2011年11月21日 星期一

listened will know. Even as today's most popular young violinist xilali��Haen. "However

129626123035312500_1445Senior music China feather: Please don't use "master" to call Itzhak Perlman Itzhak Perlman (Wen/Xu Songlan) music fans as a world-class violinist Itzhak Perlman, Hua Yu in Beijing as early as 9 years ago to Itzhak Perlman concert, hear Itzhak Perlman will be held on October 18 at the Shenzhen concert concert news, her first reaction was "absolutely can not miss". But when she in an interview, her comment but people give consent. "In theCountry music community, and we avoid the use of ' master ' of the word, because this call has been flooded. Engaged in music can be divided into ' Carpenter ' and ' home ', is absolutely well-deserved musicians Itzhak Perlman ". His audience shocked gas field in 2002, ten-time Grammy-winning Itzhak Perlman in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places to tour, wherever, are all upA surge of the classical music of Cyclone. Hua Yu began learning violin, for many years engaged in music first at the scene heard the Itzhak Perlman gives impressive performance. "His audience shocked gas field. "Before I hit the back 9 scene, Hua Yu still fresh. "Very often, when a player from desktop when you walk up on stage, as a professional, I will not be attracted. Regardless of howFamous, I would be questioned, listen well, listened will know. Even as today's most popular young violinist xilali��Haen. "However, Itzhak Perlman played 9 years ago, but China feather has a completely different feeling:" he sat in a wheelchair, a smile came to the stage, the audience was silent, he was coming out of the powerful gas field only in appearanceInstant conquered all the audience. "" Separate your talents and defect, they're unrelated. "This is the most like Itzhak Perlman's words. As we all know, Itzhak Perlman at the age of 4, suffered from polio. In front of the illness, he began to study violin, after the illness will never abandon. Who was to take him into the magical world of music? MasterAnswer funny and simple: "Israel Radio. When I was 3 years old, parents always open the radio, I often listen to music after listening to violin playing, however, said: I want to do this. "Because of the long years of life in a wheelchair, his growing natural more difficult road. China feather, Itzhak Perlman's "qi" and the growth of his difficult experiences with his superb piano technology-related, with himAll the most famous Symphony Orchestra's vast experience about, more associated with Itzhak Perlman for the love of music. For Itzhak Perlman, violin is not only the instrument, is part of his body, his crippled body in the best comfort. He used his music directly at heart senior music critic guxiaojin fan of starting many years ago, Itzhak Perlman, "he was the greatest violinist of the 20th century,His fine craftsmanship, his play impassioned, his understanding of music and music displayed unparalleled. "The mention of Itzhak Perlman, a series of praise from the collection a lot zhangpaerman music discs of music critics say, in his view," Itzhak Perlman to open a concert in Shenzhen is definitely a big affair. "From this show organizers understand that is 66 years oldItzhak Perlman did not often go to Asian performances, so for Shenzhen for music fans, China tour will likely be their last opportunity to close listening to the masters. "Full, full of impressive and playing his voice changes, it is a sound with a heat. "The guxiaojin said that in the international music world, Itzhak Perlman's performance was widely praised, but it had a small amount ofComment on that he was playing too provocative, even a little contrived. "I think that it is not objective. The music itself is the need for artists to present, when a musician playing a piece, wrong is not terrible, frightening is his indifference. "Guxiaojin think, Virtuosi of today's music scene has a lot of skill, skill is strong performance was very cold, it is definitely not good music�� "You heard by Itzhak Perlman playing the song and won the Academy Award of the Xin Delei list, even if you close your eyes, you can feel his from his piano tone of deep emotion, and will be the kind of felt emotion much moved. "" The performances in Beijing, many of the audience are professional, not from the school of music, is from the Art Institute. But the show finish atVery strange is that we in the first few minutes, everyone is silent, which in normal times it is absolutely impossible, because people always comment on, exchange of experience. "Hua Yu said that this silence is still immersed in Itzhak Perlman's music on the one hand, on the other hand is his music touches our hearts," that's the charm of Itzhak Perlman, he used his music directly at eachPeople's heart diablo 3 power leveling, his sense of his life through the hands of the violin is conveyed to the audience. "China feather was a friend of mine just briefly say a sentence:" the concert solves everything ". His beautiful and difficult coexistence of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in d is one of the four violin concertos in the world, almost every musician or Orchestra will playOne of the tracks. "Performance of the different players have different diablo 3 gold, my favorite Itzhak Perlman played the second movement, a beautiful, deep, fascinating, he almost completely in line with all of my music, and look forward to, what will resonate. "Guxiaojin that despite Itzhak Perlman have perfect technique in the face of those fancy of technical paragraph completely familiar, but heLogical processing on music, and deep understanding of the music is the cornerstone of his playing success. Hua Yu said that when a violin soloist and Orchestra, why to stand down? Because only when standing, will it be possible to the legs as a fulcrum will convey the power of the body to the hands, only large enough to let the sound of a violin is not the entireOrchestra voices drown. "So it's hard to imagine a person sitting in a wheelchair, to go through how to build up to the violin to express strong emotion. "In Shanghai to Itzhak Perlman concert music fans who expressed his feelings: the end of the performance, was applauded the audience loudly applauded unreservedly desperately and sights, and Itzhak Perlman is changed when the QinBeautiful attitude, with a shuangguai from a wheelchair to stand up slowly, slowly final curtain into the background, very slowly, again thanks sth The prospect and the ears hear music is so different, and this is the same person �C one so beautiful art creator, is so difficult for life to bear.

