 80 million cubic metres, objective 1.100 million cubic metres. Average purchase price is 35-40 Yuan/cubic meters, each party mix net profit is expected to be up to $ 36. Target price of HK $ 14.5, maintaining buy ratings: taking into account the average valuations in the cement industry, as well as the company's leading position and compound growth in the coming years, we maintain the company's target price of HK $ 14.5Equivalent to 2012 PE, representing a rise in new 39.6% space. Others:

tera gold Wuhan - STD

129773928436875000_40Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog rolling financial capital history of the domestic economic and industrial economic current affairs news consumption in international economic life financial reviewThematic depth interviews a week topic hexun Newsweek predicted public laws and regulations cover data reading business school training hexun.com weather collection luxury calendar finance ministries financial products news > body print RSS size 2012-March 27 source: Jingchu network: Deputy Director Luo Bin show "model" photo: Wuchang University near the roadside barbecue Emporium the Midnight snack (reporter Cao Dapeng's photography) chutian Gold Pan Lou news reporter Gao Chen, Lung Sum Avenue, correspondents and tasty inexpensive little restaurant anywhere in WuhanSee, but had been much criticized health and security risks. Yesterday, reporters learned from the Wuhan, food and Drug Administration is expected until the end of June this year, provides security for people dining "weathervane" electronic maps will come on the market. ����Enable each individual restaurant health level, which the restaurant was named "demonstration sites", available at a glance. "Goods", small restaurants are less than 10%Yesterday, in a small restaurant (the area is less than 150 seats less than 75) specification management press conference tera power leveling, Deputy Director of the food and drug administration of Wuhan luobin introduction, currently certified food and beverage units in Wuhan were 22,581, small restaurant 17,132. Data show that Wuhan certified restaurants are nearly capturing small restaurant. But unfortunately is that the CouncilOn the investigation results of the small restaurant, in quantitative graded management of food safety rated a (excellent), b (good) level accounted for only 8.6% (grade c for the General, grade d for less), less than 10%. "Prominent disease is to monitor the security situation of the small restaurant. Treatment of small restaurant has been in the past, but because of its dispersibility, fluidity, and other characteristics tera gold, easy return. "LuobinIntroduction, in addition to certified small outside dining, there is no card catering, mobile stalls around more than 10,000 enterprises, more difficult for their specifications. This year, the small restaurant management of Wuhan municipal party Committee and municipal government as one of the ten outstanding problems, public commitment to the public. 2nd, small restaurant management special started. The regulation "the strongest in the history", from the beginning of March has beenRenew by December, chaired by the 10 District Chief Director of the food safety Committee. Every little restaurants were ordered "hard" Manager must receive food safety training and pass the test. ����In addition, Wuhan, food and Drug Administration will regularly make unannounced visits to small restaurants. Restaurant "digital map" will come out luobin revealed that, in order to facilitate members of the public, Wuhan City foodFood safety ratings to the small restaurants in the city, divided into "good, good," three levels, respectively, with a laugh, a smile of peace faces three cartoon identity known to the public in the shop, the people at a glance. Next, functions would push the small restaurant in the city to improve the health conditions to improve food safety standards. Small food shop to be known to the public for information,Centralized public food service license, health card, report complaints telephone, food security commitments. ����According to the food safety inspection results, small restaurant not only on the public ratings of the year, also a dynamic monitoring on Tan. Drug Administration treats the unified information gathering is expected at the end of June made "digital map", the catering enterprisesInformation Internet access. ����At that time, people want to go to dinner, one click, you can easily noted that the catering enterprise security information. Street in downtown of banning small dining luobin introduction tera gold, this special rewards and punishments clearly, to the underlying code for better support and the small restaurants, creating a "demonstration areas" for other restaurants. After the conclusion of the event, the city's total toCreates less catering service demonstration district, each district creates model 1-2 Street, every street to create a model section, create a 5-10 model. ����For example, there is focus on creating, jianghan district, Wuhan "Golden mouth" features Street Cedar road, Hankou railway station into both standard image area of a window. Undocumented small restaurant with fixed stores, in accordance with the "specification, Rectification and reform a number of, against a number of "principle, against strong reactions among the masses, more security risk and refused to rectification of small restaurants, help some qualified small restaurant standards. Resolutely ban the food stalls on the main and secondary roads in the central zone. In addition, the operators of food safety incidents and serious consequences, will be included in food safety "blacklist", 5 years shall not engage in food hygieneMiddle management. At present, the Council recommended to the society award-winning collection of a small food and beverage management, 10 tips on winning $ 2000 reward given to each section. ����Reports 24 hours complaint hotline: 027-85711111. Link qingshan district first "transparent kitchen" over the years, the restaurant, the kitchen of the hotel for the customer,Is a mysterious place. ����In March of this year, qingshan district first "kitchen transparency" mode, by monitoring all of the equipment in the kitchen to glance out in front of customers. Public, if the way for smaller dining experience? In this regard, Wuhan, food and drug administration food official said that this pattern should be affirmed. However, due to the high cost, Omni-directional controlPatterns are good only for a strength of large and medium-sized food enterprises. Also concern small and medium-sized restaurant has its own mode, for instance, some shops with a completely transparent glass walls in the kitchen, the customer can be clearly seen in the kitchen. At present, food safety and health issue in exploration of, the Council encourage enterprise independent innovation, improving safety and health in catering industry in multiple mode. Others:

tera power leveling including the former Italy international Steven Donne - LRV

129779512661406250_102Italy football fraud exposes a fierce General of Juventus two arrested for kicking deceitful match Yeah sporting April 3 report: Italy football match and made new progress, defender of a previously arrested Atlanta-Masiello confessions tera gold, deceitful match during their effectiveness in Bari in many fields. A-Masiello admitted in the trial, in Bari last season with Barclays cut their loss of money laundering in the 37th round of League matches, and then deliberately into a Black Dragon Ball in the match, eventually Lecce 2-0Barry Baoji successfully overcome. And more of the world's best is, a-Masiello said Juventus players bonucci and Pepe had two deceitful match involved. The Rome sports daily: bonucci and Pepe suspected of involvement in deceitful match of ball-Masiello according to a statement, Barry 2009-10 season for Udinese before the game, underground gambling group to find Barry player, hope that the two teams will play a big score."Another Bari player s-Masiello called Pepe Udinese effect at that time, we want the other tie, but Pepe did not accept S-Masiello's proposal at that time. "A-Masiello has also said," I accept gambling syndicate in the restaurant after a new offer, and me in the dressing room to tell my 4 teammates, including bonucci, Belmonte, s-Masiello, and Arturo Parisi, they all agree that this game made a big score. "In the end, the game war of Bari and Udinese 3-3. Bonucci broker has categorically denied the allegations A-Masiello, "everything he has said is false. Because in Bari, a week before the match against Udinese, bonucci in Italy national team training campHe simply cannot know in advance the gambling proposal. "From last summer, Italy carried out a campaign of massive anti-gambling operation, including the former Italy international Steven Donne, Beppe signori tera power leveling, who were arrested, and Barry two clubs in Atlanta has become the prosecution focused on objects. The confession of a-Masiello, once exposed, more is to let Italy football shock�� Italy Football Association President Alberto Giacometti tera power leveling, "said Italy Football Association on the deceitful match of ball has always adopted a zero-tolerance measures, procuratorial organs will hold hearings at the end of April, we will be responsible to punishment. �� Others:

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129779426016562500_0The Kyushu area of the Online scores Kyushu CGWR
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