2011年12月27日 星期二

let Li Chunjiang guide running on ext hard

129667750478115392_171Powered China on November 25, Beijing (Xinhua reporter Yang Baoyan) Beijing team challenge defending champions Guangdong team. Leading results start to the Beijing team in the big score, Yi injured Beijing team got more opportunities, the game ends star wars the old republic power leveling, Beijing 104:92 beat the Guangdong team. Lei Chen, 14 min, JI zhe 18 the old republic power leveling, Morris 15, Marbury 18 points.After the game, Li Nan summed up the game, failed for Guangdong, Nan Li, said: "(Guangdong) start failures, Las's injury was a big blow to morale, ext rotation to make ends meet, let Li Chunjiang guide running on ext hard, United Arab Emirates to play the fourth, and fifth bits, but SINGLETON can only play the 4th. Looking back at the Beijing team Marbury teams act as a go-between to Beijing, BeijingSmall has the determination and ability, dare fight, United Arab Emirates you can cover the risk of, against the opponent can vote. Believe Beijing team can play better, as the promotion of the status of the child, they controlled tempo no ups and downs, Marbury can help them without the ups and downs. Can allow the Beijing team is getting better and better. "(End)

