2012年6月15日 星期五

eventually lost the series SWTOR CD-key eventually lost the series - CXDM

129836429909687500_60Expert: LBJ Bobcat win Wade Pippen heat is also the Emperor Yeah sporting June 8 report: heat in the East finals 6th team beat Celtic in a battle, saving match point, pulling into a total score of 3-3 between the two sides SWTOR CD-key, it means that the East will have to grab qilai decide victory or defeat in the finals. Le Blanc today cut 45 Super data points, 15 rebounds, 5 assists, experts praise to him. NBA SBN websiteHome-Tom Ur said: "I am very confident that, even today the Le Blanc and Bobcat team can win the game. "" Le Blanc also very smart today, in the final minutes when he tried to get the Pos or look for status, preparing to 7th war game, "says expert David Aldridge of the NBA's official website. "Coffin now settled。 This heat is the team of Le Blanc. Wade? He was Pippen, "Dallas Mavericks team of reporters, daowen-Ripley said. Le Blanc brothers is still very low, only 6-17. Wade Diablo 3 CD-KEY, the US media have criticised and ridiculed. "Mobile looks like Dwyane Wade on the Court as he settled a thunder-Allen's legs," InsiDeHoops said on their official Twitter. "Dwyane Wade in a heat player value/efficiency-even leading the team, he's worse than the stealing of tax fraud, forgery," ESPN expert Ethan-Strauss said. He is Dwyane Wade 23 efficiency values of today, this means that when Wade was present when heat to win the Celtic23 points Diablo 3 power leveling, but from Wade's performance, wouldn't be able to bring so much good to heat. This match referee blows fine and there some dispute occurred, for example, some technical foul blows fine, including Le Blanc hit the ball was blowing when t, many experts to speak for Le Blanc. "Le Blanc hit down on the ball because he is angry at his defensive performance,But for the referee, and read out the player's mind is not their job, "said FOX Sports ' Chris-Gabriel Thomson. "Le Blanc has a t, due to his dissatisfaction with himself and team-mate," IRA-Undeman of the Sun Sentinel said. Now heat will return to their home to the 7th war, it is beneficial to them. Although in the past the 2-3 behind Le Blanc's team without a reversal in the context of successful, better performance and only led to the 7th field, eventually lost the series, but now he has the opportunity to overwrite the record. "Le Blanc not now at least 5 years for the 3rd time in Boston was eliminated, but he won the 7th war can be avoided only if 3 degrees in 5 years is green shirt out," says Chris-Gabriel Thomson。 Others:

China's tourism industry is in a stage of rapid and sustained growth SWTOR Power Leveling China's

129836519533281250_150Guosen securities: the active layout may appear high season prices Guosen securities on June 8, publish research reports, statistics showed that throughout the tourism sector in June in the history tends to run to lose the market, 6 of them running lose, 4 time beat, law is not very notable. February-May, the plates one-month rates of basic interpretation of history about the event. Short term SWTOR Power Leveling, the annual travel most popular season is approaching Diablo 3 gold, and trade policies to benefit expected strong;The long term, China's tourism industry is in a stage of rapid and sustained growth, tourism sector focused on corporate performance with good stability and rapid growth is expected. Sector quarterly earnings growth of up to 80% (excluding travel to countries the growth 29%), Fundamentals of steady growth also reflects plates. Guosen securities believes that because of the tourism sector in particular in January-May this year focused on companiesRuns to lose the market significantly, relative valuation pressure has been released more, so in June of this year relative performance estimate of plates will not be too bad, can be seen as layout season good time to market in the third quarter Diablo 3 CD-KEY, recommended time bargain holdings focus on individual stocks. Others:

information TERA Gold information - TCYO

129838042576718750_119 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/tera/">TERA Power Leveling</a>Barcelona's official website: death of legendary shooter today and Kubala fought side by side According to Barcelona's official website said the Club legend striker Luis Claudio Arrau on Friday about the death, at the age of 82. Arroyo (information) Aarau about was born in 1930 in shengtakeluoma, trained in Barcelona youth training system, from 1950 to 1954, working for Barcelona. When Barca team of talented, with buses Sulla, Cesar TERA Gold, Kubala, Vera, MOReynolds and Maccio star. As a striker, Claudio Arrau about and has the appearance of too much chance. Effect of Barcelona four years only played 24 games, but attacking the 18 goals. Help team won the Latin Cup winners, League champions twice, three times Spain Cup champions twice and Eva de Anti Cup champion Diablo 3 power leveling, is that time Barca legends of five crowns a brilliant marksman. Claudio ArrauAbout 1954 to leave Barcelona, Oviedo has effect, Gaddis, Banco Sabadell and Philip gray teams. 70 's of the last century Aarau retired after serving about return to Barcelona, responsible for the Barcelona youth training system until his retirement. Others:

for unit employees in the private sector TERA Gold for unit employees in the private sector - YEXF

