2011年12月26日 星期一

and cannot be the real economy of the whole Community financial constraints solving any problem

129667634785302892_25Xiong Jinqiu: who can end a share robber barons times On October 24, the Western Stock IPO will succeed on the second, but around Western securities the fifth largest shareholder – comprehensive utilization of Shaanxi electric power development company, were dazzled by equity transfer to other use, but people doubt in which powerful use of various techniques, Hao take a listing of the company's equity appreciation of profiteering. Shaanxi comprehensive Electric's largest shareholder for Shanxi electric power construction investment and development company, ShaanxiVote for former chairman Liu Chunmao, Shaanxi, and Liu Chunmao was the original comprehensive legal representative, before Liu Chunmao was Vice Governor of Shaanxi Provincial head of power. By acquiring the stock transfer of the two companies in Shaanxi Province, in May 2007, the Shaanxi fully mechanized power company Western securities held 22.1368 million shares. Second assault in Western securities prior to the IPO in January 2011, Comprehensive social equity through the messengers of Shaanxi Province, is a private enterprise without qiyan--victory high electronic technology limited company of Shenzhen revenue name at a very affordable price, the company can finally enjoy the significant equity appreciation arising from the listing of securities interests in the West, and the company's largest shareholder in liuqiao (holding 70%), but is believed to be the original by media Shaanxi comprehensive corporateTable Liu Chunmao's son, as their domicile address remain the same. Data show that the bridge LAU graduated from the University after serving as wide Shenzhen morning electronic post of General Manager, later holding several executives positions, if he and Mr Liu Chunmao's parent-child relationship, is also fulfilled a word "Lao-hero Heroes". Lao Zi's trees, son picked peach, everything is causal, alsoI remember last year, Wu Jinglian, the old man pain in Chinese stock market one: a-share markets are "robber barons era." The author believes that stock market operations until the main line, in fact, many interest groups, and powerful revolves around ways to take stock in primary and secondary market spreads, or stock markets cashed for more money, or. Dignitaries of the a-share market has a typical capital markets: A conspiracy of power and capital to seize and monopolize the wealth of the community, cut off by non-powerful wealth through diligence and wisdom fair way, only those in the stock market and dignitaries who have blood, affinity and close friend who can obtain economic benefits. Concern is that the Western stock brokers the scale listed in this year ranked last, its business is flat. AsLargely stock brokerage revenues of brokerage, its profitability and the secondary market volatility fit perfectly, is a typical "live at the mercy of the elements". In the nearly three-year period, Western securities brokerage income percentage in operating income swtor power leveling, 89.39%, and 78.2%, respectively; the only praiseworthy is the Agency share transfer business,But the horizon "new third" lifted its great uncertainty still exists and is now in the "loss leader" stage. So companies listed, is Internet users that "business has no bright spots, is for listing money". Listing of securities dealers, and cannot be the real economy of the whole Community financial constraints solving any problem, the a-share market as a whole will be as more and more the listing of securities dealers are increasingly votedOf machines and virtualization. For example, if the stock market listed only a few stock shares in the company, their access to secondary market transaction fee, and the resulting corporate profits, investors to chase these trading profits, this simply will not create any real wealth in the stock market, shares a compromise deal is purely negative-sum game, so even the casino marketNot so much. Can understand, if the stock market securities companies listed in the more speculative component in the stock markets are also more and more virtualization, market may even go into an endless loop. However, even securities so mediocre enterprises in Western China, I believe its listing will succeed. Because there are other people money markets or countries money when the money's pseudo-market players.In addition, people have the habit of relying on government departments in all things, the stock issue approval under the system, some investors based on the approved agencies rely on psychological incorrectly that the approved issue must have a high investment value of stocks, which is the formation of the new shares does not defeat one of the main reasons, groups of shareholder wealth, is the issuer issued auditing rent-it is difficult to eradicate one of the main reasons. Because of the substantive trialDocumented approval system exists the old republic power leveling, China's stock market was Wu Jinglian Man Group as in the "robber barons era." Before the development models in the stock market has not changed radically, this author recommends decisive pause before the IPO. Stock markets have emerged and vested interests of powerful capital, of the majority of medium and small investors a clear disadvantage; Wu Jinglian old views on the stock market, the basic most unitViews of the people; the new securities and Futures Commission Guo Shuqing talked with President Wu old work, I believe that in terms of value should be a lot of influence, I wish President Guo could end this absurd era shares powerful capital market as soon as possible.

