2012年6月9日 星期六

truly "global seamless roaming" of good intentions. Rift Platinum truly "global seamless roaming"

129823442319218750_31Ministry to promote radio legislation intends to integrate wireless frequency band Flying elephant network was informed that radio legislative work in progress in the near future the Ministry of industry and information upfront research, legislative work once started will have a major impact on our radio management. Long time, allocation of the radio spectrum resource use is not to market regulation mechanisms, a single model but still used the administrative examination and approval. Radio spectrum resources is almost free, or isOften low-cost distribution to the consumer, resulting in a lot of spare wastage of the radio spectrum. "Some units and departments occupy a certain band, but the band sit idle long while others use very high frequency band with the development of new technologies, business volume growth in users have overcrowded, unable to meet development needs. This contradiction has to a certain extent, restrict theRadio industry's further development and prosperity in our country. "Industry insiders said, who asked not to be named. The problem involves multiple areas and departments, simple regulations are difficult to coordinate. "On the program Rift Platinum, ordinances are performed by the State Council for approval, and the legislation need to be passed by the national people's Congress to discuss, having the highest legal force. "These peopleSaid. Current of the People's Republic of China is the administrative regulations on radio 1993 released jointly by the State Council, the Central Military Commission, has been nearly 20 years since. The information communication in China during the great leap wow power leveling, regulations have been difficult to adapt to the current needs of radio management, appropriate to the situation and urgently need a development introduced by radio. From the communicationIndustry perspective, scale trial of high speed development, 4G of 3G Rift CD-key, strong demand for wireless spectrum resources, current frequency band allocated to higher frequency loss is increasing. ITU has also been sought as far as possible on the 4G global frequency, truly "global seamless roaming" of good intentions. Others:

