2011年12月25日 星期日

4 venue construction bidding agent

129667515272031250_12Audit Office of Guangdong Province, according to Xinhua News Agency announced its website on 25th of the Paralympics 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games and the Asia financial revenue and expenditure and the stadium construction project audit results announcement, 8 venue construction services and materials by audit the design or procurement without tendering or Government procurement problem, part of the stadium project was found illegal subcontracting subcontracting. 8 fieldIllegal subcontracting said Museum exists, 3 Asian Games venue design undisclosed bid swtor power leveling, involving an amount of $ 3.0165 million; 1 Asian Games venues materials purchase public bidding, involving an amount of $ 1 million; 4 venue construction bidding agent, construction drawing review was carried out by the Government procurement of services, involving an amount of $ 2.8523 million. PushRecommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single release planning will enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals Twelve-Five: amazing sex scandal counted between global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas heatMoney is not optimistic about China's audit pointed out that the above issues, the departments concerned to investigate and deal with the old republic power leveling, and perfecting the management system in time to prevent this problem from happening again. Audit also found that in 8 Asian Games venues during construction, some projects outsourcing subcontracting of construction units concerned breaches, involving an amount of $ 220 million. Guangdong Provincial Construction Department in charge of this isInvestigated and handled, 9 illegal subcontracting of subcontracting enterprises according to law. ����Sponsored material is not recorded in a timely manner in addition, the individual venue construction is construction quality problems uncovered, such as: Guangzhou Institute of physical education Stadium inadequate fire retardant coating for steel grid thickness; UFO training center in Guangzhou Stadium shooter concrete floor cracking worse; swimming and diving Hall roof leaks, and so on. PublicDivisions also noted that the subgroup relevant departments have not yet completed tendering case, select theatrical evening party contractors and lend funding of $ 1.23 million. ����At present, the loan funds have been recovered. The audit also found that some sponsorship materials and income should be recorded in a timely manner. About sponsor to sponsor some of the material and "ticket sales operation service system" value is not timely registration of the subgroupFinancial account reflects, involving an amount of $ 83.6274 million; subgroup, Foshan, Dongguan city, Coordinating Committee, the Asian Games Sports Bureau and other units manage some of the material is not should be recorded in a timely manner, involving an amount of $ 20.48 million.

