2011年11月21日 星期一

kongyouKung Fu without space shows

129626097739218750_1062British sculptors to claimed the Bundesliga Sharpshooter Switzerland striker winter rest period or season NetEase sports on October 8: Switzerland striker deerdi York recent fires diablo 3 power leveling, upper whorl in the match and the Wolf, deerdi of York scored a grain is Felix magath called "ten years before it can be a" unique goals. But he's not Leverkusen absolute main Premier League Tottenham, Newcastle also have Italy's Udinese and other teams are interested in him, are interested in January next yearStriker took this. Deerdi York or without main choice dropped from deerdi York face to jerk the ball about, then walk bicycle shot, ball just clipped into the goal yuanjiao. This goal fully showed Switzerland striker's body and technology, many media have assessed the ball is locked for this year's best score, deerdiyueke I also admit that this isCareers best match in. However scoring wonderful, deerdi York prospects are not scoring this season as exciting. Now he's Leverkusen didn't get on well, this season has been going on for 8 rounds, but only first 3 times deerdi York, alternative 3, into the 2 ball, coach Doutre insisted on a single striker, so he and Stefan Kiessling can only rotate the play, kongyouKung Fu without space shows, also may choose to leave the deerdi York. According to a report in the sport Bild diablo 3 gold, deerdi York has sparked interest in several foreign clubs. Premiership Club Tottenham are interested in this Switzerland striker, they want to buy deerdi York in January next year to replace the Russia forward puff Liu Qinke. In addition Newcastle and Udinese all delAndy York, York 9 million euro transfer fee, but deerdi is a problem. Furthermore Bayer Leverkusen, I sell deerdi York is a problem, Switzerland striker is not absolute main team but rotations a member lineup, if heat-barbed Club cannot give a seductive prices can hardly got deerdi York.