129836519738906250_572Finance: the incomes and economic growth Reporter learned from the Ministry of yesterday, Finance Minister Xie xuren recently expressed in the Chinese financial association 2012 annual meeting, we must strive to achieve income growth and economic growth, growth in wages and labour productivity improved synchronization, and effectively curbed the expansion of income distribution gap, speeding up the formation of rational and orderly pattern of income distribution. Reducing the income tax burden on national income distributionIs the current issues of common concern in the community. After frequent stance of the Central, the reform of income distribution system, regulating income distribution order. "To study and improve the system of personal income tax, actively promoting the comprehensive combination of classification and collection and management of individual income tax reform, enhance tax source monitoring and taxation, reduce the tax burden of low-income people, increase the intensity in the regulation of high income. "Xie xurenCall, better regulation of tax on income distribution. At the same time, perfecting mechanism of improving residents ' spending power. Study on an equitable and sustainable social security systems, formation and perfection of the social security system. Xie xuren, think we need to optimize on the subsidy policy of the rural and urban low-income groups, improve social assistance and protection standard with linkage mechanism linked to rising prices, reducedEffect of rising prices on the disadvantaged groups to basic life, improving the transfer payment policy for low-income groups. In addition, the Deputy Finance Minister Wang Baoan in the meeting said, "to perfect the system of wage study, establish a mechanism for regular pay increases, steadily raising the minimum wage, and actively create conditions to increase residents ' income from property, expand the income sources and researchConstruction of universal sharing of the proceeds of the mechanism of transfer of public resources. "The expansion of income distribution gap in China in recent years, seriously affected the healthy development of the economy and social stability, and narrowing the gap between rich and poor has become a focus of attention. Wang Baoan said, to intensify the tax regulation, reducing the gap in income distribution. Deepening the study of the consumption tax and property tax, gradually promote the construction of property tax system;Study on levying social security tax. Tall stand residents ' incomes many times in fact, mismatch problem for national income and economic growth, national senior had repeated stance. After the suggestions of the CPC Central Committee on formulating Twelve-Five plans mentioned for the first time in their efforts to achieve economic development and income growth, earnings growth, and productivity to improve synchronization. This yearSince the State leaders were shouting out many times about this. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of the State Council on March 14 at the session of the national people's Congress said at the press conference, held five meetings to ease first to increase the income of urban and rural residents income distribution gap, increase in the minimum wage, the income of urban and rural residents can adapt to economic growth and increased productivity. Subsequently, the CPC Central Committee politicalCouncil Standing Committee member and State Council Vice Premier Li keqiang said on April 2 at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012, will focus on improving living standards and quality, building a social security safety net, promoting Equalization of basic public services wow cd-key, encouraging employment business, efforts to achieve economic development and income growth, improving residents ' spending power, expanding domestic demand. Experts say "Economic downturn affecting the residents ' income, "Liu Huan, Vice President School of the Central University of finance and tax on the Beijing news reporters yesterday, at present China's economic growth fell, declines in economic growth is bound to affect the growth of income. In the case of economic downturn, how to ensure that income growth to become the current challenges. Main investment for economic growth in the past, and past castMode of the Chinese economy, failed to have a positive impact on income. Should be put into the driving population growth areas in the future. In his view, the present situation of China's national income was unreasonable, first of all, economic growth exceeded income growth and income falling share of earnings in, dropped to 90% at the beginning of the founding of the 35%-40%, ordinary laborers