2011年11月24日 星期四

Lions 9 games all up

129615119155468750_2402September 25 (Sunday) Greuther Furth 19:30 -0.5/1 munihei1860-win pitch: Greuther Furth (2.04), big ball (3) period of almost 10 trends: Ying Yingying breakeven Greuther Furth upper whorl main Plaza 0:0 de b leaderDeputy squad leader Aachen forced, after League, Germany Cup strong adrift 7 consecutive victories, munihei1860 the arena facing the same upgrade hot over the weekend, when a duigong war is inevitable. Greuther Furth 4 before this season, de home out of the 3 in 1 small diablo 3 gold, 2 strong dialog respectively 2:3 Frankfurt, centVictory Duisburg. 4:0 of 1860 in the upper whorl arena after sweeping the FSV Frankfurt, ushering in the arena of 4 consecutive victories, but this season the League, Cup visit only 1 win 1 draw 3 negative, in a visit strong dialogue, the team 1:3 Dusseldorf, cent St. Pauli, in the first round of a guest at dark horse bulunsiweikeRacing, Lions team to 1:3 lost. Warfare under weak, lion dance teams can Taiwan and who. So far this season, Lions 9 games all up, the home team bouncers can be two-pronged approach. NetEase exclusive Lottery zhuangao, declined to reprint diablo 3 power leveling!

