2012年2月25日 星期六

rs items for sale 600 - XBC

129742938857031250_197The 1th page: shares of listed companies in effect on February 21, the message list (update) the 2nd page: shares of listed companies in effect on February 21, the message list (update) the 3rd page: shares of listed companies in effect on February 21, the message list (update) the 4th page: the negative message the 5th page of listed company's shares: shares of listed company's negative message6th: 7th page affect the stock price of listed company's negative message: listed shares of negative news of the 8th page: negative news the 9th page of shares of listed companies: industry news page 10th news 11th pages of industry: industry news 12th page: stock news 13th page: security news page 14th securities news 15th page: securityNews 16th page: review of market of shares of listed companies outside front message: energy (600,403) purchase of 7.3 billion investment in coal mines or more than 1.2 billion years of big shareholders profit from Xin NET video transformation of energy (600,403) throw non-public offering plan for today, intends to raise up to 7.539 billionBuy coal-controlling shareholders group of remaining coal assets, 4 acquisition company is locked more than $ 1.2 billion in net profit last year. Plans show that energy intended to be no more than 10 specific investor no more than 350 million private placement of shares, issuing price of not less than $ 21.54/unit, after deducting the cost of issue of $ 7.379 billion will beAll used to buy coal group and its subsidiary, sea energy coal business-related equity holdings; including: Sun group of coal mining, tieshenggou coal ditch of 100% equity 100% equity 49%, Henan coal industry in new equity; Tianjun sea 100% stakes held by the Sea energy. Double forest shares (300,100) $ 60.5 million in ninghaiCounty plot shuanglin shares (300,100) February 20 announcement, on February 17, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions and procedures, participate in activities in ninghai County Bureau of land and resources up for sale, successful bidders number as "bridge block 11-1-1" plot of State-owned construction land use rights, and signed the contract with the ninghai County Bureau of land and resourcesRead books. ����In accordance with the relevant conventions, the two sides recently signed the contract of construction of State-owned land use right. Notice display, the 89,500 square meters, age 50 of transfer, price $ 60.5 million. Companies bid for the industrial land aims to enrich the project reserves the right, in expanding the development space, block the ninghai economicDevelopment zone cheap runescape items, auto parts and platforms of obvious advantages runescape items, the Park a total of 75 auto parts enterprises above designated size, industrial output value of 610 million dollars, has become one of the characteristic industry in ninghai. Hisun pharmaceutical industry (600,267) proposed joint venture with Pfizer established company's total investment of $ 295 million sea is original research of the pharmaceutical industry and the world's largest drugCompany Pfizer's cooperation has been further done so far. On February 18, hisun pharmaceutical company and wholly-owned subsidiary of sea-is Hangzhou and Pfizer �C Pfizer indirect wholly-owned subsidiary Luxembourg companies in the United States California Los Angeles signed the joint venture framework agreement proposed total investment of $ 295 million to set up the tentative name for "sea-Pfizer pharmaceutical company" joint ventureDivision. The company registered capital of 250 million dollars, hisun pharmaceutical industry, the sea is Hangzhou company, Pfizer Luxembourg companies funded in cash, in kind, the registered capital of the joint venture company, 5%, and 49%. In accordance with the business plan developed between the two sides, beginning of establishment of joint venture companies, sea are pharmaceuticals and Pfizer respectively some of their own products into the joint venture company, toEnsure that the joint venture begins production, sales and other business operations as soon as possible. ����Hisun pharmaceutical industry said, hoping to further expand the brand generic drugs at home and abroad markets, accelerating the achievement of integrated transformation and upgrading of raw materials to preparation. Putzmeister 31 heavy industry mergers and acquisitions in all of Europe's approval obtained by putzmeister (PM) certificate of company CEO Xiaoyi 19th in ChineseCoupon newspaper reporter's interview with said 31 after heavy industry mergers and acquisitions, PM as a separate brand, independent management company in China's business and does not change. ����31 PM heavy industry mergers and acquisitions the company's recent progress rs items for sale, Xiaoyi said that dealing in Europe and Germany has passed review, and is awaiting approval from relevant departments in China. Putzmeister (PM)Secretary CEO Xiaoyi 19th said the China Securities newspaper reporter's interview with 31 after heavy industry mergers and acquisitions, PM as a separate brand, independent management company in China's business and does not change. Others:

