2012年2月6日 星期一

129724992316331844_1 - GVR

129724992316331844_1The human wolves vs North American box office success of "American dumb hoties" stamina of foot In the money first, Catherine ・ Haiger in her "American girl" style, the reproduction of her comedic tension. Xiaoxiang morning news reported on January 31 (reporter/Gong Yiqun) has released 3 new film in North America on Friday, and have made decent box office performance. From Ireland starring actor even en・nisen, told oil workers action thriller people survive in the wildsWolf wars, to top $ 20 million in box office performance, the money first and the third man on the ledge respectively, v. Box office champion, thriller starring Kate Beckinsale Underworld 4 slipped to second place. Fourth is action movies of the red tail. In recent years, even en・nisen are winter and spring action movie box office King08 under the hurricane rescue, the unknown, last year reached the top-grossing release in the first week. New film release on Friday of the Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade of world war, three days of the exhibition won us $ 20 million in box office, we are at the top the box office list. This film about the drilling crew led by Liam Neeson in the ride after the plane crash, in the Alaska Wilderness, Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade with the hungry WolfWar stories. Media holding a bipolar view about the film. The New York Times on this documentary gives a 90-, and praised its "excellent production, outstanding effect". On the other pole, the entertainment weekly this film is considered "conventional, and there is nothing new at all". The money first this into the list of new film, by the United States play in the interns ' Grete's "American girl" Catherine ・ starring Haiger.Act in comedies, her influence, and first week of the film for $ 11.75 million won the third seat box office list.

