2011年12月3日 星期六

in the end is ' love ' is the ' sell '

129668732788593750_184From Shanghai to Taiwan Research Institute, Shanghai Municipal Taiwan research society jointly hosted the second session of the Symposium of peaceful development of relations between the two sides held 26th in Shanghai. Participating experts and scholars on both sides generally agreed that the Democratic Progressive Party and its leaders adhere to the "one country on each side" of the "Taiwan independence" stand, negate the "consensus of ' 92", this is the greatest threat to peaceful development of relations between the two sides has a direct bearing on both sidesEspecially the Taiwan people can continue to share the "peace dividend". DPP policies will only lead to renewed unrest on both sides, so that people on both sides of the "peace dividend" loss and, in particular, let Taiwan people paying a heavy price. DPP wrapped with a new set of presenting "Taiwan independence" line and deceived Taiwan people, great harm. From dozens of experts and scholars on both sides of the Strait universal tableShows concern. Zhang Nianchi, Director of the Shanghai East Asia Institute, said relations between the two sides finally come up with a situation of peace and development in recent years, should be very grateful. Democratic Progressive Party has repeatedly spread, they were able to maintain the current cross-strait relations as well as dialogue and negotiation with the Mainland, but also to continue to grow "dividends on both sides", this is a deceptive statement, is impossible. Because the Democratic Progressive Party still insists that "One country on each side "position and negates the" consensus of ' 92 ", between Mainland with the Democratic Progressive party lacks the necessary common political foundation. Democratic Progressive Party that policy can only make Taiwan situation and cross-strait relations are not stable, is not secure. We are tricked Taiwan tactics of public anger and resentment. The DPP can no longer be disenchanted and not to allow development of relations between the two sides "bonus" lost. ForTsai Ing-wen made pronouncements about visiting the Mainland a few days ago, National Taiwan Research Society Executive Vice President Zhou zhihuai said, it is entirely her own manufacture "hypothetical question", and "wishful thinking". He stressed that the "consensus of ' 92" is the Mainland's policy on the bottom line. Anyone who insists on the two sides "one country on each side" separatist stance, absolutely impossible and the MainlandWhat "consensus". On upholding the "one country on each side" of Taiwan leaders of political parties, the Mainland will not invite, people from the Mainland are not welcome. Vice Director of Shanghai Institute of Taiwan Ni Yongjie pointed out that Tsai upholding the "one country on each side" of the "Taiwan independence" stand, not only mislead Taiwan people, and often to nothing fabricated to discredit the Mainland. Impossible invited her to visit the Mainland, there will not beInteresting contacts with her. The DPP's "ten-year platform" mainland policy not credible or not feasible, will only make Taiwan into turmoil and decline. Assistant to the President of the Shanghai Institute of international studies of Yan Anlin stressed that "the DPP harmless on the" great harm. The Democratic Progressive Party have long been is "Taiwan independence, Lord" guardians, "three links" opponents, exchanges between the two sides of the absent, Strait consultationsBlocking will only damage on the peaceful development of relations between the two sides. National Taiwan research society Yang Lixian, Deputy Secretary General believes that if the DPP that a set of policies, the results speak for themselves, only Taiwan society once again paid a heavy price. Shanghai Academy of social sciences, Taiwan Research Centre Secretary General Wang Hailiang said in that case, Taiwan people enjoy "peace dividend" there will be no, Consultations between the two sides will break, to Taiwan by the Mainland to visit Taiwan tourism will reduce purchasing,, Taiwan's "international space" will also shrink, increasing security risks. Taiwan University Professor Zhao Guocai said, according to the DPP that policy, "diplomatic dead end, overall tightening diablo 3 gold, may lose 5 overnight, 6 the ROC" and "economically difficult, even if 1More than 00 multiple countries and regions to Taiwan people check-free treatment, but Taiwan economic situation is not good, people have no money, can not go everywhere ". If the Mainland students to Taiwan, in accordance with the present volume, would mean 5 Taiwan shut down because no students enrollment in private colleges. Tensions between the two sides, foreign investment will come diablo 3 power leveling, Taiwan will be a substantial brain drain, Taiwan will enter the "depression decadeYear, "and" idling of the Decade ". Taiwan Tanchiang University Professor Pan Xitang also expressed concern. He said that Tsai Ying-Wen's cross-strait policy is in fact a matter of eyes and ears for election language, its consequences will eventually by the Taiwan people "pay". "The DPP must answer, do not accept the ' 92 consensus ' how to maintain peace across the Taiwan Strait and cross-strait economic and trade of normal development? Its irresponsible ' Taiwan independence 'Route, in the end is ' love ' is the ' sell '? "(Reporters Zhang Yong Xu Xiaoqing)