deteriorating levels of income, earnings growth rates lower than capital income growth. To resolve these issues, to change Governments, businesses and residents in the primary distribution of income distribution. Effective measures the Government big tax cuts, but if you continue the current tax system, this situation cannot be effectively resolved, under the existing system,Tax can only charge more. Link "prices reasonable return" Beijing times said Xie xuren in Chinese financial association 2012 annual meeting, will facilitate the construction of the real estate market regulation and the affordable housing program. Focuses on improving institutional mechanisms to discourage speculation, investment demand, further consolidation of control results, prices reasonable return. In the context of economic growth,Departments of the Central Government frequently introduced measures to steady growth in the near future. Many people fear to stimulate economic growth, on the regulation of real estate or to relax again, repeat of 2009 home prices skyrocket scene. In this regard, experts say, three years ago in response to the economic crisis, relaxing real estate asset price bubbles and other consequences of the policy has not been eliminated, even in a climate of stable growth, policies toAdhere to the regulation of real estate. Xie xuren said yesterday, the current, is still faced with many difficulties and challenges of economic and social development. Economic development in the unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable contradictions and problems remain, from uncertain, unstable factors still exist in foreign countries. Downward pressure on economic growth, prices are still high. But he said the real estate market regulation now inKey stages, will continue to promote the construction of the real estate market regulation and the affordable housing program. Focuses on improving institutional mechanisms to discourage speculation, investment demand, further consolidation of control results, prices reasonable return; study on construction of affordable housing and affordable housing security, construction, distribution, management, and exit system research real estate tax reformTo promote long-term, stable and healthy development of real estate markets. Statistics Bureau: wage gap in China at the China Institute of fiscal 2012 annual meeting, Finance Ministers and Deputy Ministers are talking about, on the widening gap of income distribution in China, in fact, figures released by the National Bureau of statistics recently backed up this claim. National Bureau of statistics of population and employment Secretary Mr Frederick FUNGNailin said on May 29, current gaps in China's regional disparity of wages, industry, job gaps still exist, some performance was outstanding. Deepening the reform of income distribution system, efforts to reverse the trend of widening income gap, difficult and arduous tasks. Should establish a mechanism for regular pay increases, income from investing in middle and low income wage. Feng Nailin that, urban non-privateBusiness units fully employed staff and workers in the total employment 40.5% manufacturing and construction of fully employed staff and workers are concerned, its annual wage is not only far less than the $ 91,364 in the financial sector, is better than average wage levels are respectively $ 5,958, and $. He introduced, for unit employees in the private sector, and its annual average wages lower, only to the non-private units in cities and towns on the job levelAverage 57.8%. National Bureau of statistics, released May 29, according to 2011 non-private units in cities and towns throughout the country average wage of fully employed staff and workers of $ 42,452, and private employees in cities and towns throughout the country annual average wage of $ 24,556. Non-wage levels in the private units in cities and towns throughout the country were 1.73 times times the wages in the private sector.From the industry, both non-units and private flats in the private sector, wage and minimum wage industries are very consistent, industry, information industry, and electric power industries have the highest wage level, farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing, accommodation, dining and social organizations in these industries wage levels are lower. Published in all industries TERA Gold, non-wage level is significantly higher than in the private sector flats in the private sector. CollectionInto the industry with the highest financial sector Diablo 3 gold, in the industry, employee's annual wages of $ 913.64 million for non-private units, and private units of this figure is $ 28,884, the former is the latter nearly 3.2 times. Others:

