2012年6月2日 星期六

Zeng Jing Diablo 3 power leveling Zeng Jing - CXEF

129823422105000000_174Interview with del Director Zeng Jing Hui brand Center: will continue to support the public interest Interview with del brand Director Zeng Jing Hui. NetEase entertainment on May 24 reported that on May 23, sponsored by the deerhui of the domestic first physical education motivational public premiere of the film ran out of the sky was held in Beijing, der Hui brand DirectorZeng Jing as the investor's representative at the Conference, an exclusive interview with and accepts the NetEase entertainment, have static interviewed concept interpretation of deerhui sports life, also said it will continue to support the public good, and hope conveyed to the audience of the ran out of the sky in a positive spirit. NetEase entertainment: deerhui is the sponsor of the ran out of the sky, deerhuiIt will choose to cooperate with this Olympic gift movie? Zeng Jing: deerhui as a sporting goods brands, have been committed to doing some sports-related careers, and there was a very inspirational public film, so the crew found the time, we very quickly reached this cooperation. NetEase entertainment: film's English name is On My Way, And deerhui number, this is a coincidence? Zeng Jing: in fact, On My Way and not just a spirit of deerhui brand, more is something we want to advocate the pursuit of a dream, a life beyond. So when you see the film's Chinese name is run out of a day when both came up with this sloganEnglish title. NetEase entertainment: film about a youth inspirational sports stories, please describe del benefit these years focusing on public, especially youth sports development is doing what? Zeng Jing: in fact, as a sports brand, deerhui in doing public events related to social responsibility has done a lot of effort, including ourColleges and universities, some of the sports include elementary and high school students, community sports and so on have done a lot of sponsors, we have also been working on a project with China Foundation for poverty alleviation, youth movement of these projects in the poor is concerned, we have done for three years SWTOR Credits, will continue in the future to continue to do so. NetEase entertainment: sport life concept is promoted by deerhui how to understand? Zeng Jing: sports fact of life to understand, that is, as everyone should be for their own health, to continue to participate in the campaign, participation in sports is such a spirit of our brand has been advocating, I hope to be able to have a good body, able to face our work and life, On My Way. NetEase entertainment: GermanyHui brand sports films in the future, do you have any plan of cooperation? Zeng Jing: entertainment marketing we differentiate from other brands such a marketing approach Diablo 3 power leveling, we also hope that in the future there are good themes, whether it's sports or, or that other topics, we are willing to try Diablo 3 Gold, most core point is that consumers do a very direct with usSome communication. Just as the ran out of the sky in such a film is very inspirational, very loving film, also want to be able to pass to the consumer such an attitude, a spirit. Others:

