2011年11月23日 星期三

4.Single digits

129615091518593750_2398"And value" and value trend of the previous issue, dropped 7 points, landing in the section, in the present and the value of the overall trend analysis, and trend of value for the current period, will continue to occur in the small amplitude of the oscillation trend, in the current period and values the level was optimistic about bands front to the back-end, and sector-wide, preventingSections of front end (23 and 44 issues has been missing, 13, and has missed 43 issues, 11 and value has omitted the 32 issues, should pay close attention). 1: rising by a small margin in the big bands (16--19) of the range. 2: to a small drop in bands (11--12) fanWai. 3: protection against small and medium-sized paragraph down in the Community (06--09) of the range. "Analysis of the trend of" hundred: last issue of the movement, placement in the central section, drawn 0, medium, from the current line with the overall trend analysis, this month's big bands have continued to heat up in hope, 0-channel smallBands and 1 Road, one promising hot out, focusing on promising 0-channel small large diablo 3 power leveling, comprehensive analysis, this issue should focus on, 9, 4. Ten: last issue of trends, fall continued in the central section, out of the 2-way medium temperature codes, from the current line with the overall trend analysis, in this month's big bandWishes once again to heat, but also have the opportunity to trumpet section, and fortification, 0 road bands has obvious hopes of thaw, 2 medium size may also be opportunities to appear again, dominated by large sections of gravity, comprehensive analysis, this issue should focus on 5, 7, 8, 9, prevention of 2, 3, 4.Single digits: last issue of the movement, placement returns in the trumpet section, operated a total of 0, 3rd of the road, the frenzied trumpet section or hot trend is not reduced, from the current line with the overall trend analysis, this issue's hopes of small-medium size sections have continued to heat up, small medium size 0 and 1-way hopefully small, 2 medium hotBut 2 bands to watch out for thawing may at any time, comprehensive analysis, this issue should focus on 1 diablo 3 gold, 3, 5, 6, against 8. "Recommended" bile code: 9, 6. And values: 19, 18, against 12. Locate Bao Xing: 9**, and **6. 6 block VI: 046789. Positioning multiple direct election: 049//2345789//13568. Selected group:, 946, 471, 856, 936, 093,, 991, 955.