06-05 Rift CD-key 06-05 - XZWX

129833943159687500_294Electricity shortfall this summer's biggest will be 35 million-kilowatt 2012 national electric reliability oversight management work Conference held today and the reliability indexes of power Conference was informed that: "Eleven-Five", our generating unplanned outage number continued to decline, 10,000 volt user power supply reliability rate significantly higher average, annual average number of power outages and time of urban and rural users are falling. Urban TERA Gold, rural electricity and lessITU statistics indicate that, compared with 2006, 10,000 volts in 2011 national cities average of power supply reliability rate from 99.849% to 99.92%, equivalent to the user average time hours reduced to $ 13.191-hour blackout; 10,000 volts average reliability of power supply in rural areas throughout the country from 99.563% to99.79%, equivalent to the user average time drops to 38.3 hours 18.43-hour blackout. Level of reliability of power supply in rural areas is still very unbalanced. Highest levels of reliability of power supply in rural areas in North China, East China region, average power outage time 14.32 hours and six hours, respectively. Reliability of power supply in rural areas is a region in the South of the fastest upgrade, usersPower outage time of 27.69 hours per cent decrease of 2010. Insufficient power supply, weak still insufficient restriction reliable power supply in power supply system in rural power grid, has become a significant cause of power cuts. ITU statistics indicate that in 2011 all regions of the country because the system is low on power, there were varying degrees of power cuts, southern regional low power limitedThe longest average is 52.2 minutes/year, followed by the central region Rift CD-key, for 40 minutes on average per year. From the provinces, 2011 a total of 17 provinces brownouts due to insufficient power supply, power rationing is the longest in Guangxi, average time of rationing of 6.18 hours/year, followed, Shanxi, Hunan, Chongqing and so on. Failure power failure, non-restrictedScheduled power cuts, are two major causes power outages in rural areas. Reflecting the construction of rural distribution network in China to be further strengthened, in rural power grid is still relatively weak, poor contact between the lines and for lack of capacity, overhauling inefficient. "Must strengthen the distribution network and power management to reduce the scheduled power outage. "ITU relating to said. ITU pointed out that due to coal and other rawBecause, compared with 2010, unplanned outage times and time for thermal power units have taken place in some indicators, such as certain fluctuations. 100,000-kilowatt and unplanned outage times more than conventional thermal power units increase of 0.06, but unplanned outage time is still reduced by 0.25 hours. 40,000-kilowatt reduce the number and above non-planned outage for hydropower, 0.19, but non-programmeTotal outage time increases the 3.03 hours. Electricity shortfall this summer is expected to reach about 35 million-kilowatt, Secretary of the leading party group of the Federation of electric power enterprises in China Sun Yucai, said growth slowed, thermal coal for thermal power machine to uncertainty factors such as water supply, electricity and water, is expected this year to meet summer peak about extreme cases will have a 35 million-kilowatt of electricity shortfall, power shortagePotential render the situation more complex, arduous tasks of safe and reliable supply of electricity. Planning studies under the ITU, is expected to "Twelve-Five" the end of national electric power consumption of machine and the entire society will reach 1.463 billion kWh and 6.31 trillion kWh above. During this period, power and power grid construction continued and rapid development, baiwanqianwa ultra-supercritical units,New energy generation technologies, such as next-generation nuclear power equipment, will be the focus of incremental development. In this situation, planning, design, manufacture, installation and operation reliability of the links will lead to severe tests. Electric power reliability Management Center has started with the development of hydropower devices reliability evaluation rules, plans to complete by the end of next year, and the wind power generating equipment reliabilityEvaluation point plan to increase next year for the electric power industry standards. In addition, new energy for solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, fast development, ITU will also build on the full investigation, development of appropriate standards of reliability evaluation. [Scroll] European stocks were mixed sight Greece stock index tumbled 5.09% (06-06) [scroll]China will introduce private investment rules for the new article 36 in the first half (06-05) [scroll] national meeting to discuss solutions to the food crisis in West Africa (06-05) [scroll] shell network CEO Ji