2012年6月8日 星期五

for the third consecutiveMonth fell. 6th and 7th Diablo 3 power leveling for the third consecutive

129834176523858750_35This week, including Ou Ying Bank, Canada's Central Bank and the Australia Federal Reserve as well as the Korea Central Bank will focus on the income. Markets expected Australia fed 5th cut interest rates by 25 basis points to 3.5%, Canada's Central Bank, the European Central Bank and the United Kingdom's Central Bank will continue to maintain interest rates unchanged this week. However, more and more analysts expected Diablo 3 gold, the European Central Bank will cut interest rates or the introduction of newRound of long-term refinancing operation (LTRO), and the United Kingdom's Central Bank was likely to new purchases of financial assets of 50 billion pounds to 375 billion pounds.   As emerging economies on the income of the most closely watched this week, Korea does not rule out 7th interest rate cuts by the Central Bank, Korea 3rd, the Government stressed that economic policy would be more concerned about growth. In addition to interest on the meeting, Federal ReserveChairman Ben Bernanke 7th will testify at the Congressional Joint Economic Committee on the Economic Outlook. After one day, the Fed will issue a measure United States economic performance of brown paper.  At present, the expectations the Federal Reserve will extend to reverse operations or launching another round of quantitative easing programme (QE3) has increased the number of analysts. Global wind speed sudden turn last week set to disclose the bad economic numbersAccording to become a global easing of interest on the surge is expected this week, "dark flow surge" reasons. According to the last week of China, Europe and the United States manufacturing purchasing managers ' indices are landslides, rebound in us and European unemployment rate, United States economic growth and weak property market data are expected, especially on June 1 in May United States non farm employment data (new posts 6.70,000, the unemployment rate for 8.2%), makes the market for United States expressed deep concern for the sustainability of economic recovery. Entering this week, the Asia-Pacific stock markets and currency exchange rate taking on last week's decline, the market trend is clearly suppressed by the bad economic data. Where clearance in 4th position of the Australian dollar against the US dollar rose to record highs, according to United States commodities futures exchange data, 529th Australian dollar against the US dollar contracts NET short position open at 35,527.  In May Diablo 3 CD-KEY, the Australian dollar exchange rate against the dollar is down more than 5%, which in addition to indicate that lack of market confidence in the global economic recovery, Australia Federal Reserve rate cut this week was expected to be another important factor. According to a Bloomberg survey of economists, by a majority of economists believe oFederal Reserve will cut interest rates by 25 basis points in interest on the meeting of the 5th to 3.5%, some economists also expect it to be cut to 3.25%. The Bank has sharply cut interest rates by 50 basis points in early last month, larger than market expectations. In addition, Australia last week, the Fed Chairman said, as Australia's largest trading partner, Chinese economy due to reduced market demand in Europe and in the near future "Significant slowdown ", suggesting that further interest rate cuts to prevent weak external economic shocks.  Or a further easing of the Federal Reserve now has a growing number of analysts betting Ou Ying easing of bank or the introduction of new, or even cut. According to a Bloomberg News survey, analyst at 58 per cent, 11 European Central Bank was expected to fall in the week's benchmark interestRates by 25 basis points to 0.75%, making this prediction include Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland TERA CD-key, France and Pakistan banks and analysts at Credit Suisse Group, Deutsche Bank analyst even expected the line west of steep interest rate cuts by 50 basis points to 0.5%. United Kingdom Bank, four institutions such as Deutsche Bank and Citigroup analysts expect the Bank of England in this week's new quantitativeTotal 50 billion pounds to loose size 375 billion pounds, while the remaining 38 analysts are expected to maintain the current scale invariant.  According to the United Kingdom in May Manufacturing PMI substantially 45.9 per cent from per cent in April, indicating that the country's economic direction will appear sharp. Korea, despite the worrying rise in inflation expectations are still impeding Korea Central Bank cuts mainFactors, but in view of the country's weak economic data clearly, perimeter increasing risk, analysts say, the Bank may cut interest rates during the year. Korea's Finance Minister in the 3rd, the Government will focus on policies to stimulate economic growth and provide more financial support for small enterprises and exporters. Data show that in May this year Korea exports fell by 0.4%, for the third consecutiveMonth fell. 6th and 7th, publish the Beige Book of the Federal Reserve and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's Congressional testimony will become the focus of market attention this week. Period, Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank to United States address the economic situation and provide recommendations on monetary policy. Analysts said even if the Fed does not explicitly release the loose signal this week, reversing the operation at the end of this month toEspecially before the next meeting on the income in the period (May 21), the Fed will retain the launch of a new easing of time window. Reorient the financial markets Chief Strategist and head of research at paerpate 4th said in an interview with Bloomberg, in view of the current United States economic recovery is fragile and the European debt crisis to attack again, fed launch QE3 already is "finishFor sure "thing. And Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse have in recent days this month to reverse the actions of the Federal Reserve more stimulus measures introduced after the expiration of the chances which estimate much higher to 50% of before. Others:

