2012年6月15日 星期五

06-05 Rift CD-key 06-05 - XZWX

129833943159687500_294Electricity shortfall this summer's biggest will be 35 million-kilowatt 2012 national electric reliability oversight management work Conference held today and the reliability indexes of power Conference was informed that: "Eleven-Five", our generating unplanned outage number continued to decline, 10,000 volt user power supply reliability rate significantly higher average, annual average number of power outages and time of urban and rural users are falling. Urban TERA Gold, rural electricity and lessITU statistics indicate that, compared with 2006, 10,000 volts in 2011 national cities average of power supply reliability rate from 99.849% to 99.92%, equivalent to the user average time hours reduced to $ 13.191-hour blackout; 10,000 volts average reliability of power supply in rural areas throughout the country from 99.563% to99.79%, equivalent to the user average time drops to 38.3 hours 18.43-hour blackout. Level of reliability of power supply in rural areas is still very unbalanced. Highest levels of reliability of power supply in rural areas in North China, East China region, average power outage time 14.32 hours and six hours, respectively. Reliability of power supply in rural areas is a region in the South of the fastest upgrade, usersPower outage time of 27.69 hours per cent decrease of 2010. Insufficient power supply, weak still insufficient restriction reliable power supply in power supply system in rural power grid, has become a significant cause of power cuts. ITU statistics indicate that in 2011 all regions of the country because the system is low on power, there were varying degrees of power cuts, southern regional low power limitedThe longest average is 52.2 minutes/year, followed by the central region Rift CD-key, for 40 minutes on average per year. From the provinces, 2011 a total of 17 provinces brownouts due to insufficient power supply, power rationing is the longest in Guangxi, average time of rationing of 6.18 hours/year, followed, Shanxi, Hunan, Chongqing and so on. Failure power failure, non-restrictedScheduled power cuts, are two major causes power outages in rural areas. Reflecting the construction of rural distribution network in China to be further strengthened, in rural power grid is still relatively weak, poor contact between the lines and for lack of capacity, overhauling inefficient. "Must strengthen the distribution network and power management to reduce the scheduled power outage. "ITU relating to said. ITU pointed out that due to coal and other rawBecause, compared with 2010, unplanned outage times and time for thermal power units have taken place in some indicators, such as certain fluctuations. 100,000-kilowatt and unplanned outage times more than conventional thermal power units increase of 0.06, but unplanned outage time is still reduced by 0.25 hours. 40,000-kilowatt reduce the number and above non-planned outage for hydropower, 0.19, but non-programmeTotal outage time increases the 3.03 hours. Electricity shortfall this summer is expected to reach about 35 million-kilowatt, Secretary of the leading party group of the Federation of electric power enterprises in China Sun Yucai, said growth slowed, thermal coal for thermal power machine to uncertainty factors such as water supply, electricity and water, is expected this year to meet summer peak about extreme cases will have a 35 million-kilowatt of electricity shortfall, power shortagePotential render the situation more complex, arduous tasks of safe and reliable supply of electricity. Planning studies under the ITU, is expected to "Twelve-Five" the end of national electric power consumption of machine and the entire society will reach 1.463 billion kWh and 6.31 trillion kWh above. During this period, power and power grid construction continued and rapid development, baiwanqianwa ultra-supercritical units,New energy generation technologies, such as next-generation nuclear power equipment, will be the focus of incremental development. In this situation, planning, design, manufacture, installation and operation reliability of the links will lead to severe tests. Electric power reliability Management Center has started with the development of hydropower devices reliability evaluation rules, plans to complete by the end of next year, and the wind power generating equipment reliabilityEvaluation point plan to increase next year for the electric power industry standards. In addition, new energy for solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, fast development, ITU will also build on the full investigation, development of appropriate standards of reliability evaluation. 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