Shisan: success is waiting (06-05) [scroll] China investmentFunding remains an important aspect of expanding domestic demand (06-05) [scroll] June 5 wow power leveling, 2012 financial news list (06-05) [scroll] China investment is still an important aspect of expanding domestic demand (06-05) [scroll] Li keqiang: biodiversity conservation and strengtheningReasonable utilization (06-05) [rolling]ST United real controller changed Ming Fu (06-05) [scroll] pengling shares in three companies, including on the proposed Venture Board (06-05) [scroll] price war blame to blame the Government subsidies (06-052:14) [scroll] interpretation of NetEase 532: electricity price wars to blame the Government subsidies (06-05) [scroll] Russia not Iran negotiating construction of Bushehr nuclear power plant second unit problem (06-05) [scroll] Taikang life insurance and other misleading sales was ticketed by Insurance Bureau of Chongqing (06-0522:06) [scroll] May national home appliances to the countryside before product sales grew by 4.4% (06-05) [scroll] experts in the eyes of the wage distribution, and employment and social security (06-05) [scroll] Qingdao Beer joint integration Shanghai Suntory brewery business in Jiangsu Province (06-0521:49) [scroll] stocks lower on Tuesday the Dow dropped slightly to 0.09% (06-05) [scroll] regulator: 2.24 trillion last year China Banking factoring (06-05) [scroll] jingneng shareholders injected 9.2 billion coal-asset intended the 1.4 billion of additional shares (06-05) [scroll] sky assets reorganization of business for April, making the purchase of additional 16 billion of assets (06-05) [scroll] fashion changed text record (06-05) [scroll] Zhuhai's hengqin major projects under construction is not affected by external economic trends (06-05:51) [scroll] Indonesian commitment to slash greenhouse gas emissions (06-05) [scroll] Bank level 20 billion debt issued by the people's Bank of China Banking Regulatory Commission and approved (06-05) [scroll] on June 6 bilateral framework of the activities of the agenda of the Summit (06-05) [scroll]Niu Wenxin: China cannot give up the competing capital (06-05) [scroll] the editor in Chief of Vogue COSMO way Xu: fashion requires industrial environmental support (06-05) [scroll] Eaton is expected to 2012 completed acquisition of Cooper industries (06-05) [scroll] East fieldFounder Li Dongtian: boss should not ignore branding to make money (06-05) [scroll] eggs half moon rises near 20% in Hainan price each kilo of 6 or more (06-05) [scroll] party designer Gao Yijing: startups are doing valuable things like (06-05) [rollingFixed] gorgeous: only the greatest consumers can have a great brand (06-05) [scroll] stands on the shoulders of Giants �C grass-roots NGO's venture mentor text record (06-05) [scroll] Wang Lao JI-Guangzhou pharmaceutical red tank receipts exceeded expectations (06-05) [scroll]Russian Investment Fund launched (06-05) [scroll] deliver aircraft will exceed 100 Airbus final assembly line in Tianjin (06-05) [scroll] female executives of corruption more than 42 million dollars in 17 State-owned enterprises were sentenced to life imprisonment (06-05) [scroll] decline in TV air conditioning delisting iceWash the edge of Samsung full rout of China (06-05) [scroll] Shanghai wholesale egg prices up nearly half a month 30% sale by some traders (06-05) emphasized that never waver in upholding the policies | Strict enforcement of the restriction of | Overall in the expected direction of the property market around the tuning frequency synthesizer |54 city commercial House transaction after restriction of high | Developer inventory sold in November [CPI increase forecast]5 months 3.2%| New credit 732.5 billion | PPI drop 1.2%| May consumption increased 14.2% before Spain coal miners strike [financial] stagnation of China vanke: developers enough inventory to sell 11Outlook is not optimistic a month [financial] King disputes along reconstruction progress outside card said it had received a subpoena [financial] State-owned enterprises in Tianjin is aeration for the private-sector debt induced loss of State assets exceeded 2 billion [financial] five senior executives earn more than 1.6 million positive of China insurance regulatory Commission to promote marketing [stock] Xiamen tungsten industry investment of 2 billion out of the 300 billion of the world's largest tungsten mineThe birth of [shares] evaporation 735.7 billion a-shares on the a-share market day, full of the broken end of 998 [commercial] Internet competition: more control out of business school: Regal charging through the [commercial] separation of the top 500 18 woman CEO Maxim Regal 7: nude donated the most ingenious [financial] used car vehicle, bank employee: no deposit resourcesDon't Bank [banking] network pool of monthly income of $ brokerages: brokerage reduced and shareholders independent Xiamen tungsten co found the largest tungsten mine in 2011 United States top ten funds Others:

decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice TERA Power Leveling decline in transaction

129836519535468750_154Agency: cutting interest rates negative short-term impact on the banks insist on defense Central Bank announced on June 7, on June 8, 2012 cut RMB benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions, after the cut, benchmark one-year deposit rate falls to 3.25%, benchmark one-year lending rate down to 6.31%. Agencies generally agreed that net interest margins are major sources of domestic listed banks ' profits, cut interest rates negative impact on banks. Gold subscriptionFor, if a separate investigation of effect of rate cuts, due to the savings deposit rate by 10 basis points for 2012, the positive effect of listed Bank's net profits of about 1% for 2013, net profit affecting around 2%. But consider cutting interest rates and interest rate floating range of adjustment on impact large Bank profits. In the worst case, the listed banks and 20123 years of net profit will have an effect and 4%, respectively. CICC believes that banks invest in short-term insisted on defense, preferred high certainty, low risk of large banks, after the markets Digest earnings forecasts slashed, convert to the lowest valuation of smaller banks, after enjoying the asset quality worries eased, to the return of more than 1 time times the net asset value increases. Shares recommended combination for trafficBank, Bank of China, agricultural Bank, construction Bank, the industrial and commercial bank. [Scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro"The Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: rate cut delivered steady growth in ChinaExpected growth this year, 8% (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll] Guangdong per cent per liter of gasoline SWTOR CD-key, 93rd 7.52(06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission TERA Power Leveling, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] fall in oil product prices out reducing the cost of enterpriseIs a priority (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company soldAll 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: a car with LPG retail prices drop 3Mao (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-0820:46) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not withdraw from China(06-08) [Scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice(06-08) [Scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load deficiency in pioneering new highs in June of this yearReduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) [rollingFixed] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June Rift Platinum, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll]Central Bank interest rate cut bank roll fell to 6.28 times times earnings (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Boost salesKuranari, Kowloon, green city limit's 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [Financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from LiuBrand acquisition the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of FoxconnUnited States Federal Reserve System Others:

prospect of hopelessAs Hong Kong's largest stocks Diablo 3 CD-KEY prospect of hopelessAs Hong Kong

129836519585000000_248Your review: HSBC advance low down 0.94% Bank shares hit the market NetEase finance, June 8-Hong Kong stocks higher after opening lower shocks today, China's Central Bank share under the influence of asymmetric cuts slump dragged down the market. As of closing, as at the close, the Hang Seng index at 18502.34 Diablo 3 CD-KEY, down 175.95, or 0.94%; index of State-owned enterprise 9347.36, fallen 126.1, red-chip index 3695.69Point, reverse, up 23.6 points Rift CD-key, or 0.64%. Big city close to HK $ 53.451 billion. Hang Seng finance sub-index down 1.65%, Hang Seng utilities sub-index fell 1.08%, Hang Seng Commerce and industry sub-index down 0.17%, the Hang Seng property sub-index fell 0.57%. Hang Seng China AH premium index up 0.51% 116.24Points. Chinese bank stocks fell and dragged down the market. As of closing, ICBC h-shares, China Construction Bank h-shares and h-shares SWTOR Credits, Bank of communications, CITIC Bank h shares tumbled over 4% of Chongqing rural commercial bank, Bank of China h-shares, agricultural Bank of China h-shares and h-shares, China Merchants Bank Minsheng h-shares declined the Super 3%. Shares in Chinese small decrease in h-shares. Bank financial institutions a one-year loanBenchmark interest rates 0.25%; at the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times times, adjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate. Analysis known as Cap floating deposit interest rates, lower loan interest rates to fall, lending rates are "drop down" form is actually asymmetric cut. There are four mainInsiders, get deposits from the banks had originally been keen competition, after the adjustment of the monetary policy, bank deposit interest may be floating up of 1.1 times. Banking analysts generally believe that Chinese banks ' earnings in the new deal makes coercion. Netherlands Bank believes that China announced interest rate cuts are expected for late. Under asymmetric cutting interest rates, Bank dividends difference narrowed substantially, prospect of hopelessAs Hong Kong's largest stocks, stock movement restrictions in Chinese market increases. Under the seesaw effect, telecommunications, insurance, oil stocks on the big city the positive effects will be enhanced. Constant Pearl securities analyst, said Europe and the United States after the Central Bank Governor's remarks boosted confidence in the market, people's Bank of China announced suddenly cut interest rates later Thursday, the benchmark one-year deposit and lending interest rates were reduced by 0.25%, which is 3.5 years to cut interest rates for the first time, and a little surprised the market on time. Have a positive effect of interest rate cuts on the stock market, however, from another perspective, the complexity seem to face the economic situation, first of all to be sure inflation has been controlled, and is still a down trend, otherwise, the Central Bank cut interest rates cannot be easily using this tool. However, the Central Bank selectIn the CPI, key economic data released before suddenly cutting interest rates, might imply that the real economy slowing faster than expected. Therefore, based on the above analysis, Hong Kong stocks today continued to move up the possibility of a larger, but rate cuts can only bring about short-term stimulus, the Hang Seng index in the 19,000-point location will have resistance. Others: