2011年12月26日 星期一

formed a heavy stuck disc in the market

129668682382187500_47Characteristic analysis of long running from stock market, the market trend formed last fall tend to render the seven distinctive feature: first, the amount of features. Volumes created after start slow to moderate volume, between trading volume and stock a striking departure from the trend at the end of, will tell the amount adjusts in place. And, sometimes, the more low hit volume on disk trend appears, the moreShort-term market is about to change and more description indices have reached the end of last fall. Second swtor power leveling, the characteristics of market sentiment. Before the formation last fall, due to long declining, formed a heavy stuck disc in the market, popularity is constantly cover which has been depleted, tend to be in the market sentiment was extremely weak moments, stocks really low point is already not too far away。 Third, the trends of morphological characteristics. Formed last fall during the technical form appears broken indexes to speed up fell, a variety of technologies, markets, policy at the end of the end of the end of, as well as the support level and gates the old republic power leveling, was weak, a minor resistance and lost quite so disastrously. Four, decrease features. In weak market, are difficult to adjust the level of confirmed last fall in the stock market, stocksProverb: "end of bear market without saying" there is some objective evidence, at this time, required a combination of technical analysis tools to confirm whether the market last fall. Characteristics of five indicators deviated from. Index deviated from the characteristics needed comprehensive study, if only one or two of these kinds of indicators deviated from the also does not suggest that the market must be in the final at the end of a fall. But if multiple indexes at the same timeLine period in months, weeks occur simultaneously on the line, the date line depart from, then when the market is often most likely was completed last fall. Six, a stock's performance characteristics. The lead unit also started breaking down, or is subject to investors are generally bullish stock dive killed when falling, often heavy psychological pressure to investors, prompting widespread turned bearish Outlook, from theAnd complete the market last fall.   Seven, policy features, which is the most critical factor in market achievements last fall, which mainly includes two aspects: one refers to some long standing problems development of stock market of the deep-seated problems can get policies became clear; on the other hand refers to in terms of market development can get policy actively cooperated with. Gold-line statement: gold online goAs set out above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

