2011年12月25日 星期日

Personal passenger car indicator applications for a total of 780

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Audit results as of November 25, 2011, in Beijing, two indicators application for Web site (www.bjhjyd.gov.CN) announced that applicants can check the www.bjhjyd.gov.CN website enquiries or to the original submission of the applicationCounties querying Foreign Office window. Second, on November 25, 2011, under the notarization of notarial officers, randomly selected from the approved applicant applicant represented rocker scene. November 26, audited by valid coding, in accordance with the "open, fair and impartial" rocking with the principle of number. Rocker, the scene in discipline inspection and supervisionUnder the supervision of inspectors under the notary and notarial staff from attending a live applicants randomly selected from among the representatives of 6 people, shake, draw lots to determine the 6 were arranged in order from left to right, randomly selected from high to low 6 figures, generates a random number seed, produce results, shake. Statistical verification, checking is not configured with personal passenger car indicator 2 swtor power leveling,441 on April 26, 2011And indicators for the current period shake 20,041 personal checking code.����Shake, open to the media.����Third, rocker, all completed after 25 minutes, available through the website at www.bjhjyd.gov.CN query results, shake, after 1 hour or by call 12,580 query results, shake. Four, polar number results, applicationsPassenger car index of individuals can log in the website www.bjhjyd.gov.CN to download and print their own passenger car configuration index confirmation, can also carry application-related documents and submit your application form to the original, counties receive Foreign Office window passenger car configuration index of acknowledgement. Passenger car configuration index acknowledgement November 201128th May to the internal revenue service, the range of pipes, and other departments going through relevant procedures. Specific process is divided into eight steps, shake, followed by: a first step, representatives from the applicant the old republic power leveling, the municipal people's Congress and members of the CPPCC Handan municipal Committee, field selected 6 participants of the draw the specific work, shake, respectively responsible for taking a 1-bit number generator seed number. If the number of less than 6 people, then the site randomlyTo add.����The second step, notary and discipline inspection and supervisory personnel inspection hold state of the computer, and under the supervision of the notary and discipline inspection and supervisory personnel, attended by the notary public of technicians will advance hold encoded data import, shake the computer. The third step, determined by balloting of 6 were arranged in order from left to right, randomly selected from high to low 6 figures to generate a randomSeed number.����The fourth step, computer-generated rocking in the period, the results and display. The fifth step from technician will check coded dials in the period.����Respectively by the notary public, municipal supervision Bureau, the city passenger car indicator control management office to save a copy.����The sixth step, the host announced that shaking, results for the current period.����The seventh step, notaries took the notary. The eighth step,Checking results to burn the disc, transferred to the Beijing indicators of passenger car application website (www.bjhjyd.gov.CN) and "12,580" enquiry telephone number for applicant enquiries. At present shaking, results have been announced since November 27, indicators of successful applicants, with passenger car configurations acknowledgement to the internal revenue service, the range of pipes, and other departments going through relevant procedures. WithShi, the fifth car checking index validity will expire today, "sacrifice," back in December, shake a pool. Penalty for checking not whether buyers, it is not clear. Beijing passenger car personal configuration issue 2011 individual index configuration outcome query URL: http://apply.bjhjyd.gov.CN/apply/norm/personQuery.html

