2011年11月24日 星期四

the Intel really concerned may not be the one company

129615088379843750_729"CCID" in the business world, there is no permanent friends, only interests forever.  Now, that's most suitable phrase to apply to the Intel and Microsoft, however, under the guide of the PC industry for decades "Golden combination" in the post-PC era is no longer close. Wintel Alliance is at stake hasNot one or two days. Recently, Microsoft to build a Developer Conference, showed off its new operating system Windows8 and declared Windows8 supports ARM architecture, and almost at the same time, Intel IDF Conference in the world, announced a more intentionsMessage--that are not Google and Intel will carry out cooperation. At this point, the Wintel Alliance is completely fell apart.  And IT industry will also be the PC era, two giants of their respective "empathy" and rewritten. Eat mobile Internet big cake Windows8 this time in WindowS generation operating system released on just two years after publication, which in the Microsoft operating system upgrade process is a cycle in the shortest amount of time. The face of savage tide of mobile Internet, Microsoft has apparently sit still. Now, the personal user computing tasks transferred to mobile phones and tablets of trend is irreversible. AlthoughSo Microsoft's position in the PC environment in the area have not completely lost, but users are used to change the PC itself faced with the challenge of Windows also faces a severe test. Nearest two quarters, Windows revenue is gradually decline. This corresponds to, and WindowsNumber of mobile users is not so much still maintained a momentum of rapid growth, and independent software developers and hardware manufacturers are also being focused on the Android or iOS operating system; in the market, iPad lead Tablet and Android OS-based smartMobile phone sales momentum than many PC strong. Windows ecosystem under great pressure.  Analysts estimate that the next quarter, Windows market share to hit a 20-year low. However anyway, Microsoft move closer to ARM camps is meant it in mobile eraAn important step. Shidifen·xinuofusiji, President of Microsoft's Windows and WindowsLive Division claimed that: "Windows8 will let people from chips and user-experience re-thought on the operating system. "From the Intel x86" diehard followers ", support by IntelRegarded as a thorn in the ARM, Microsoft may want Intel to feel sad. However, the business sector does not believe in tears.  Too late to feelings of Intel, and will soon have a new direction of its own, it looked forward to the hand in hand through Google to purchase himself won a ticket back into mobile Internet world. Have into the forties-EnglishKathleen Battle as early as 1991 started affecting PC industry for over 20 years of "Intel Inside" program, in the semiconductor field diablo 3 power leveling, from the chip architecture and chip design to manufacturing and marketing, Intel stop at nothmg diablo 3 power leveling, heading for almost the whole industry chain, seemed indestructible. ButIs such a giant of the annual turnover of up to us $ 43 billion in recent years because of a small company annual turnover of just over more than 600 million dollars a great headache. This small companies is ARM. However, a deeper level, the Intel really concerned may not be the one company, but facing suddenIndustry changes, does their reaction is too slow. Outcomes difficult at the beginning of the war now, IT industry a scrimmage. As early as January this year, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced Windows8 will launch a version that supports ARM processor, Intel CEO Paul Otellini mercilessly with respect,ARM support version not compatible with existing Windows applications, because it means that Microsoft must recompile for ARM version of the code of a set of tools. Intel can lend power of Google in the mobile world and create greater glories, also widely questioned-Intel to fight not onlyARM, but to ARM all the partners. Convert schema to get equipment manufacturers, Intel was trying to convince them, their product is worth more than their costs needed to convert schema. But that's easier said than done. Perhaps it is because in the short term cannot be launched more than ARM Cortex 9 powerLow processor, combined with Microsoft switching to ARM camp, Intel had to released ahead of the Super program, now Super has been considered part of Intel's transition from the PC era post-PC era "smoothest springboard".

